Hi Everyone
Challenge 2 : Stop debating, let the results talk.
not debating about anything ( unless it is very important ), Because most of the debates that We are doing are not useful, and will not end well, it is wasting of time, energy and some times if not most of the times it makes Us feel angry, miserable and maybe sad because the other participant in the debate is so stupid or He/She just want to disagree with Us without any proofs,
in the other hand almost no one can deny the results.
The challenge will be from 02:00 GMT Saturday, June 23, 2018 To 02:00 GMT Saturday, June 30, 2018.
Feel free to add any suggestions to the topic.
- Warnning : We are not providing any health advice or medical advice, We are not responsible for Any effects that these challenges may create, We tried these challenges before and It was ok for Us, When You take any of the informations here You will be fully responsible about Yourself and about everything, You can consult doctors or specialized people about the challenges before doing Them.-
Feel free to report anything improper or incorrect to the forum managers,
The owner and the moderators of the forum can delete and remove anything that seems improper or incorrect,
Warning : These challenges are not for Pregnant women or sick people, So if You are a pregnant or sick do not do the challenges, please ...