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Dear fellow lying, manipulative assholes

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Holy fuck...

If you haven't watched this one yet...I recommend that you do. 

It actually hurt me to hear most of this. My heart was physically aching because it was like a frickin' dagger was stabbing me right in the ego. Can't argue with it, though. 


And now I feel like I'm totally exposed and that I can be and sometimes am seen for who and what I really am. It was pretty dumb of me to think I was holding up a perfect mask. This exposure kinda excites me though, as well as scares me - Liberation vs Consequence



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How many people do you think actually accept the fact that they’re a lying, manipulative, asshole?  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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1 minute ago, Joseph Maynor said:

How many people do you think acctually accept the fact that they’re a lying, manipulative, asshole?  

I'd guess, not many. It hurts a lot.

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Just now, Outer said:

For them it doesn't hurt, you know  about narcissists, socio/psychopaths, etc? The ideologically possessed for whom lying is a means to an end, it being axiomatic?

Ah yes, the ones who just don't give a shit. OR do they only not give a shit because they're not lying to themselves?

Further down the rabbit hole we go...

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2 minutes ago, Outer said:

Well people who are lying to themselves are just blind-fully ignorant. You had an emotional reaction which is good.

I feel 1 step closer to full-on crazy. What a great feeling xD

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31 minutes ago, Spacious said:

Yeah, I'm a lying mother fucker, and continual working to be less so!!!

The truth of my inner self-contempt, jealousy and secret longings to domination/control were challenges which came up post watching this episode. It's amazing the games the little ego plays to try and smother a situation to avoid seeing your own shadow.

It's mind blowing isn't it? 

I feel a great shift having seen this. I haven't felt 'genuine' for many years and it's caused great suffering. I take a deep breath now I know why. Constant lying. Lies upon lies upon lies.

Well, now to do something about it. 

It's a good place to be, I think.

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