
Yogic diet necessary for deep development?

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Hey guys, I've got a question that has been bugging me for a while now:

Is a yogic/satvic diet  necessary and does it make a real difference in the development of consciousness and well being? 

I don't come from a point of stuffing cheetos into my mouth hole at 2am in the morning... my diet is already cleaned up. However I wonder if I should avoid garlic, onion, ... all the negative pranic foods. 

E.g. Sadhguru says it makes a big difference. On the other side I'm probably not conscious enough to notice that difference. However on the even other side that wouldn't matter if it has positive effects and I just don't notice them. 

Another point is the preperation of food. Sadhguru and others claim that freezing or preparing in advance destroys prana. I can afford the time to prepare my own meals as I work from home. However I could also invest this time and focus otherwise. 

What are your thoughts on this? 


Do you worry about prana at all? Do you avoid negative pranic foods? And what are your thoughts on meal preparation? 

- Cheers

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@cle103 I'm not well versed on this, but Ill attempt to join in your discussion. If Prana was destroyed by preparation, wouldn't conventional store bought food be devoid of Prana also? Oranges and beet can be stored in cold storage for up to a year before they hit the stores. Would it be best to buy local and seasonal if Prana was a priority? Food for thought:)


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I would say just increase your consciousness and your food will change. Just eat now as healthy as you capable of.

I just noticed how strange it is to say to someone. Don't eat something that's not good for you. Or try not to eat the poison. :D like this is so obvious on one side but still people ask this question. :D

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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For most people, yes, you HAVE to take care of your body and detoxify it from years of wrong eating and ingestion of toxins. You the body has blocks, God can't flow. 

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5 hours ago, cle103 said:

Is a yogic/satvic diet  necessary and does it make a real difference in the development of consciousness and well being? 

I agree with @Salvijus  "increase your consciousness and your food will change."

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5 hours ago, cle103 said:

Is a yogic/satvic diet  necessary and does it make a real difference in the development of consciousness and well being? 

I agree with @Salvijus  "increase your consciousness and your food will change."

5 hours ago, cle103 said:

Sadhguru says it makes a big difference.

You can eat  yogic/satvic diet in such a way that it becomes a burden. I have seen people in India who take satvic diet in huge quantity that they can't move after meals. There are people who are obsessed with fasting, and there are people who are obsessed with stuffing themselves. One should eat only to the point where body feels perfectly quiet, balanced, tranquil.

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It calms things down and stabilizes the connections but is not really necessary.

Edited by pluto


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The point with this work is to live a good life and diet is important for the overall health and happiness. 

Just make an experiment. Eat a lot of junk food one day and see how you feel during the day and the day after. Then do it again but only eat plant-based and feel the difference. We feel good when the body is in balance which leads to fewer thoughts and silence.

Is it absolutely necessary? I don't know but since you asking you should definitely try it! <3


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11 hours ago, White said:

@cle103 If Prana was destroyed by preparation, wouldn't conventional store bought food be devoid of Prana also? Oranges and beet can be stored in cold storage for up to a year before they hit the stores. Would it be best to buy local and seasonal if Prana was a priority? Food for thought:)

Yes, that would be correct. Fresh, organic and local ingredients would be best. 


7 hours ago, Salvijus said:

I would say just increase your consciousness and your food will change. Just eat now as healthy as you capable of.

I just noticed how strange it is to say to someone. Don't eat something that's not good for you. Or try not to eat the poison. :D like this is so obvious on one side but still people ask this question. :D

Yeah, it makes a lot of sense. That's kinda what I got on a mushroom trip before. I was just wondering if it is fact that negative pranic foods have an effect, which I'm just not conscious enough to notice than it would still make sense to cut them out (imo). 


6 hours ago, Prabhaker said:

I have seen people in India who take satvic diet in huge quantity that they can't move after meals. There are people who are obsessed with fasting, and there are people who are obsessed with stuffing themselves. One should eat only to the point where body feels perfectly quiet, balanced, tranquil.

Yes, that makes sense. If you eat till you stuffed mostly any diet will be toxic. 


4 hours ago, cirkussmile said:

Eat a lot of junk food one day and see how you feel during the day and the day after. Then do it again but only eat plant-based and feel the difference. We feel good when the body is in balance which leads to fewer thoughts and silence.

Is it absolutely necessary? I don't know but since you asking you should definitely try it! <3


I don't think I need to eat junk food for a day to know that I will feel shitty :D I tried to leave out onions, garlic, etc. however I did not notice any real difference. But then again maybe I wasn't looking close enough. 

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8 hours ago, cle103 said:

Yes, that would be correct. Fresh, organic and local ingredients would be best. 


Yeah, it makes a lot of sense. That's kinda what I got on a mushroom trip before. I was just wondering if it is fact that negative pranic foods have an effect, which I'm just not conscious enough to notice than it would still make sense to cut them out (imo). 


Yes, that makes sense. If you eat till you stuffed mostly any diet will be toxic. 


I don't think I need to eat junk food for a day to know that I will feel shitty :D I tried to leave out onions, garlic, etc. however I did not notice any real difference. But then again maybe I wasn't looking close enough. 

I eat plant based food including onion and garlic. I lived with a master in India and he ate onion but never garlic. I asked him why and he said that he doesn’t ask questions, he trust the Gurus recommendation (Ramana). 

Yogis like that eat no egg nor meat but they use milk sometimes. 

I like onion and garlic and I haven’t experienced any side effects of eating it :) I still don’t know why it may be negative. I don’t drink milk. 

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@cirkussmile Thanks, funny enough that's exactly the same as I do. 99% plant based, no garlic and every couple of weeks some ice cream haha

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I've been working on my diet for over two years.. but I just realized (over the past two or so months) that it's actually the other way round. my intuitive food choices are becoming more clean and simple with my increasing awareness <3 more and more towards lots of fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds 

whatever arises, love that

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3 hours ago, phoenix666 said:

I've been working on my diet for over two years.. but I just realized (over the past two or so months) that it's actually the other way round. my intuitive food choices are becoming more clean and simple with my increasing awareness <3 more and more towards lots of fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds 

Yes! I find that accurate in my own experience. I want to be clean!! Inside and ouside :)

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The thing about garlic, onion, leeks. chilies and other "heavy" herbs/spices specifically in Mustard Oil are that they are too stimulative and taxing on the Nervous System and also the bodies Organs. These foods are more for Medicinal Use and daily use could become lethal to the Mind and Organs especially Intestinal Tract because they work more as Natural Antibiotics. Heavy use can damage nerves and also intestinal tract which does not allow important B vitamins and B12, Iron and other important compounds to absorb and circulate efficiently in the body thus why many vegans or people that use heavy onion and garlic daily have deficiencies with B12 and Iron specifically.

In the spiritual standpoint as it effects the nervous system your mind chatter becomes 10fold overtime compared to someone who eats more simple and less herbs/spices and heavy/medicinal foods. My mother and aunt consume these foods daily and from morning till night they never stop talking, literally they even talk to themselves when no one is around, their nerves are on overdrive all the time and without their daily dose of these foods or coffee they have HUGE mood swings.

If you think about it, its very simple. Our Nature shows us what is good for us and what we should only eat very little off. When we bite an Apple or A Potato for example, we can eat a lot and feel fine, the flavor is balanced and there is little to no reaction in our mouths/senses/body.

On the other hand, if you try to bite a raw onion or garlic or chilli or anything in that heavy/strong category, the reaction of the mouth/sense/body ect.. will be HUGE! This is nature telling us this food should not be consumed in large quantities because our body is having a powerful reaction.

Its common universal sense. Follow your Nature, shes the best teacher you will ever find.


Edited by pluto


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19 hours ago, pluto said:

If you think about it, its very simple. Our Nature shows us what is good for us and what we should only eat very little off. When we bite an Apple or A Potato for example, we can eat a lot and feel fine, the flavor is balanced and there is little to no reaction in our mouths/senses/body.

That makes sense. However does cooking change that? I couldn't eat a raw onion. However I could eat a cooked onion even though it may not taste great.


19 hours ago, pluto said:

Heavy use can damage nerves and also intestinal tract which does not allow important B vitamins and B12, Iron and other important compounds to absorb and circulate efficiently in the body thus why many vegans or people that use heavy onion and garlic daily have deficiencies with B12 and Iron specifically.

 Isn't it so that vegans are B12 deficient bc. of the lack of meat in their diet? It would be new to me if e.g. garlic blocks absorption. 

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@cle103 Cooking seems to reduce these effects but daily use still builds up over time. You would have to experiment and see what works best for you.

On the contrary, Vegans and Vegetarians based on most recent studies are actually less deficient in B12 than humans who choose a more carnivorous/omnivorous diet as they require much more "heavy" herbs/spices to mask the flavor of meat and animal products and are usually less health conscious then those on a more frugivorous/herbivorous diet.

This link explains in detail quite well

Edited by pluto


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12 hours ago, pluto said:

On the contrary, Vegans and Vegetarians based on most recent studies are actually less deficient in B12 than humans who choose a more carnivorous/omnivorous diet as they require much more "heavy" herbs/spices to mask the flavor of meat and animal products and are usually less health conscious then those on a more frugivorous/herbivorous diet.

Interesting. Thank you. 

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