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Michael James the badass Merlin makes the room dance - eye of the Sage

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Dream the dream brethren, while your neurons are firing in your brain and the birds are chirping outside. In the silence we go. Like a knife through water presence fills the air, is so sharp, like the trigger of a gun it perforates your awareness, or unhinges it for the better and shows you a Greater Panorama that you can sit and meditate on for infinite amounts of time with no numbers to see. Ouch it hurts because it is split apart, this one undifferentiated field of Consciousness. And lets not leave it there, lets bring it to greater heights with us together on this journey up this high mountain to climb. Lets do it as one for many. Every day counts, and in every mind this is, this day. Mind you.

Dream up the juice and watch it flow to others, ojas in conversion to psychic energy creates a reality more substantial than the relationships of matter. We create a platform and a network together that we can interact with, and one that is discreet, self-sustaining and united, in language communication and central intelligence.

Merlin, tree spirit, face in a wall, fixed psychic eyes of self in another room of darkness and self knowing through others. Dream conductor, closed circle, closed circuit, light still shining behind plane of hole in wall (simply used for 3d distinctions on a 2d plane, a page, words) because relationships still exist outside of the room, there is another life to see as an example, 4d reality, basically. Channeling a spirit, Ramana or also known as 'Bhagavan', Sri Ramana Maharshi. The light that shines on top of him. He is eating a lot of energy as he is eating the suffering of this world by taking responsibility, and wears a long beard to give back wisdom to the world through Michael James aka Merlin (in my opinion). Non-dual baba-merlin saint of westerners. Dead inside, achievement unlocked. Knows how to move the energy in a room as it overlaps time and space, he is a re-aligner of space, a re-stabilizer of the astral plane (in my opinion), as I see his psychic abilities manifest, here in this video it is clear, he knows the hinges and light switches in the room when no one is knowing. He is travelling, and the room is travelling in him, and in the end in the room there is no separation as he eats it all, and in the end in the person they must find their own way of eating.

Edited by Hotaka

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Oh my God, where was my mind back then, my words here are excellent, no ego, just amazement at what came through me. Can't do that now :) 

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