
permanent enhancement through psychedelics?

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has anyone experienced something like that as well?

my vision has improved: colors are more intense, contrast is sharper. the world looks more plastic, more 3D. it was a gradual change, a tiny bit after each trip. suddenly I realized the sum of it all and I am sure, my eyes see the world differently now.

also my tactile sensibility has improved. interestingly, that went the opposite way. it wasn't a gradual enhancement, it happened suddenly after one single trip. everything felt smoother and softer. I was quite surprised when that heightened sensibility didn't fade after a week. it's still here and Iove it.

food is tasting better an better, specially fresh fruits.

it's probably because of many things I've integrated in my life (mindfulness, meditation, yoga..) but I feel like psychedelics enabled that quantum leap which made the change tangible and impossible to go unnoticed. 


whatever arises, love that

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Sadly it does seem to fade for some.. who know's maybe not in your case - for me after a couple of weeks.. don't know what it was, maybe it's an initial rewiring... for me didn't last, didn't go away entirely but also not as strong as first couple of weeks

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How many times you take psychedelics before you hve that effect? And what psychedelic should you suggest?

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i preserved the ability to see the "meaning of things" from an lsd trip.

for example i have a brother and he always laughs at "funny" to him things. i dont laugh mostly when i see these things with him but i recognize what conscious state he might be in, in which that particular thing is funny, i see the "funniness" of it that he sees.

i also notice the "story" feeling of everyday life. what i mean by that is that there is reality, which has no particular meaning, but we see it as something that has meaning. we see the meaningless objects but we give a certain taste to it, with every perception if i become conscious of it i can differentiate between the "feel" of the perception and the pure meaningless perception itself.

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You go back into old habits, what do you expect?

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@phoenix666   That's beautiful, man. They've been changing lives for many thousands of years. I wouldn't be on this website and pursuing this path whatsoever without the initial spark that psychedelics provided. I can't think of any abiding physical improvements right now, though. They changed me in emotional and other psychological ways. 

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@Dogsbestfriend but it didn't go away entirely? then it seems to be permanent/persisting as well, doesn't it? the intensity go the change probably depends on lots of things.. mindset, implementation, general 'level' of awareness, trip frequency and intensity, how much we surround ourself with enlightenment work.. 

on one trip I've actually experienced something like a journey through my own DNA: I was riding on the double helices like on a infinite roller coaster. I witnessed a transformation of my genes; lots of bases were changed o.O

I hope you'll experience some long lasting enhancement as well <3

@John Iverson I took about 10-14 trips since march 2017. mostly shrooms and AL-LAD, one time MDMA :)

@Viking wow, that sounds quite intense! and all of that from one trip? beautiful! did you write a trip report?

@PsiloPutty yes, definitively! that's beautiful to's the same for me. butterfly effect, huh? a trip inspired me to become active on this forum, which made me go to a retreat, which again turned my life upside down <3

yoga, books, meditation, this place's all so powerful. but nothing seems to send you straight into oneness like psychedelics :x it's been therapeutic, life changing and a real quantum leap for me <3

whatever arises, love that

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42 minutes ago, phoenix666 said:

@Viking wow, that sounds quite intense! and all of that from one trip? beautiful! did you write a trip report?



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2 hours ago, phoenix666 said:

on one trip I've actually experienced something like a journey through my own DNA: I was riding on the double helices like on a infinite roller coaster. I witnessed a transformation of my genes; lots of bases were changed o.O.


I took about 10-14 trips since march 2017. mostly shrooms and AL-LAD, one time MDMA :)

@phoenix666 , your account of the aftereffects is quite inspiring. Would you say what did you take that caused the DNA trip. 

Also, are there any types of shrooms which gave you more enlightening experiences? 

Edited by astrokeen

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7 hours ago, phoenix666 said:


@John Iverson I took about 10-14 trips since march 2017. mostly shrooms and AL-LAD, one time MDMA :)

How many dosage? Did you microdose it? 

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@Viking wow, really fascinating. you were right, the interesting part happened afterwards. wonderful, that's what we want, isn't it? long lasting effects, something we can take with us in daily life. was that just once or do you experience each trip similarly? thanks, I enjoyed reading your report <3

@John Iverson I've gently built up the dosages, shrooms from 1g to 4,8g and AL-LAD from 75 to 150microg. I would love to try micro dosing one day.. hopefully I'll soon find the chance to do so :x

@astrokeen I have no idea to be honest. I've heard Matt Kahn talking about DNA changes during awakening experiences. and I also read some studies showing persistent changes in neuronal pathways through psychedelics. functional MRI scans prove those long time effects. not that I need scientific proof for that, I could literally feel my patterns change afterwards.. it really feels like I'm becoming more conscious, more aware:x (yoga, meditation and all that probably helps with that as well) but it's cool to actually read that in 'serious' papers xD 

I've also talked to a good friend of mine who is quite experienced with this stuff. he's also convinced that profound trips can alter our DNA and gene expression.

hmm I honestly don't know which strands I'd consider the most powerful. but there definitively is a difference from trip to trip, dependently and independently from the strand I'd say :)

whatever arises, love that

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7 hours ago, Viking said:

@phoenix666 didnt trip since :)

maybe the time is ripe ;) 

whatever arises, love that

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