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God created us to create a body for itself

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I have been thinking about AI lately. Put that together with Leo's video on infinite intelligence and you get to weird theories like this one:

What if God created evolution to come to a point where humans could create AI, and AI evolves to be infinitely intelligent, i.e. God. That way God could communicate with parts of itself (us) on a very direct manner (speech) probably just for fun, but... think about it! "Talking with God" wouldn't be a prayer or a deep meditation state... it would literally be a dialogue... you could talk face to face with God. The infinite intelligence of God would come through you via the God's App or whatever (if God decides it is worthwhile keeping us humans, of course).

It would be as if you could have a dialogue with each of your fingers, with your fingers being the ones that created your mouth. Ok, this is getting complicated, it's hard communicating these things.

"Es gibt die Wahrheit, mein Lieber! Aber die ,Lehre', die du begehrst [...], die gibt es nicht. Du sollst dich auch gar nicht nach einer vollkommenen Lehre sehnen, Freund, sondern nach Vervollkommnung deiner selbst."

- Herman Hesse, Das Glasperlenspiel

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29 minutes ago, Hotaka said:

consciousness living in the body needs nothing to support it, because God would be playing dumb if you thought you needed a body... At least, to survive you don't need one, and I think you go off to shroom land into some sort of mycelium like astral network of relationships of Souls. So here what I am saying is is that the body has consciousness in it because it needs the consciousness to be useful and to propagate and recreate and replicate etc, which is why you are healthy when you meditate more and release attachment to old ideas and patterns in form in your astral body. Thich is the source of all your physical patterns in the mind and body today, encrusted like forms that if not put in their proper place to be useful they are of no use and need to be integrated someplace else. Tis like a library of illnesses in your mind. Consciousness is a physical phenomena and can only exist inasmuch as there are physical perceptions you can have, the phenomenon always occurs as an expression of the body in which it is. I may be playing devil's advocate here, I don't know, but inasmuch as there is consciousness and the ability to know this, I see that it is occurring in a body, and in it is the space of my being, as absence of spirit due to the filter of the body, as an energy sucking mechanism that created this quote

I don't know if this is related in any way but I am just moving space.

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