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What if.

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What if we communicated differently to the way we thought we communicate, what if we were actually communicating differently upon a surface? What if this surface were like a statistical experiment someone is doing on us.

We huddle around concepts and rooms of limitation that are ever greater, but can never transcend to get to the one room within which all of this is happening.

I want to point out and mention that tribal living is excellent and is the source of all authorities and hierarchical structures and are based on universal principles. These principles, if they encompass inalienable rights can be quite effective for order and unity.

Living like a tribe is great and we become 'Children of the Earth'.

Now humanity has gotten to the stage of self-measuring, attempting to create a scale out of 'nothing' or 'everything'. These are all happening in One big family of cycles that has no beginning and no end, which sees all from the 'no room', and is the 'no room'. ∞

Battle of humans with Gods. Humans are trying to measure and predict and use God who is ever changing and can seem dynamic and meaningful. Humans don't realise they are the flawed Gods.

People fear to take responsibility for their own identity in the world and in the universe so they can see life for themselves.

You see yourself in others, what do you make of it?

God knows more about you than you do, when you realise you are the universe you are humble within yourself even to the point of knowing things without knowing why.

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