
Victor Truviano Talks on Breatharianism and the BabaJi State

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@pluto How long do you think he'll live? Just curious of course!

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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@Solace Couldn't answer that even if i knew :P


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@pluto It would create a false expectation :) This post has inspired me to do another fast on Monday for up to 11 days. It feels amazing to have a clean vessel, meditation is deeper, and the connection to life. 

Namaste ? 

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Great Solace :-). Do you guys recommend any books or Videos to get into fasting?

I heard it's smart to start with intermittent fasting because it's not that rough. Do you agree?

What's the difference between a duck?

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If the fast is helping the body, you will feel more energetic; you will feel more alive; you will feel rejuvenated, vitalized. This should be the criterion: if you start feeling that you are getting weaker, if you start feeling that a subtle trembling is coming into the body, then be aware -- now the thing is no longer a purification. It has become destructive. Stop it.

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wow, I'm deeply impressed. how is that even possible.. and they even want us to believe that veganism is somehow deficient. incredible. <3

there really is something alien about Victor...exotic. so open, calm and joyful, like it's a play. wow, I can feel his energy through the screen. I wonder how it must be to talk to him in person:x

have you tried living as a breatharian,@pluto ? I think I've read that in an older post of yours?

whatever arises, love that

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2 hours ago, Prabhaker said:

If the fast is helping the body, you will feel more energetic; you will feel more alive; you will feel rejuvenated, vitalized. This should be the criterion: if you start feeling that you are getting weaker, if you start feeling that a subtle trembling is coming into the body, then be aware -- now the thing is no longer a purification. It has become destructive. Stop it.

Wrong. The purification process (physical, spiritual and emotional) require some level of discomfort, you are bound to feel all sorts of symptoms. Of course, if it is TOO MUCH, take a break, but a certain level of pain is part of the process. I recommend you read some of the work of Arnold Ehret. 

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@Prabhaker Well said, sounds like Osho? although one must remember, sometimes we require to go through weakness/suffering in order to see the strength/freedom. Most fasts start off as quite challenging, but once you get past a certain point, you will feel amazing.

@phoenix666 Yes and i felt great but i due to my lifestyle situations and attachments i still had, i could not embody this path fully so i decided to master other forms of life as well as my service to self was complete, i had a greater calling to help others first.

I realized the level of consciousness present in this state was too early for the masses to connect with so i had to be more closer to their level of lifestyle in order for communication and information to be effective to plant the seeds of truth.

I could of chose to be a hermit completely but i had other plans, so i chose to forget in order to remember again through again another perspective. I must be the most bizarre of souls but that's what i love about myself.


Edited by pluto


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@pluto wow, sounds like you followed an inner calling. great intuition there. you call that bizarre? I always get the feeling you must be the most intuitive, simple, loving and compassionate of souls :) 

thank you very much for your reply. I love reading about your experiences! 

maybe one day your inner voice will lead you towards breatharianism.. who knows, everything goes full circle 

whatever arises, love that

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@Solace I know you will enjoy this information :)




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@pluto That was very funny! You got me. I was using it as a means to a spiritual end, until I realized that I didn’t feel more love than when eating or not, which is like the most important thing. I came across Ramana Maharishi too who said, fast the mind of thoughts, but not the physical body of food, which got me out of the belief system. And then when surrendering to the higher self, I too realized that I had to surrender my beloved control over food, because there must be no ego there to control it when you’re the higher self. 

I really appreciate this, and I’m back to eating whenever my body tells me which is usually once a day. Surrendering down into the heart is way more powerful in my experience. Know thyself, be thyself.

In my life I’ve always wanted to go straight to the most advanced levels, and live to my highest potential; such attitude caused much imbalance which thanks to you, and my higher self, is being purified. ? 

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Likewise and well said, i used to be the same but there is nothing more efficient to your most optimal rate of growth and expansion then completely surrendering to who you are as a "whole"(higher mind-physical as one) and living your highest joy as that allows you to flow with the natural flow of existence as one. In this state of being there is zero resistance so expansion of consciousness allows itself to be as efficient as it needs as there is nothing in its way to interfere with the process of being the best that it can possibly be.

This is allowing ALL THAT IS to be ALL THAT IS at its finest and fullest potential.



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@pluto Everyone should have this knowledge, that is the spiritual path in one post my friend :) I know how to surrender, and I trust that my heart will naturally lead towards my highest joy. 

Thats the beginning and end of the path. Remaining in a state of pure love, through surrender in each moment I feel. Every other piece of the puzzle fits into place, as reality must reflect back to us that vibration of love including our minds belief system.

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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@Solace Everyone does, they just need to shift back in the awareness that sees it for what it really is and that awareness requires total surrender :)

It has been an honor ? 



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