
When you are enlightened - Do "you" remember "who" "you" once were?

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This is a very i interesting question. 

When you Transcend your ego, you transcend your whole story. And you transcend thoughts about "who" you are. 

And once enlightened, when you rest in presence, when you live in the NOW, do you even remember "who" "you" once were???

Because if you die ego death and become enlightened But remember who you use to be, then you at least have the memory. 

But if you will lose every trace of who you were, not even have a singel memory what it was like to be that ego, Then you really really die when you become enlightened :S I don't know if I want to die in such a complete way, at least I want to have a memory what it was like to be me. To end the story scare me very much. 

Is it any middle way to become enlightened, where you can Keep the story of "you" and only kill the other parts of the ego?


Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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Don't worry, you're not going anywhere.

Nobody kills the ego completely. Not that I've ever heard of. 

We can have many many experiences of enlightenment, none of them last, but they deepen your life and suffering becomes less and less and less. 

That's it. 


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@White Sounds great! 

Off topic:

Funny how we both have profile pictures of music icons of the 60's. ?

You think Joplin and Lennon ever met? Maybe they known eachother.. 

Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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There are some audible guides to "past lives" memories.. but its odd how "past lives" could exist.. as you are "living all of your possible lives" at the same moment..

But you could try understand your life as a an inversely proportional life of  "someone else" and you could be directly connected.

Like a quantum entanglement... and this could be what you call your "past life"

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2 hours ago, MarkusSweden said:

This is a very i interesting question. 

When you Transcend your ego, you transcend your whole story. And you transcend thoughts about "who" you are. 

And once enlightened, when you rest in presence, when you live in the NOW, do you even remember "who" "you" once were???

Because if you die ego death and become enlightened But remember who you use to be, then you at least have the memory. 

But if you will lose every trace of who you were, not even have a singel memory what it was like to be that ego, Then you really really die when you become enlightened :S I don't know if I want to die in such a complete way, at least I want to have a memory what it was like to be me. To end the story scare me very much. 

Is it any middle way to become enlightened, where you can Keep the story of "you" and only kill the other parts of the ego?


You remember your former selves as a separate beings. Like lifes on autopilot that you have observed without interfering. You feel compassion for that being and the suffering it had to experience. And yes, unfortionatly, they die. It’s hard to understand it from the opposite end.

Edited by furashido

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@MarkusSweden There are no whos. Seperate entities are illusionary.  Try to remember “you” from years ago. There’s no who there, just memories of experiences, which are also illusionary. 



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2 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Yep.  Just the same.  Same dude, just much wiser and comfortable being me.  People have all kinds of fantasies about Enlightenment that are really a noob thing.  Things change but then also don’t change with Enlightenment.  I am the same dude I was before I ‘became Enlightened’.

We have this

1 hour ago, Nahm said:

@MarkusSweden There are no whos. Seperate entities are illusionary.  Try to remember “you” from years ago. There’s no who there, just memories of experiences, which are also illusionary. 

And then we have this!

Completely opposite versions of enlightenment.  One of you had got to be bullshitting. Which one is It? No offence, but both of you can't be fucking right! Come on, what's the truth? I'm inclined to think the first one is real. 

Edited by White


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@Joseph Maynor ok. Obviously i dont realize it, if i did i woulnt be doing it. I'm open to coaching. What am I missing?

As I said I don't think anyone can reach enlightenment, but can utilize enlightenment experiences to grow. 

Edited by White


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5 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

That’s what you need to go on a journey to find.  It’s called studying Enlightenment.  Leo has a bunch of videos on it.

You said in one of your posts that yellow is enlightenment.

That's not my true from my research because yellow is still an ego stage. Plus there is further development to be gained. The level past turquoise is sometimes called unitive and that's been shown to correlate to the bodhisattva stage (still ego)

Edited by White


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After awakening, it is a complete shift in everything in one's being. One can see all the past and all the ancestors, one can identify with every living and not living things. From a point of view of the ego, one sees reincarnation. From higher perspectives, there is no reincarnation. Because you never lived before so to speak, in this configuration of body/mind. Others different, unique, bodies/minds existed before you. We all identify with the source, only a few are conscious of the source. People can conceptualize enlightenment as much as they want and claim they are everything, I speak from a perspective of practice and experience, that is a totally different point of view, and I don't hope to be understood, is more, I really don't care what others have to say about me, eventually some with get what I say after they awaken 9_9

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1 hour ago, White said:

We have this

And then we have this!

Completely opposite versions of enlightenment.  One of you had got to be bullshitting. Which one is It? No offence, but both of you can't be fucking right! Come on, what's the truth? I'm inclined to think the first one is real. 


There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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5 hours ago, MarkusSweden said:

And once enlightened, when you rest in presence, when you live in the NOW, do you even remember "who" "you" once were???

I haven't heard about any enlightened person who couldn't remember his past. Many of them tell about their past lives and past lives of others. 

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WoW, the dormant still claim awakening is trivial and is just something little that happens to you hahaha...

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2 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

That’s because you live in a culture where Reincarnation is part of the collective Conceptual Understanding.

I know many mystics who can tell past of anybody (present life).

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I identified myself once with being an ancient Titan of before civilization, the famous Cyclops from Elysium (Carpathian mountains). Then I realized this is the ancestral memory of my lineage. 

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2 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Things come full circle with deep Enlightenment.  Nobody said anything was trivial — that’s your overhasty judgment of a few words you read.  

Don't be mad :) This is an attitude of reading too much and having little experience. 

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1 minute ago, Joseph Maynor said:

That’s quite a story.  Get it yet?  You guys don’t yet see the brite-line difference between awareness and thought-stories.  That’s the issue that you need to deep-dive.

Do you have more arguable opinions? Or everything applies only to your experience and your lenses? 

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Just now, Joseph Maynor said:

Opinions are part of the Conceptual Truth Paradigm.  I don’t accept your premise.

Go and meditate then, cause you are focusing only on logic & concepts without experience. 

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9 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

You’re out of your league dude.

You claim to be Enlightened, yet spend your time frequently arguing with people on a forum. Maybe you're the deluded one? 

And again, another thread Leo has to lock out cause of all your fighting to be right and feeding your Egos. 

Edited by Jed Vassallo

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