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Is Self Love As Important As Enlightenment?

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I'm doing lot of self inquiry lately(self love).It helps a lot but I watched one of true scone nature video, in that video he talks about how self love is more important than enlightment. So once we fully love our self we don't need enlightment ?!? Is it true ?

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look into yourself.. How do you resonate with that statement? Is it worth commit youself to it?

How many answer are you waiting for to make a decision?

My (current) opinion is: love is enlightenment.

Love everything, plant, animal, every person but of course also yourself.

If you only experience a short time of unconditional love with whom or what ever,

you see that it doesn't matter anymore if this is enlightenment or not.

Well i may be completely false, but i don't care 9_9

So please don't believe it, let yourself open and love, what's the risk?


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Enlightenment and unconditional love are ultimately the same thing.

But it will take you years to realize that, and true love will not be possible until the ego is kicked out of the castle.

You can still apply self-love techniques now, even if you're very far from enlightenment. It's sort of a fake-it-till-you-make it approach. It definitely helps. But it's not a replacement for discovering your true existential nature. Nothing big can shift in your psyche as long as you believe that you actually exist as a human character. Why? Because it's a bald-faced falsehood. You can't do something deep and meaningful based on a lie.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Self love is a good start. But you can't really unconditionally love yourself if you don't do the same to other, since ultimately you and other are the same. You have to love the totality of being.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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@Leo Gura You have to love yourself 100% to know that. Are you?

Edited by Mohsinuddin

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On 16/03/2016 at 6:16 AM, Mohsinuddin said:

@Leo Gura You have to love yourself 100% to know that. Are you?

But you're Ego doesn't exist ! When you're asking : "What would someone who loves themselves do ?" you're basicly saying to the Universe ( or your intuition ) : "I venerate you and i want your help because i'm not happy." And it responds.

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On 3/15/2016 at 5:28 AM, Leo Gura said:

Enlightenment and unconditional love are ultimately the same thing.

But it will take you years to realize that, and true love will not be possible until the ego is kicked out of the castle.

You can still apply self-love techniques now, even if you're very far from enlightenment. It's sort of a fake-it-till-you-make it approach. It definitely helps. But it's not a replacement for discovering your true existential nature. Nothing big can shift in your psyche as long as you believe that you actually exist as a human character. Why? Because it's a bald-faced falsehood. You can't do something deep and meaningful based on a lie.

There is a difference between something that you believe is a lie, and something that truly doesn't exist in reality.

It's very helpful for a person's humility and balance if they make sure to differentiate between "their truth" and "THE Truth" and keep some space between them so they don't commingle together on a mental and emotional level. 

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'm also not saying you're right.

You might want to do some self-inquiry and deep observation on your levels of certainty and work on understanding how crossing threshold levels of certainty affect your emotion, cognition, and belief. If you have your inner sensitivity developed to enough of a degree you should be able to hone in on the sensation of certainty as it cascades inside you and track it as it changes. I bet if you did that for a month and mapped out it's pattern you'd be much less extreme in your responses as a person. 

We're all still babies when it comes to understanding and wrapping our minds around life. The second you forget that and stop behaving as if it's true, you become a victim of hubris and willingly invite an added layer of blindness to your view.

Hopefully, you're wise enough to understand the value of what I'm saying and not take it as an attack. I hold myself to this same standard of accountability and practice self-restraint with the management of my certainty. I'm not just throwing shade at you from the cheap seats :)

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Both are important and should be cultivated.  I've gotten huge results from cultivating both.  Enlightenment is big and life changing.  Self love is more subtle. Sort of like realizing that spanking doesn't work as a great source of motivation.  You do better when all of you is on board with the hero's journey, even that sinning part of you.  Love your sins to death.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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