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Too happy to be understod!

3 posts in this topic

People can get uncomfortable when a big smile all over ones face shines on them for no reason. Well, there is a reason of course, CREATION. :D

How to handle when people think you have too high ideas about yourself just because you are happy and smiling?

People like to Crash that happiness.

Everyone should be the happiest! How is it not possible? 

Mania? Fuck that shit and those labels. Infinite happiness is the most natural thing there is!

Here's A poem, a stream of consciousness poem that I will write now...


People talk and talk, how can they look so serious I thought to myself.

I can't pick up anything what they talk about, I'm totally distract by creation, so much joy and love. 

Spiral dynamics? Lol WAKE UP!

Can't wipe that smile away from my face. Just too much beauty and humour everywhere. 

Meditation? Lol, just WAKE UP god dammigt, will you? :D

I understand everything, lol, I get it now, I know all the truth in the world. 

Yet I don't know anything at all(of course) 

What the fuck is this all about? :D

Yet, it is perfectly clear what it's all about. 

Yoga? Chacras? Psychedelics? Teachers? Gurus? Work? WORK???


LOL, what work??? :D


Can't wipe that smile of my face. 

Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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An honest smile will see its own reflection, no matter where it looks.
I enjoyed your poem!

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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People are physically suffering because they have unaware muscle strain pressures in the skull mainly and other parts of the body. 

This is the main cause of suffering, disharmony. They want more and more, so they put all the energy in the head. 


And for the happy ones and harmonious human beings, they are usually misunderstood. In my case, many times people think I'm so rich, that is the reason I'm in a good mood even if it rains. Many base happiness on the mind only and the fulfillment of it.

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