Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Blue Examples Mega-Thread

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On 26/02/2021 at 0:16 PM, Raze said:


Its funny how Christians hate totalitarianism yet the Christian God is the most totalitarian of them all, he ticks in the all boxes

-Requires 100% obedience

-Obey or get tortured aka hell

-Us and them, non-Christians are evil

-A utopian society exists aka heaven

-Always watching what you do



Dont look at me! Look inside!

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14 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

You can tell by the tone of his voice he knew that some of these men were not coming back.

Interesting how marines always talk an octave below their resting vocal range.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 hour ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:


The art of cosplay.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:


looks like a cult

Edited by Yali

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Blue reacting to green. 

It's funny how he can't hold back judging them every 5 seconds. 

Edited by fridjonk

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The worst kind of stage Blue Dogma

The crazy part is that he even thinks this is acceptable. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Even stage blue is selling you a training course at the end.

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A Stage Blue documentary about Red/Orange/Green Marilyn Manson.

Excellent comment section too.

Edited by AtheisticNonduality

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57 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

I’m noticing something. At SDi BLUE, God acts as a kind of father figure that people should look up to like how you look up to your own father. People always wonder, why does God care whether or not your masturbate or get drunk. BLUE answers this by stating that God cares whether or not you do these things because he loves you. Just like how a father does not want his son to consume lots of sugar and stay up late, neither does God and so God places these restrictions. The child may interpret the father not allowing him to stay up late and consume sugar as not love, but actually it is love.

Just my observation. This is also why BLUE began associating God with being male and masculinity, addressing God in ‘he’ pronouns.

A person at Stage Blue has not yet developed an internal moral compass, therefore he requires and highly values an external one. This is where God and authority comes in. Which is why most conservatives are very defensive about preserving structures of authority. Since they lack empathy and have no internal compass, they have a legit fear of devolving into animals. Most liberals cannot understand this because they are stage Green which has developed excess empathy and an internal moral compass. For liberals the external moral structures are superfluous and even a hindrance to justice.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Buddhist ultra-nationalists advocating for violent action to preserve their traditions. 

"Only that which can change can continue."

-James P. Carse

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I made a forum post about this in the government and politics section of you want to learn more.

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So traditional that it cannot be anything else than blue. This is also much more healthy than stage orange food.


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On 21/03/2021 at 9:17 PM, Husseinisdoingfine said:

Stage BLUE cringe


In a parallell universe Trump is a Zen master.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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New word learned: Piety level.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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At the beginning of the video, they mentioned how El Salvador has deep catholic roots. This is an example of blue going too far.


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Leo, why weren't the Spartans also stage Blue? I get why you say that they are strong examples of stage Red, but the Spartans were totally militaristic  (stage Blue trait), incredibly disciplined (stage Blue trait), had a well-ordered society (stage Blue trait), heavily emphasized loyalty to one another (stage Blue trait), highly religious (stage blue trait), and completely devoted and sacrificed their entire lives for the greater good of their state (stage blue trait). Also, according to History.com the world Spartan literally means "self-restrained, simple, frugal and austere," all of which obviously typify stage Blue. Do you agree?

Edited by Hardkill

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War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy 

Although Tolstoy himself I would consider him at early vMEME Green, the novel, from what I could see, covers a lot of the power dynamics within the  vMEME Blue nobility/aristocracy,  how people with different ranks in the hierarchy interact with one another, and the gender roles and fixed moral values that they all have to obey...

Here is an excerpt from the book, which is an exchange of letters between two countesses, talking about Christian Faith:

"Yet  since  you  tell  me  that  among  some  good  things  it  contains  others  which  our  weak  human  understanding  cannot grasp,  it  seems  to  me  rather  useless  to  spend  time  in  reading  what  is  unintelligible  and  can  therefore  bear  no  fruit.  I never  could  understand  the  fondness  some  people  have  for confusing  their  minds  by  dwelling  on  mystical  books  that merely  awaken  their  doubts  and  excite  their  imagination, giving  them  a  bent  for  exaggeration  quite  contrary  to  Christian  simplicity.  Let  us  rather  read  the  Epistles  and  Gospels. Let  us  not  seek  to  penetrate  what  mysteries  they  contain;  for how  can  we,  miserable  sinners  that  we  are,  know  the  terrible  and  holy  secrets  of  Providence  while  we  remain  in  this f lesh  which  forms  an  impenetrable  veil  between  us  and  the Eternal?  Let  us  rather  confine  ourselves  to  studying  those sublime  rules  which  our  divine  Saviour  has  left  for  our guidance  here  below.  Let  us  try  to  conform  to  them  and  follow  them,  and  let  us  be  persuaded  that  the  less  we  let  our feeble  human  minds  roam,  the  better  we  shall  please  God, who  rejects  all  knowledge  that  does  not  come  from  Him; and  the  less  we  seek  to  fathom  what  He  has  been  pleased  to conceal  from  us,  the  sooner  will  He  vouchsafe  its  revelation to us through His divine Spirit."

Edited by Bernardo Carleial

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