Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Blue Examples Mega-Thread

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Blue hypocrisy. Having sex with the pool-boy:

This kind of sexual repression is classic for stage Blue. Repression of sexuality leads to sexual deviancy.

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they come off kinda creepy. old swinger couples in bars are always kinda creepy. 

dang... that phone call 

so he was sorta like the wife's personal mister and I guess Jerry got off on this? I don't understand

Edited by Lyubov

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If there any other literary nerds out there, Dostoevsky is about as Blue as they come.

Crime and Punishment is particularly interesting, as it's a Blue critique of a Red worldview.


Edited by DocWatts

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14 hours ago, Lyubov said:

and I guess Jerry got off on this? I don't understand

I'm speculating here, but I think what was really going on was that Jerry was cheating on his wife for years and as a way to compensate they came to this arrangement of an open marriage where each would sleep around with whoever they wanted, but maintain the appearance of a traditional marriage because, hey, gotta keep up those good ol Christian family values.

I get the sense that their marriage became stale and died long ago, and they just never got divorced because it was too convenient to officially be together.

I'm sure we'll hear more stories in the future about who Jerry was banging behind the scenes while all this was going on.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

I'm speculating here, but I think what was really going on was that Jerry was cheating on his wife for years and as a way to compensate they came to this arrangement of an open marriage where each would sleep around with whoever they wanted, but maintain the appearance of a traditional marriage because, hey, gotta keep up those good ol Christian family values.

I get the sense that their marriage became stale and died long ago, and they just never got divorced because it was too convenient to officially be together.

I'm sure we'll hear more stories in the future about who Jerry was banging behind the scenes while all this was going on.

yeah that could be part of it. thing is though there are accounts of jerry talking very openly in a sort of "too much information" sort of way about his sex life with his wife and how they are banging all the time.

Source: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/09/09/jerry-falwell-liberty-university-loans-227914


Longtime Liberty officials close to Falwell told me the university president has shown or texted his male confidants – including at least one employee who worked for him at Liberty – photos of his wife in provocative and sexual poses.

At Liberty, Falwell is "very, very vocal" about his "sex life," in the words of one Liberty official – a characterization multiple current and former university officials and employees interviewed for this story support. In a car ride about a decade ago with a senior university official who has since left Liberty, "all he wanted to talk about was how he would nail his wife, how she couldn't handle [his penis size], and stuff of that sort," this former official recalled. Falwell did not respond to questions about this incident.

Sounds like his thing is cuckolding and sharing his wife. It's a common kink. I think their sex life got stale and they both decided they wanted to swing with other couples/men/women to spice things up.

I don't think there is anything wrong with this if done ethically, like with all sexual relationships, but obviously at their stage blue values this was a no-no so they had to keep it in the shadows and thus it was bound to blow up b/c of this. 

Such a shame... he could live shame free and enjoy his kinky cuckolding desires if he was less judgemental.

Not sure how I feel about the pool boy though. it sounds a little predatory but also it seems a little too far to label it that since they weren't like his professors or occupying some sort of position of power over him in the beginning. They were just a couple in a bar.

Edited by Lyubov

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Hatred towards Trump caused Covid-19:


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2 hours ago, Apparition of Jack said:

Healthy blue vs toxic blue: 

I wouldn't say Jesse is healthy anything at all 


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6 hours ago, Apparition of Jack said:

Healthy blue vs toxic blue: 


Richard Spencer is not healthy Blue. He's basically a neo-Nazi.

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looked Richard Spencer  up and this is the first thing I found,lol.

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@Leo Gura  I meant Jesse Lee Peterson (at least his view on loving everyone) was healthy blue, not that Richard Spencer was healthy blue...

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23 minutes ago, Apparition of Jack said:

@Leo Gura  I meant Jesse Lee Peterson (at least his view on loving everyone) was healthy blue, not that Richard Spencer was healthy blue...

He's pretty toxic too. Dumb as a door knob.

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20 minutes ago, Apparition of Jack said:

@Leo Gura  I meant Jesse Lee Peterson (at least his view on loving everyone) was healthy blue, not that Richard Spencer was healthy blue...

Jesse Lee Peterson is the master of loaded language and black-and-white thinking. Never take him on his word lol.

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On 30/8/2020 at 4:08 PM, DocWatts said:

If there any other literary nerds out there, Dostoevsky is about as Blue as they come.

Crime and Punishment is particularly interesting, as it's a Blue critique of a Red worldview.


I will have to disagree with you on that regard. What happened is that Raskolnikov (the main character) was actually able to see the limitations of vMEME Blue, but he didn't know how to integrate it properly and transcend it into vMEME ORANGE. And because of that (also the fact that he had some money issues) what happened is  that he regresses into vMEME Red and ends up killing a person. And the rest of the book is him trying to make sense of all that...

Another point is that Dostoyevsky was anything but vMEME Blue. In his novels he is very critical about the way society was structured at his time (in 19th century Russia, which was very Blue and Red). He himself was exiled to Siberia to do forced labor.

I highly recommend everyone to go read this book. I'm glad you brought that up @DocWatts ! Sorry if I've been too harsh in my commentary, that wasn't my intention.??

Edited by Bernardo Carleial

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On 9/2/2020 at 1:22 PM, Bernardo Carleial said:

I will have to disagree with you on that regard. What happened is that Raskolnikov (the main character) was actually able to see the limitations of vMEME Blue, but he didn't know how to integrate it properly and transcend it into vMEME ORANGE. And because of that (also the fact that he had some money issues) what happened is  that he regresses into vMEME Red and ends up killing a person. And the rest of the book is him trying to make sense of all that...

Another point is that Dostoyevsky was anything but vMEME Blue. In his novels he is very critical about the way society was structured at his time (in 19th century Russia, which was very Blue and Red). He himself was exiled to Siberia to do forced labor.

I highly recommend everyone to go read this book. I'm glad you brought that up @DocWatts ! Sorry if I've been too harsh in my commentary, that wasn't my intention.??

Hey it's all good, I'm always more than happy to talk about literary works I enjoy, and enjoy hearing different perspectives on this stuff.

Dostoyevsky himself was an interesting case. While early in his life he was a left wing reformer who protested authoritarian rule in Russia (and his earlier work reflected this), his arrest in the brutal tzarist penal system (including a mock execution), broke him emotionally and spiritually, so he turned to religion to pick up the pieces, so to speak. So I suppose you could argue that he was closer to Orange at one stage of his life, but due to trauma regressed back to Blue, where he stayed at the rest of his life.

What's even more interesting is that you can see his knowledge of the Orange worldview reflected in the character Ivan in the Brothers Karamozov, who's a nuanced take on Orange (and the most interesting character in the book). Ivan ends up going insane from having a lack of belief in a higher power after the guilt of believing that his brother murdered thier father. Meanwhile the highly religious stage Blue character Alayosha is the most positively portrayed character in the whole book.


As for Crime and Punishment, I believe the work is meant as a retort to a Nietzcheien (Red) worldview, with Napoleon Bonaparte in particular in the crosshairs. The work shows how self destructive a Red 'beyond good and evil' mindset is, as the main character cannot escape the guilt of the murders he commits, and attempting to avoid responsibility ultimately proves to be self destructive; he ends up turning himself in to the authorities, and accepting a sentence of hard labor for his crimes. Guilt and obedience to lawful authority are pillars of Blue. The fact that he tried and failed to transcend Blue and regressed back in to Red in the way you mention strikes me as true, and something I haven't considered.

Of course if you see Nietzsche's worldview as Orange rather than Red (as I argue it's a nuanced power fantasy philosophy by a man who lacked agency in his own life), I could see how you would have a different interpretation of the work in question.

It was interesting to hear your take on it, might have to give it another read one of these days.


Edited by DocWatts
Spelling, clarity

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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7 hours ago, DocWatts said:

Hey it's all good, I'm always more than happy to talk about literary works I enjoy, and enjoy hearing different perspectives on this stuff.

Dostoyevsky himself was an interesting case. While early in his life he was a left wing reformer who protested authoritarian rule in Russia (and his earlier work reflected this), his arrest in the brutal tzarist penal system (including a mock execution), broke him emotionally and spiritually, so he turned to religion to pick up the pieces, so to speak. So I suppose you could argue that he was closer to Orange at one stage of his life, but due to trauma regressed back to Blue, where he stayed at the rest of his life.

What's even more interesting is that you can see his knowledge of the Orange worldview reflected in the character Ivan in the Brothers Karamozov, who's a nuanced take on Orange (and the most interesting character in the book). Ivan ends up going insane from having a lack of belief in a higher power after the guilt of believing that his brother murdered thier father. Meanwhile the highly religious stage Blue character Alayosha is the most positively portrayed character in the whole book.


As for Crime and Punishment, I believe the work is meant as a retort to a Nietzcheien (Red) worldview, with Napoleon Bonaparte in particular in the crosshairs. The work shows how self destructive a Red 'beyond good and evil' mindset is, as the main character cannot escape the guilt of the murders he commits, and attempting to avoid responsibility ultimately proves to be self destructive; he ends up turning himself in to the authorities, and accepting a sentence of hard labor for his crimes. Guilt and obedience to lawful authority are pillars of Blue. The fact that he tried and failed to transcend Blue and regressed back in to Red in the way you mention strikes me as true, and something I haven't considered.

Of course if you see Nietzsche's worldview as Orange rather than Red (as I argue it's a nuanced power fantasy philosophy by a man who lacked agency in his own life), I could see how you would have a different interpretation of the work in question.

It was interesting to hear your take on it, might have to give it another read one of these days.


Interesting take on Dostoyevsky's story. I haven't taken that in consideration, thank you for elucidating that @DocWatts.

As for "Crime and Punishment". I still take the same position that I've had before. Take the epilogue for example: even after confessing his crime and being sent to Siberia, he still sees himself as superior than the other prisoners and do not understand why they're picking on him, the only moment when he settled down was when he finds out that he's in love with Sonya.

As for Nietzsche... well... he is complicated. I see him as a "malfunctioning vMEME Orange". The reason why I say he is malfunctioning is because of his life story: due to a lot of trauma and mental disorder he developed a lot of hiccups on the vMEME Blue, which in turn he reacts against it very often by regressing into vMEME Red. Ken Wilber describes this behavior as being "An allergy" to a particular stage.

I would love to continue the conversation with you but I think this is getting beyond the scope of this thread. If you like we can message each other up or create another topic that talks about similar concepts. That would be cool!?? take care.?



Edited by Bernardo Carleial

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