Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Blue Examples Mega-Thread

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How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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This whole video is a shit show of inauthenticity, not only by Ted Cruz but the other journalists too, it is kind of scary that so many people actually watch this kind of crap and form opinions and world views.

Edited by Recursoinominado

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Fictional, but a mostly stage red land being taken over by stage blue religion, getting rid of all "sin"

Especially when arresting the gay prince:
- "Ser Loras Tyrell, you have broken the laws of Gods and Men"
~ 'Who do you think you are?'
- "Justice"


Edited by Moon

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it" -Rumi

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15 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

You mock them, but they're getting 10+ attack damage

underrated ahahahaha

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Blue confuses me. 

Mainly because of "justice." 

BLM and veganism and other social justice movements are steeped in the pursuit of justice. Fighting against abuse, oppression and exploitation. Yet all examples listed seem to be mainly, alt-right conservative groups.

Can we move "justice" to green? @Leo Gura

Edited by JessiChell

"Some people, not me, are a little concerned. Some people, not me, feel you...might be...
demonstrating a failure to show appreciation."
-Russell Bufalino

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@JessiChell Blue justice and Green justice are different. Blue justice would be locking up a murderer for life without any chance of parole, so that the family of the victim gets some sense of closure and the perpetrator gets their due punishment. Green justice would be ending systemic discrimination against minorities, so that anyone who wants to succeed can do so without fear of being held back due to their skin colour. Both are ideas of "justice" but one is more based on punishment for wrongdoing whilst the other is based on fairness in social interactions.

Edited by Apparition of Jack

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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@Apparition of Jack Oh thank you, thank you. :)

Edit: so... it's not real justice then. The blue justice? It basically goes against the definition. 

Edited by JessiChell

"Some people, not me, are a little concerned. Some people, not me, feel you...might be...
demonstrating a failure to show appreciation."
-Russell Bufalino

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@JessiChell Important thing to understand about spiral dynamics: "The higher up on the spiral, the bigger the circle of concern."

So yes both blue and green want justice, but a blue person is mostly going to be worried about justice for "his people" (that is also why they aren't too worried about harsh punishments since it won't affect "his people"). That's why the blue person struggles with gay rights, minorities, and veganism.

+ There is no such thing as real justice, it's entirely subjective

Edited by Godhead

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@Godhead Ah, okay. Thank you for the explanation.

"Some people, not me, are a little concerned. Some people, not me, feel you...might be...
demonstrating a failure to show appreciation."
-Russell Bufalino

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3 hours ago, JessiChell said:

Can we move "justice" to green?

I would say justice is an appeal to conform to some standard that is held as absolute (like the code of law or some cultural norm). When someone demands justice, he is saying that there is a perpetrator (a person or out-group) who has violated the standard, and that there needs to to be some punishment or compensation to correct things. Saying "justice" signals moral superiority. This seems like a very blue perspective to me.

Green would be more like mediating on eye level between subjective perspectives. I would call the value behind that equality rather than justice. Of course a healthy green person will use blue "programs" whenever the requirements for green are not met (like calling the police when feeling physically unsafe).

Sometimes you see green content in blue structure, don't be confused by that. The cliché of the social justice warrior refers to that, people who are fighting more against an out-group than for a purpose. I would see the structure as more important than the content and call that behavior blue.

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6 hours ago, JessiChell said:

it's not real justice then. The blue justice?

There is no such thing as "real" justice. There are various forms of it depending on your level of consciousness and development.

Blue justice is very real and important. It is stern law and order type of justice. It's more masculine in flavor. A lot of the court and legal system is from stage Blue. Police. Military. etc.

Green justice is more hippie and feminine in flavor. It's softer, more compassionate, less authoritarian, less punishing.

Conservative justice vs liberal justice.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Okay, thank you for your explanation, Leo.

"Some people, not me, are a little concerned. Some people, not me, feel you...might be...
demonstrating a failure to show appreciation."
-Russell Bufalino

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Elmo is an antifa cultural marxist SJW soyboy.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Elmo is an antifa cultural marxist SJW soyboy.

Lol. I never knew that ?

"A great challenge of life: Knowing enough to think you're doing it right, but not enough to know you're doing it wrong."

- Neil Degrasse Tyson

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