Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Blue Examples Mega-Thread

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The host said something like "You won't answer because you feel guilty, isn't that right?"

This made me think, "The host believes Leary is guilty because he himself (the host) would feel guilty and is projecting his own fears/self onto Leary"

You can almost see in the host's eyes that he's not seeing reality, he's seeing his own mind projected onto Leary.  That he wasn't seeing reality clearly.  

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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@Focus Shift he's like an older version of Jerry Springer...   To me, it's like he's putting on an act.  At least partly.  Or maybe he's put on the act so much that he became lost in the act....   Seems to me like he's just putting on this character for his show (i.e., money).  The way he insults his hosts seems inauthentic... like the words he says are harsh, but something in his voice says he doesn't fully believe what he's saying since his primary concern is probably just money.

Edited by Matt23

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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A litany of example after example of Blue nationalism:


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Blue reacts to orange. 
Post by @Forrest Adkins

On 2020-02-17 at 10:30 PM, Forrest Adkins said:

check this out


“Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.” — Proverb

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Some more blue vs orange. I'd say the gay girl is orange.


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5 hours ago, Yog said:

Some more blue vs orange. I'd say the gay girl is orange.


LOL, oh the ignorance :D

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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what seems to be blue vs orange escalates in red vs green. it’s also very contradictory because a lot of the emotions are based in a purple worldview. conflicts oftentimes tare people down into a lower chakra - the developmental stage (paradigm) does not make them lower or higher developed - their communication style is of course part of their tribal worldview and expression - that’s exactly what the woman was criticizing. and that’s exactly where the guy played into. it does not matter where someone is at their cultural spiral stage even if you would live in a turquoise society - these kind of jokes always tare guys down into red - if women answer to that it’s usually to put up a mirror on how developed someone is.


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@remember Yea It became a mixed bag. I do think its important to note that when people from less developed places are pulled up the spirals have a lot more to deal with compared to people from more developed places. EG Europe had about 500 years of dabbling with orange before going deep into it, other countries around the world are just getting it, its natural that this happens.

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@Yog this gender stuff is pretty tough sometimes... i wished all just start accepting each other again - i had the feeling for a long time, that somehow it is alright, and in a lot of cases i think new generations have healed a bit - but somehow i guess it was more illusion than reality. although in reality in some cases it really is getting better. although in others not. so i really hope people would spirally evolve faster, it’s a pretty orange wish. i‘m sick of all this fighting about vegetables. of course i don’t know about others reality but trying to feel into it is already tough as it is.

Edited by remember

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Yea man, it is..... it is.

The cables of gender go far deeper than what most people assume. And ofc they are always knotted in myriads of ways. I am not sure, but to play it safe it seems to me like its an identity almost bordering the identity of being human. Its a child of the master human nodes, to put it in other words. It is at least ... that deep.

Folk will have to transcend tons of things before they can grapple with gender for real. Blue and orange may grapple with gender, even green will, but being something so deep,it will almost always manifest in twisted and knotted ways. That is why, you and me my friend, must go and put LSD into the pot water :P

Oh I didn't post the most important part of the video. Yea, this is actually the highlight, hold your hat :D


Edited by Yog
mor Video

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Chief Minister of the indian state up, Yogi AdityaNath manipulates to justify caste system, A hindu supremacist. 


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Do fictional characters count ?


Edited by VerballyHazardous

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Blue reacting to green ?.


“Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.” — Proverb

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Indians and cowboys ?

Vox has good videos on India ??


“Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.” — Proverb

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"But this makes no sense. The krabby patty is an absolute good. No body is immune to its tasty charms."

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