Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Blue Examples Mega-Thread

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Any video of Ben Sapiro



Bluest moment towards the end

Edited by Kensho

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@Kensho Ugh... Ben Shaprio is the worst of Blue.

It's like Blue cancer, lol.

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@kieranperez Ahahahaha!

Redneck reviewing Eckhart Tolle! You can't make this shit up! :D


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@kieranperez The birther poster in the background is the icing on the cake! Wow...Tolle and satanism in the same sentence. That's glorious.

@Leo Gura After listening to the whole thing, I really hope he never finds your ''What is God?'' video. 

But seriously, this video made me appreciate just how lucky I am to be on this forum and not think it's a Satanist cult. After laughing at him for a minute, I became fascinated by the way he was interpreting Tolle’s message. He really seems like a pretty good dude...it's just way over his head.

Edited by martin_malin

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Hahaha Eckhart Tolle is Satans F****t, jesus christ this guy is deluded, btw I’m a carpenter and I love spiritual books, he has no idea what he’s talking about haha, books like this could change a construction workers life lol.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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"I took a personal interest in the 3% movement following the election of Barack Hussein Obama."

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Is this stage blue? Or maybe somewhat misguided stage green?


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