Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Blue Examples Mega-Thread

1,324 posts in this topic

Hey, ya'll, I need your help!

I want to create a comprehensive list of video examples of prototypical stage Blue thinking.

This is not meant to humiliate or demonize stage Blue. It's meant to be an educational tool for people learning about Spiral Dynamics.

So towards that end, scour Youtube and find all the videos you can which exhibit stage Blue thinking. Try to find videos which are short and sweet. Conservative talk show hosts offer tons of Blue material, but also try to find other unique examples. The more diversity we can display here, the better. Try to find examples from various cultures: Europe, Middle East, Asia, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, Africa, South America, etc.

We will create a mega-thread like this for every stage in the Spiral, from Red to Turquoise. But for now, let's just focus on Blue. Each week I will start a new mega-thread topic for the next stage.

Do not start a political debate in this thread! It is not our goal here to defend our personal political positions or to judge any stage, but simply to compile examples.

Thanks for your help! I'm excited to see what kind of juicy stuff you dig up. Try to be selective with your choices.

This can turn into a really cool list.

Stage Blue values:

  • Absolute truth cannot be questioned
  • Only one right way to live
  • Belief, faith, certainty
  • Objective right & wrong
  • Good & evil exist
  • The devil is real
  • Hard work, discipline, duty
  • Law & order
  • Justice, stability, security
  • Sinners deserve punishment & no compassion
  • Hierarchy, social order, status quo
  • Patriarchy, women serve men
  • Meaning & greater purpose
  • Morality
  • Defending one's culture
  • Culture, tradition, heritage
  • Crusading for a righteous cause
  • Serving God
  • Theology
  • Root out the heretics & traitors
  • Doctrine, ideology
  • Orthodoxy, dogma, conformity
  • Family, family values
  • Obedience, reverence
  • Respect for elders
  • God & country
  • Patriotism
  • Righteous living
  • Honor, principles, moral codes of conduct
  • Good manners, decency, etiquette
  • Finds profanity offensive, blasphemy
  • Dress & hair regulations
  • Prayer
  • Pride in one’s civilization: we are the best
  • Canonical texts cannot be questioned: Bible, Quran, Torah, Gita, Constitution, Upanishads, Vedas, Buddha
  • Holy book is the literal word of God
  • Strict literal reading of holy books
  • Obeying authority: Pope, Muhammad, Allah, God, Christ, Buddha, Confucius, etc.
  • Afterlife, heaven, hell, salvation are real
  • Strict church attendance
  • Ceremony, rituals
  • Sobriety, chastity, virginity, anal self-control, restraint
  • Charity, giving back to my community
  • Loyalty
  • Enforcing borders
  • Building character & moral fiber
  • National identity
  • Cultural superiority

Stage Blue Examples:

Middle East, Palestinians, Zionists, Saudi Arabia, Medieval Europe, Iran, Pakistan, Indian caste system, Puritanism, Confucian China, Islamic fundamentalism, Wahhabism, Hasidic Judaism, the Salvation Army, patriotism, standing for the National Anthem, Zen monastery, Catholic Church, evangelicals, religious Right, Conservatives, Republicans, Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts, Sharia law, banning birth control, banning abortion, banning flag burning, border wall, anti-immigration, witch trials, Crusades, Roy Moore, Alt-Right, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, KKK, Noah’s Ark read literally, Ten Commandments, uniforms, Catholic nuns, Amish, Shakers, The Bible-belt, American South, The Moral Majority, Newt Gingrich, Billy Graham, Rev Jerry Falwell, James Dobson, Pat Robertson, George W Bush, Mike Pence, gay conversion therapy, kamikaze pilots, Samurai Code, harakiri, Marathon Monks of Mt Hiei, Hindu religion, Hindu family, Islamic family, Mormons, Creationism, the war on Christmas, Bill O’Reily, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Fox News, 2nd Amendment, mandatory military service, codes of honor, virginity pledges, nationalism, Victorian England, military families, police officers, firefighters, blue collar workers, Nazi managers & generals, ethos of Starship Troopers, religious terrorism, Spanish Inquisition, imperialism, missionaries, Spanish conquistadors, Magellan, Hare Krishnas, soldier jumps on grenade, theocracy, prayer in school, Communist China, colonial South, Imperial Japan, patriarchy, culture warriors, right-wing talk shows, Romulans from StarTrek, TV evangelists, Bible school, colonial duels, Maoist China, 20th century Marxism, holy war, battles over holy ground, grand cathedrals temples & mosques, protect children from sexual corruption, killing apostates, imprisoning homosexual, unequal women’s rights, prayer in school, sanctity of marriage, Japanese tea ceremony, country music, war on drugs, Ben Shapiro, NASCAR, hunting, confederate flag, Sarah Palin, John McCain, Tucker Carlson, Fox & Friends, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Jeff Sessions, Ann Coulter, Ben Carson, Breitbart News, Steve Bannon, Brexit, Hitler, Mao, Mussolini, Rodrigo Duterte, caning in Singapore, death penalty, segregation, Jim Crow laws, whining about reverse racism, etc.

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Classic example of Blue gone off the rails

Stage Blue vs Stage Orange

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2 minutes ago, sarapr said:

Do patriotic values count as stage blue?

Almost certainly.

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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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There is also examples of blue in fiction (movies/tv) since it reflect our society values.

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@Leo Gura What's the positive expression of blue? 

I remember you mentioning zen buddhism in the initial spiral dynamics video, so I assume it is possible to grow wisdom, even enlightment while still being very much blue (or any other stage)? 

 What are some good examples of positive, high-functioning blue people and arrangements? (preferably atheistic - and yes, there is such a thing as atheistic blue, in my country at least)

Is it the reliable colleague who always comes on time and cares about doing a decent job? Is it someone who gives their life to educating poor children? Is it a before-17th-century philosopher? (I'm not quite sure.)

It seems to me people get really focused on the shortcommings now, and on the limitations they have bumped into. Which is understandable. But whatabout the empowerment coming from this stage? 

Edited by Elisabeth

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Ben Shapiro's reaction to 'Imagine' by John Lennon is the EPITOME of Blue demonising Green.

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This is not a video. But I still think it's very relevant.

Edited by Extreme Z7

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Red/Blue or Blue at its worst


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5 minutes ago, Rilles said:

Red/Blue or Blue at its worst


I already said that to my post, we are in the stage of blue hahahaha, See, that is blue, here in the Philippines is blue stage... but slaughter thingy is a Hyperbolic,.. even Liberal party here that contrdicting Our President's way is also a Blue hahaha, they don't know that... ? The reactions of people on facebook, of right and wrong, is also a blue, Rodrigo Duterte is a way to have a Blue stage for us to progress in to other levels,.. one of the serious enforcer of discipline is him.. other President is not enforcing discipline,.. i see that after his term we will have ego backlash and Liberal party will take off again in the top, and we will have again red stage.. ? Not super red, but imagine ego is not disciplined, it will do what ever they want.. so many decades liberal party here is a hero.. because of Marcos Regime.. Marcos failed to enforce discipline here.. so it made the people very fearful that he will remembered also,. And think Duterte will do what Marcos did.. so that meme is produced by fear , who ever put that, is a person also who is scared of the past... but past is an illusion .. i don't know when will Filipinos realize this.. for now majority of the Filipinos are unconscious... 

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@John Iverson Youre not unconscious. :) Maybe you can use your YouTube channel to help Philippines into higher stages. Yes Duterte is what we call a necessary ”evil”.xD

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Hm I don't know if he is evil, but yes he is nessecary evil hahaha, the news and other stuffs is made by liberal party and people who supports liberal party.. they make a allegations .. like Extra Judicial killings.. if you think of it, it is only produced of fear of the past ? They cannot see the reality as it is they see their fears and their projectionnnnsss ?.. war on drugs here is very serious many are dead , but it is many angles if you think of it that could be the reason of their death.. it could be because drugs now is not easy to sell, the other drug seller fight to each other and kill each other. But they see that the police is responsible of the killings.. and the moral... oh man! Chr and liberal party is pushing the moralsss.. hahaa it is toxic here  with spiral dynamics i can now understand the whole big picture of what is happening to my country.. and to my self whenever i sense how toxic the right and the lefties fighting ?? i have friend before that is unfriended me because before when i am not conscious i am a supporter of the President..and Duterte won because we voted him he voted of the majority of the people here,...  people here want now a discipline,.. like when the day you want to cut your addictions of Porn,.. haha or be disciplined of meditation ,i am now on the bird's eye view  haha it doesn't matter anymore to me the left or the right, i understand the both side, i know that where they are is where they should be.. the are perfectly fine :D i understand them 


regarding of Youtube channel.. for now i make a video topics i want to share.. I don't have yet sony go pro hahaha to be proud of my content,.. I use my IPAD to video myself haha,.. but yes maybe in the future i would tackle a topic to enlightened them..but i already express my self in a way that i lead them . I don't know if i am worthy for now.. but i make videos.. in tagalog language..

Edited by John Iverson

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5 hours ago, Elisabeth said:

@Leo Gura What's the positive expression of blue? 

What are some good examples of positive, high-functioning blue people and arrangements?

Lots of blue collar workers: firefighters, good police people, good FBI officers, decent military folks, tax collectors, post office employees, hard working coal miners, etc.

The 9/11 firefighters mights be one of the most positive examples.

John McCain displays some positive aspects of Blue.

James Comey and Robert Mueller display some positive aspects of Blue.

At its best Blue can be very honest, decent, loyal, hard working, reserved, stable, dispassionate, incorruptable.

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Maybe a moderated wiki would be a more appropriate platform to gather and archive all this information, same with recipes, self-inquiry and meditation techniques. These valuable threads will just be forgotten in a few months and you cant just pin everything

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