John Iverson

A sample Person , that is in Stage Blue.. send a videos here for a sample

93 posts in this topic

37 minutes ago, SFRL said:

But a Feminist can never be stage Red? No matter what they do? They will always be stage Green? 

Because to me that is measuring with different tools, or double standards so to say. 

I don't think you have much direct experience with Family Law, but trust me there is some institutionalized criminal stuff going on a lot of times. I wouldn't call that stage Green. In no way shape or form. 

I had to deal with it, but honestly I am good now, I got my life worked out that situation with the mother of my daughter. And your videos helped a lot to strategize all that. So thank you for that.

But there is a reason why the Red Pill and MGTOW are so popular. They really do make some valid points. Although I don't like to buy into that collective victim mindset.

I guess they can be Red at super extremes, but I'm talking about mainstream feminism.

Just like I would not classify PUA as Red but Orange, I would classify feminism as Green. Because feminism seeks the values of Green for the most part. I don't think your average feminist wants women to dominate men. She wants equality.

And your average PUA wants to bang a bunch of hot girls (which is pure Orange).

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35 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I guess they can be Red at super extremes, but I'm talking about mainstream feminism.

Just like I would not classify PUA as Red but Orange, I would classify feminism as Green. Because feminism seeks the values of Green for the most part. I don't think your average feminist wants women to dominate men. She wants equality.

And your average PUA wants to bang a bunch of hot girls (which is pure Orange).

Yeah I can see that. 

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5 hours ago, MarkusSweden said:

Is feminism a blue phenomenon? You have feminism in Texas? Or is the feministic movement stronger in northen parts of US?

@Leo Gura had a quote on feminism in the beginning of his blue-video, But I don't remember the exact words of it. 

@Leo Gura @SFRL

The core idea of Feminism, is that women are not inferior to men. So, this core idea when looked at in a vacuum is a very Green idea, and mostly presents itself as Green in the average contemporary Feminist.

That said, Feminism is not a monolith, and there are many different schools of thought within the umbrella of Feminism that are at Blue, Orange, Green, Yellow, and probably Turquoise. But I don't know a lot about Turquoise, so I'm not sure.

There is no Feminism that is below Blue though, because Feminism originates as a late-Blue idealogical development. So, as a "technology", it isn't really compatible with any paradigm originating in early Blue and before. This is because society naturally skews polarly patriarchal in pre-industrial societies. But industrial societies (which are late Blue/ early Orange) catalyze the dawning of Feminism as an ideology and are also a sign-post that the pinnacle of patriarchy is on the horizon.

Feminism at late-Blue at its dawning would be like First Wave Feminism, where women wanted to have a vote in the way society runs. But most First Wave Feminists were known to be dogmatic about things like prohibition and sexual purity. And much of the desire to have a say in society at the time was coming from a place of trying to have a say in defending patriarchal values. Modern-day Blue Feminism would be like TERFs (Trans-Exclusive Radical Feminists) or other radical Feminists that believe that we need to engineer society to make men and women separate, to avoid male tyranny. Similarly, Lesbian Separatists are also Blue. These types of Feminists tend to be really out of touch, because society is past Blue in the first place. So, society could never really go in that direction. And societies that are still in Blue would have no tolerance for those ideas.

Feminism at Orange in the past (which was a major development in Feminism) would be like Second Wave Feminists, who wanted women to be able to join the workplace to be able to have individuality, goals, success, money, and power. Feminism at Orange today, is a little bit out-moded and often gets criticized by deeper and more comprehensive forms of Feminism that are more Green. So, an example of Orange Feminism would be like Pop-Feminism. Think of Dove Commercials and Beyonce- "We Run the World Girls", kind of ideas. It's very watered down to appeal to the Orange masses and to sell empowerment to women. Or the type of Feminism that Green Feminists pejoratively refer to as 'White Feminism', where the only issues that are focused on have to do with (mostly wealthy and white) women breaking the glass ceiling and rising on the corporate ladder, to prove that women can be just as (fill in the blank) as men. Deep down, this stage and these types of Feminism are still very patriarchal, even if it appears relatively equal on the surface. Green Feminists start to realize this on a shallow level. Yellow Feminists realize this on a deeper level. 

Feminism at Green would be the dawning of a basic awareness of systemic thinking relative to social structures and social structures only. The most popular form of this would be Intersectional Feminism, where Feminists are actively questioning how various privilege structures work within society and how different privilege structures act differently. Most Third-Wave Feminists are at Green. Despite its advances and deepening of awareness, it is still quite dogmatic. They often start to become more aware than the people around them about social patterns, and begin demonizing and blaming people who don't see the same patterns that they do. They also tend to believe that masculinity and femininity are nothing more than social constructs, to avoid uncomfortable truths that they fear may send them backwards. It's not really a very happy place to be at with regard to Feminism because a lot of Reds, Blues, and Oranges tend to lambast them, each group with a different reasoning. That's why there are so many Feminist cringe compilations circulating around the internet. Many Green Feminists don't know how to react effectively to noticing power structures that they've never noticed before, and they don't know how to fix them. So, they get nit-picky and defensive. And there are a lot of truths that they've yet to discover that occur on levels deeper than social structures. But they don't know that yet. Gender inequality can't be fully resolved at this level... just managed to make people feel more comfortable. 

Feminism at Yellow, would be when systemic thinking deepens beyond the social level to a more esoteric level and spiritual level. This is where the roots of the issues noticed at Green can start to be recognized. And with this, the demonization of the less conscious goes away. Here, instead of focusing only on gender inequality, it is recognized that gender inequality is a symptom of a deeper problem. And there is also a realization that femininity and masculinity are real in the form of Yin and Yang, and that these energies reflect in all living and non-living systems. And in this realization, there is an awareness that the imbalance between Yin and Yang is reflected as the core of most of our social problems that extend FAR beyond gender inequality. At Yellow, it is recognized that the Feminism is intrinsically linked to the Feminine Principle and all of its traits and expressions. It is also recognized that even Feminists at Green tend to unconsciously support the imbalance between Yin and Yang, because they don't realize when certain things are masculine or feminine. So, they are unconscious of their masculine biases that exacerbate the imbalance. It is also recognized that this imbalance reflects as a society that devalues Mother Nature and focuses more toward society at nature's expense. It is also recognized that Feminism is a natural outgrowth of post-industrial society. A patriarchal society that is post-industrial is VERY dangerous to Mother Nature as the imbalanced human system can threaten to break the natural systems. So, the feminine is in need of being reintegrated. There are very few Yellow Feminists. I think it is what will come in the future. 

Feminism at Turquoise, this I'm not sure of. I would imagine that it's probably about acceptance one way or another. And recognizing things are perfect either way. Either, we will be able to transcend our patriarchal past and integrate the feminine, and continue evolving and existing as a species. Or humanity will be unable to transcend its patriarchal leanings, proving that it is simply inherently patriarchal and the imbalanced system will break the planetary systems and will destroy humanity with it. But either way, the Earth is just a spec in the infinite expanses of the universe. Things get destroyed all the time. Nothing much would be gained or lost either way. That's just a thought though. I'm not really sure about Turquoise. 



Edited by Emerald

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10 hours ago, WildeChilde said:

@John Iverson I’m a Stage Bluer John.  What would you like to know?

It is hard to ask questions, because i wanna see it how you express yourself and i will see it in my point of view.. maybe the question i could say is.. can you show me posts, comments here that you express your blue stage? What are your characteristics, ideology, belief, wants ,dislikes, rules, order, and your whole being as blue? I am investigating,,.. haha! Here in thos forum.. and my country .. because my country is in blue stage.. and they are just starting to have a legit discipline...but the other liberal party is reacting of their own ideology and law enforcement haha! I basically see my country in the birds eye view.. i can pinpoint the blue stage haha! Even in the social media like facebook i am aware now of that.. i am not using fb but yesterday when i use it,.. i see everyone reacting to each other triggered af hahahaha.. now i know why i feel so toxicated whenever i see posts and comments in youtube or social media

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9 hours ago, lmfao said:

@John Iverson dude, finding stage blue isn't too hard. Just watch Islamic scholars and Christian fundamentalists. This video is an example of excessive blue. 

This guy is meme worthy lol. If you want to understand stage blue thinking, Islamic videos are the way too go a lot of the time. And not just the extremists either, just fundamentalist Muslims because the vast majority of Muslims claim to be fundamentalist. 



Oh man!! The tension is very hot!! ? I didn't know that blue can be this,. Stage red is obvious but in blue it can cause war? It can cause fights here and there.. because of their idealogy... try to give me a taste of yeezy you will never put that on your feet HAHAHAHA! 

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9 hours ago, Rilles said:

I dont need to even see a video, I got my dad lol, could post years of Blue quotes.

Post it hereeeeeee!!! Hahaha give me atleast 30 haha!! Wait? 30 is small.. well, give me as many as you can! Ahahahaha

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9 hours ago, MarkusSweden said:

@WildeChilde @John Iverson

I'm also at stage Blue, just ask me anything on any matter and I share my opinions which are typical blue!

Hmm? What are your ideologies, characteristics, beliefs, dialogues, way of thinking, how you behave... what are your triggers, values, rules, etc... i want to see and informed what makes you blue and your expressions as blue...

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8 hours ago, How to be wise said:

The classic shoes thrown at Bush video:


Another shoes! Hahahahaha! 

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@Emerald Thank you! 

That answer was almost too intelligent for this forum. ?

A pleasure to read, rings true. 

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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13 minutes ago, Rilles said:

@John Iverson Well... the quotes can be very offensive, are you sure?

Yeaaa i'm sure! 

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@John Iverson Alright Im compiling a list, have to pick from my darkest memories. xD

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Emerald Thank you, this is great. I have an urge to like take it and proudly post it on my facebook wall to end some of the arguments in my social circle, but of course that would not work (and not just becasuse nobody would take the time to study spiral dynamics and think independently if it fits or not :)). I have a slightly different take on some of the stages, but this is to be expected. Anyway, it's a great illustration how people and movements are rarely truly at one stage at a time. And great historical context too!

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1 hour ago, Bane said:

If someone rapes today your dog - your dog won't have ANY  testimony in court, still It doesn't mean that rapist will go free. 

So you support women having the legal rights of dogs?

How would you feel about that if you were born a woman in the next life?

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14 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Pretty much anything you see on Fox News ;)


i see now even more the limitation of blue stage.. haha!, question, if the shoe video of islam, can he be classified also as red if he killed the guy?? Because of his ideology? And literal interpretation of koran 

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@John Iverson I don't think there is such a thing as a blue person, but blue values and behaviours are real.

Blue is the part of us that understands rules and roles. 

For example, when you are in a public place you are expected to take part in a ritual of sorts, even with strangers there is an expectation that a group organize itself into a family type hierarchy where you all forced into different roles depending on your level of skill, experience, your age and how you look. 

The phenomena allows us to live in an orderly fashion and prevents abuse from opportunistic and tyrannical red. 



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1 minute ago, White said:

@John Iverson I don't think there is such a thing as a blue person, but blue values and behaviours are real.

Blue is the part of us that understands rules and roles. 

For example, when you are in a public place you are expected to take part in a ritual of sorts, even with strangers there is an expectation that a group organize itself into a family type hierarchy where you all forced into different roles depending on your level of skill, experience, your age and how you look. 

The phenomena allows us to live in an orderly fashion and prevents abuse from opportunistic and tyrannical red. 


Blue also has the tendency of destructive behaviors like red do... look at the video in the first page.. i can see islamic blue stage... and sometimes enforcement of law can leads us no freedom, family type hierarchy or blue stage has also a limit, 

"blue is the part of us thag understands rules and roles" - I don't know how i evolve from this stage but I don't see anymore myself in a blue stage,.since elementary I don't see the importance of what rules telling me to do, like hair cuts, like praying at school , or about religion,, today That i know more about spirituality, what they talk about is not the truth... i can pinpoint blue,, but to me i can say that i am orange going to green... 

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@John Iverson My Dad once told me I should respect him because he is my father. I disagreed. I feel that my respect shouldn't come because of status, position or expectation, but by actions, and mutual respect and understanding. He was absolutely enraged when I stood up to him in this way. I don't think he's ever really truly forgiven me. I believe his sentiment was very stage blue.

I have had an issue with 'authority', certainly for the sake of authority, for many years. Titles and hierarchies don't really mean anything to me. Just because you are the 'boss' or the 'father' or the 'leader' does not mean I instantly do what you say and instantly give you respect. We've seen many people in positions of power over the years take advantage of those positions and use them for selfish and/or evil means. So, all credibility in hierarchical structure comes into question, for me.  


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@Sparkist Your way of thinking is orange/GREEN. Green values mutual respect, give and take. The problem green has is it denies everything underneath it to hold onto it's values. That's where yellow comes from, it appreciates all the systems of first tier and seeks to integrate them back in their healthy forms. 

So yellow appreciates the rules and roles, but doesn't cling tightly to them because it can also appreciate orange (which breaks the rules in order to develop autonomous thinking). 

@John Iverson

Do you think extremist Islam is red? I don't agree. I think it's blue, but it's unhealthy blue because it's stuck. 

Red is a different beast altogether. Red isn't the only stage that is destructive, every stage is destructive in its stuck or unhealthy forms. 

Edited by White


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@Sparkist Same here, ”Because I said so” are the 4 worst words I hate the most. xD

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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