
Solitude for life

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I'm planning this for the rest of my life. The only one's I will contact is my family here and now. No technology, no masturbation, ending all relationships With friends (we are friends only cuz we smoke weed and buy from each other). No more weed, no more of anything. I will only take LSD twice a year. In this way I shall realize what reality is, what I am. Solitude is not isolation, it is beyond it. I will begin tomorrow, meaning I will also quit being here, my computer is going to my family.

What do you think. Should I do it?


Edited by Highest

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2 minutes ago, Highest said:

I'm planning this for the rest of my life. The only one's I will contact is my family here and now. No technology, no masturbation, ending all relationships With friends (we are friends only cuz we smoke weed and buy from each other). No more weed, no more of anything. I will only take LSD twice a year. In this way I shall realize what reality is, what I am. Solitude is not isolation, it is beyond it. I will begin tomorrow, meaning I will also quit being here, my computer is going to my family.


What do your family say about your decition? 

How old are you? 

Did you consider to end your Ties to your family as Well? 

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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2 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:
2 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

Will you work?

Will you work?



1 minute ago, MarkusSweden said:

What do your family say about your decition? 

How old are you? 

Did you consider to end your Ties to your family as Well? 

I'm 24, my family doesn't know about this yet. Nor will I tell them, they won't understand. I'm not going to end my ties to my family, I will meet them here and now. But it will be minimally. 

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Whatever state you manage to achieve will be isolated to an existence of solitude, anything is achievable around people as well... in some regards harder and in some easier - why remove yourself?

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Do it for a few weeks then allow yourself to change your mind according to your new understanding. 

Best would be if you could go live in another city far away, then you don't have to explain why you don't fancy anyone :)

Read the story of Lester Levenson, he locked himself in a New York apartment for like three months, sit himself on a chair and didn't stop until he cleared all his subconscious mind. I wish I could do it <3

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15 minutes ago, Highest said:

I'm planning this for the rest of my life.

In solitude there is nobody to fight with your ego; there is nobody to humiliate you; there is nobody with whom you can compare yourself. You become supreme in your own eyes. You can believe in your ego absolutely; there will be no distraction.

When you are alone, a false type of “spirituality” arises. Whenever you are alone there is nobody to provoke your anger, nobody to create an opportunity where you can become sad; nobody to bring your own false faces before you. You are alone: anger does not arise. Not that anger has disappeared , simply the situation for anger is not there. You are full of anger, but nobody is there to insult you, to hurt you. Only the opportunity is missing.

The test has to be there whether you are succeeding in your meditation or not. 

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31 minutes ago, Highest said:

Should I do it?

What will be your daily routine ?

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Just now, Prabhaker said:

In solitude there is nobody to fight with your ego; there is nobody to humiliate you; there is nobody with whom you can compare yourself. You become supreme in your own eyes. You can believe in your ego absolutely; there will be no distraction.

When you are alone, a false type of “spirituality” arises. Whenever you are alone there is nobody to provoke your anger, nobody to create an opportunity where you can become sad; nobody to bring your own false faces before you. You are alone: anger does not arise. Not that anger has disappeared , simply the situation for anger is not there. You are full of anger, but nobody is there to insult you, to hurt you. Only the opportunity is missing.

The test has to be there whether you are succeeding in your meditation or not. 

That's wise, indeed the world and its people are mirrors who challenge our ego. But they also stroke our ego and numb it, causing us to suppress and to regress. 

Not everyone is trained enough and has the strength required to use the world and its people as a mirror to expose the ego. 

I think solitude can be very beneficial, giving the opportunity to investigate one's mind without distractions. When the goal is achieved, can always get back in the world and use it for testing. 

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@Mikael89 No, thats just your perspective. Many dont suffer like you do. You arent conscious enough.

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1 minute ago, Mikael89 said:

I don't think it matters what you do, life sucks no matter what.

“Marry, and you will regret it; don’t marry, you will also regret it; marry or don’t marry, you will regret it either way. Laugh at the world’s foolishness, you will regret it; weep over it, you will regret that too; laugh at the world’s foolishness or weep over it, you will regret both. Believe a woman, you will regret it; believe her not, you will also regret it… Hang yourself, you will regret it; do not hang yourself, and you will regret that too; hang yourself or don’t hang yourself, you’ll regret it either way; whether you hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both. This, gentlemen, is the essence of all philosophy.” ― Søren Kierkegaard

lol that's like catch 22, no matter what you do cannot win :)

That becomes true when you believe that the world and your beliefs about it are real/ true. 

Refuse to be trapped. 

Question all your beliefs and see what is beneath. 

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@Mikael89  I refuse to believe that, and I've gone through some pretty dark times. Be careful what you attract to yourself.

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Tnx for all responses, I will begin this new journey tomorrow. See where it goes, what comes up. Apart from solitude, I will also quit smoking and masturbation so it will definitely be hard, but I am determined.

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May I ask what your end game is? Is this a pro-active plan or is it an 'all or nothing' reaction to something that didn't go your way? 

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to be in solitude means keeping track of everyone.

for how can you be in solitude if you are not away from everyone?

you have to constantly "be away from everyone"

to consciously aim for solitude is to consciously keep everyone on your mind

you run away from people physically, but they are very much present in your mind


im not saying to not do it, but its important to be honest about what you are doing

in my experience true solitude comes when you are ready for it

I feel a lot of energy in your posts and thats awesome! anyway you go im sure it will be exciting



Edited by Arkandeus

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Solitude is beautiful. But also relationships are beautiful, people, society, family, creativity, and community is beautiful. What I really want to hear is why you want to be in solitude?

You can always do it for a few months to see if you like, maybe turn it into a long meditation/contemplation retreat and become truly enlightened :) But remember that technique is so important. Focus on your lungs filling up with air, focus on your chest area. That will connect you with the source of your love and make solitude truly a wonderful experience. The wrong technique will just create hell. I hope you benefit from this Highest. I naturally prefer to be alone too, I’m kinda doing the same thing, but with more interaction with people, cause I like that intimacy.

I hope every dream of yours comes true while doing this beautiful thing for yourself out of love. Remember the technique @Highest

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Don't do it! 

In your case I have the feeling it could be toxic. 

Solitude is not healing in and of itself. It can be a preferred environment for contemplation but only for someone who has a variety of experiences to choose from. 

When you watch Leo's videos be aware that he is someone who does "self-improvememt" for many years! The techniques he uses require a lot of experience. Dedication doesn't make up of training, you see? You can't lift 500 pounds with will power!

If you want to change your life, that's great!! Be honest with yourself: what do you want? Because it sounds to me that you are suffering inside and hope that the solitude will cure that suffering - it won't. Solitude for the rest of your life (Dude!) would be for someone who wants to be alone to sit in the infinite bliss of being.

Rather than extracting yourself from the world, be in it! Realize, that it is NOT the cause of your pain and there is no need for seperation. 

Masturbation, internet whatever is NOT the problem! The problem is that you use these things to distract yourself from your suffering.

So my advice: be brutally honest with what you want! Sure, in forums like this people talk a lot about nothingness and Samadhi and what have you. And though it is interesting to know about these things it is important to act according to YOUR OWN level of consciousness. So ask yourself what you want: Girls? Money? Travelling? Reading? Making New friends? Then go after that! It will eventually lead you back to where you think you are now, but now in sync with your level of consciousness. 

The work that is discussed in this forum is not an escape, it's a confrontation.

All best, take care of yourself!

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