
Thoughts on Bengreenfield Biohacking

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“you’ll get instant access to every training, nutrition, and lifestyle technique that exists to optimize your life, make you indestructible, and get you to your goals as safely and quickly as possible.

This program is for beginner, intermediate and advanced fitness levels, and gives you everything you need to optimize your body, mind and health, including:

Complete training program designed by Ben with detailed daily workout descriptions, exercise photos & videos, and zero guesswork, including research-proven workout efficiency strategies and biohacks to minimize time and maximize results. All workouts are delivered via easy-to-access platform that lets you sync your workouts to your calendar, phone, e-reader and computer.

Detailed daily meal plan and supplement blueprint designed by Ben, along with printable grocery shopping lists and complete customization based on your travel plans and lab testing results. All nutrition instructions are delivered via easy-to-access platform that lets you see your meals on your phone, e-reader and computer.

Total guidance on beginner and advanced biohacking and self-quantification techniques, including heart rate variability testing, pulse oximetry, cold thermogenesis, heat training, electromagnetic frequency protection, ketosis, smart drugs, adaptogens, magnetic therapy, blood and saliva testing, and anything else you need to maximize your results using science, along with lifestyle coaching from Ben to enhance your sleep, de-stressing and productivity protocols.”


To me it just sounds like pseudoscience and marketing for clueless people. It it really healthy to supplement that much on powders etc, its like all consuming effort to become stronger faster without considering long term repercussions such as long term health. But who knows. I suppose he’s got a lot of the recover parts figured quite well out too.

The wording is made to seem like there its a zero sum game and he’s got it all figured out. Maybe its not pseudo science since he’s measuring a lot of the variables.

any thoughts on him, was reading his E Books and getting ideas so it’s interesting to hear what you think about him

Edited by louvar

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Anyone interested in bio hacking and have anything to share

Edited by louvar

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Of course it's complete bullshit. They all are. Anyone who says supplements are effective for anything other than short term malnutrition issurs are neglecting the fact there is no credible and conclusive evidence to support claims of efficacy further to that. In fact, supplements interfere with the bodies ability to absorb nutrients from real food. This biohacking community is such a scam 

Edited by White

source: cook-greuter.com 

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