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Belief arises when that is not understood. 

That belief and the believer are one and the same movement. 

Just as fear and belief are one and the same movement. 

Edited by Faceless

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3 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

We’ve never talked.  All you do is make internet memes.  You never discuss anything at all on here.  You make jokes and like to laugh at people, that’s about it.

lol and you think waving your intellectual dick around is any better? I'm never laughing at people, we're talking right now, you can't talk to somone who doesn't listen. 

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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Why do you rank truth (experience) above illusion (belief)? In total nonduality, they're the same thing.

The experience you're having right now can't be had without beliefs, also interestingly, thoughts and beliefs (contrary to experience) are the thing that makes experience make sense at all, because you can only have an experience if you have something to compare it against, which is thought, polar opposites, same thing actually.

Without thought, how would you know that there is an experience happening? ;)

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7 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:

Why do you rank truth (experience) above illusion (belief)? In total nonduality, they're the same thing.


Experience, thought, all the same. 

Truth has nothing to do with experience

Edited by Faceless

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Did you not understand my original post 

30 minutes ago, Faceless said:

The you who it happens to is the happening itself. One and the same movement. 

The experiencer and the experience are one and the same movement. 

This is not a belief. It is a fact. 

When one goes into the nature of thought that is quite obvious


Do you see that? 

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@Faceless People can't understand concepts, only experience. I wish I could write something to enlighten people, but all I can do is guide them to their heart, to be their higher selves.

I still enjoy it though, the riddles, the koans, they fascinate me. They have their place and purpose. Now, I find teaching people the source of their love is much more relevant, and direct from my experience. The classic non-dual contemplation is being superseded by heart-felt embrace of what IS.

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Do you guys even realize that if you do not keep turning almost every thread into a fight, Leo could just get fed up at seeing this type of low level childish behavior on his site and just shut it down. Is that what you want? Do you think an enlightened person wants to spend his time moderating and reigning in your ego fights?  I've seen nit countless times, where a good forum has to be taken down because trolls come in and start fights till its a cesspool of hate and has to closed. Then all the people who were going to that forum to have good conversations with like-mined people are screwed, and the trolls get what they wanted. This is a fucking enlightenment forum. If you aren't interested in that and just want to pick fights, then just fuck off and find somewhere else to hate. 

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@Solace All what I share can be seen first hand in ones self. 

It has nothing to do with concepts,theory’s, and so on. 

This is all within self reflection and inquiry into the nature of thought/self. 

Very simple. It’s all right there for us to look at. Only we are attatched to our conditioning. 

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4 minutes ago, Jed Vassallo said:

Do you guys even realize that if you do not keep turning almost every thread into a fight, Leo could just get fed up at seeing this type of low level childish behavior on his site and just shut it down. Is that what you want? Do you think an enlightened person wants to spend his time moderating and reigning in your ego fights?  I've seen nit countless times, where a good forum has to be taken down because trolls come in and start fights till its a cesspool of hate and has to closed. Then all the people who were going to that forum to have good conversations with like-mined people are screwed, and the trolls get what they wanted. This is a fucking enlightenment forum. If you aren't interested in that and just want to pick fights, then just fuck off and find somewhere else to hate. 

These are just conversations buddy. It’s ok, just breath. Everything is going to be ok. K:)

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11 minutes ago, Solace said:

People can't understand concepts, only experience.

This was interesting. Do you see that experiences are influenced by conceptualizations? 

The very reason we understand an experience is because that experience was the result of thought(conceptualizations, theory’s, and such. 

Pretty cool huh

Edited by Faceless

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7 hours ago, Truth Addict said:

At this point, and after you saw raw reality (without beliefs)

Raw reality is that, Nothingness, Consciousness, Absolute Truth, and Unchanging Awareness ( as @Joseph Maynor says). Beliefs are only applicable in the dream world but enlightenment means getting out of it and realising that life is like a dream. So yh, if u want to realise truth, No belief is true, and you should question your beliefs. For functioning in the world you do need beliefs. The only difference would be you wont believe your belief if your enlightened. I dont if that makes sense.

Self is a funny thing. It is like:

(Believing in your life story which consists of attachements + memories etc) + (knowledge) = self

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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Thought is needed as movement to function. 

Not psychologicall though.

That’s what I am referring to. I would only use the word belief to refer to the psychological field. 

Where the self is attached to (experiece, knowledge, memory) and looking to evade fear. 

Self being attached to itself. 

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1 minute ago, Faceless said:

Thought is needed as movement to function. 

Not psychologicall though.


Yh if I am correct, you mean movement is needed to function but the movement is not identified with psychologically?

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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2 minutes ago, Saumaya said:

Yh if I am correct, you mean movement is needed to function but the movement is not identified with psychologically?


There is no identification psychologically at all. 

The psychological entity is a movement of thought itself. So that would be absurd to identify as the entity. 

Well to one who sees that. 

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Which brings me back to my original post. 

If one sees this fact, why does one still move dualistically? 

Could it be we are still subtly identifying? 

The question of holy embodiment

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5 minutes ago, Faceless said:

The psychological entity is a movement of thought itself. So that would be absurd to identify as the entity

Yes, its more like an apparent entity rather than a actual entity

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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2 minutes ago, Saumaya said:

Yes, its more like an apparent entity rather than a actual entity

An illusion but a fact. 

This relates to my question @Saumaya

what do you think, subtle identification?

Edited by Faceless

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2 minutes ago, Faceless said:

If one sees this fact, why does one still move dualistically? 

Could it be we are still identifying? 

After truth realisation, I don't think one can move dualistically. They can appreciate duality but not be run by it. If there is still identification, the realisation wasn't total enough.

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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3 minutes ago, Saumaya said:

After truth realisation, I don't think one can move dualistically. They can appreciate duality but not be run by it. If there is still identification, the realisation wasn't total enough.


Truth is total (whole) 

unless all the movement of self ends truth is not. Because self can only see in fragments/parts. 

Movement of self is limited. When that limitation ends..Truth is

And truth sees the whole. 

Edited by Faceless

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Just now, Faceless said:

Truth is total (whole) 

unless all the movement of self ends truth is not. Because self can only see in fragments/parts. 

Truth sees the whole

Yes :)

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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