
Why do people believe in Chakras?

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@pluto okay. I am merely writing this message as an indicator that I've read your message. 

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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Communication goes absolutely nowhere sometimes i know it really sucks i wish i could help more but its just one of those direct experience situations.

My best advice is keep meditating/seeking and just being yourself where you feel best eventually you will find the pure absolute truth you need. From there you won't ever need to ask another question again or at least for a very long time. @lmfao


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@pluto I forgive you for your sins. Be grateful that I won't smite you with the wrath of my keyboard. 

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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25 minutes ago, lmfao said:

@WaterfallMachine @Viking I know what you mean by emotions and feelings having physical locations. I've had these experiences, but I don't see them as indicators towards utility of a chakra model of humans. In a chakra model, the places that they choose for centres just seems completely arbitrary and made up to me. 

when you feel a pulsating ball of organic physicality in your forehead,that make your eyebrows frown and go up and right, that make your ears pulsate you dont know or believe in chakra energy centers, its happening to you , its there whether you know or belief it or not,if you'd see this live for yourself when this happens to me youd probably lose it


when you feel like there is a literal hole on the top of your skull,like your head is plit open, you dont know or believe, you have a friggin hole at the top of your head

when you feel a ball of energy in your heart, your sacral area, your stomach, its there,its organic, it moves, and if im out in the city I dont let the movements go out,I retain a normal appearance, by myself at home I let the energy flow its own courses through my body

when you feel the root chakra, the bottom chakra, you feel like youre getting fucked by the universe, as a man ive had certain issues feelings this one, as I like to do the fucking and not the other way but hey thats how it seems to be for now

when there is fear anything you feel will be transformed in a vile disgusting version, im perfectly aware that with acceptance I can come to feel and experience my root chakra in a healthy and harmonic manner that doesnt involve any gross feelings

these energy centers are there, and the day you will be ready theyll be activated, and it wont be a matter of believing or not

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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It has been certified that you are less spiritual than rational members of this forum. Meditate more, do some hard work so that they can stop judging you.

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5 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:


It has been certified that you are less spiritual than rational members of this forum. Meditate more, do some hard work so that they can stop judging you.

MarkusSweden is the most spiritual member on this forum, because he is himself. Also because there is only one true self in existence and he is That.

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Chakras, if experienced, can be real. Most of our beliefs are in the mind, they have not been experienced. Denounce everything which has not been experienced, not seen, not directly perceived. Be open for all possibilities due, keep an open mind, reality can produce anything into existence, including chakras. 

Edited by Highest

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39 minutes ago, Outer said:

Being yourself does not mean you are spiritual.

Being spiritual means being yourself. Being yourself means being spiritual. 

The true self is what spirituality stems from, being yourself means you are your true self. 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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3 hours ago, lmfao said:

@WaterfallMachine @Viking I know what you mean by emotions and feelings having physical locations. I've had these experiences, but I don't see them as indicators towards utility of a chakra model of humans. In a chakra model, the places that they choose for centres just seems completely arbitrary and made up to me. 

Well, when you’re introduced to a new language — everything seems arbitrary and if hearing it on the streets, you can’t tell if it’s real or not. Only when you understand well the vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar do you find it purposeful and full or order. ;) . Same thing.

Chakras allow a utility based on specific parts on the body partly because it allows you feedback on how you’re doing in certain areas of your life. Pain or being tense in one part allows you to see where you have trouble with, while more relaxed parts often have more progress.

It’s especially useful in chakra focused treatments that require physical exercise that free up, focus on or strengthen parts of the body. This allows to create very noticeable effects when trying them even a few times. No need to believe me at face value. Go try it yourself.

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” 
― Socrates

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14 hours ago, lmfao said:

I've often heard people talking about Chakras on this forum here and there. My question is, why do people believe in such a thing? Do you believe in them metaphorically? Is there any sort of utility in believing in Chakras which allows you to accelerate self development? Do you believe in Chakras because of an experience you've had?

You dont believe in chakras until your heart chakra burts open with pain of heartbreak, your sacral chakra explodes with residual disempowerement, your throat chakra wakes up and changes the way you express yourself and speak, and your root chakra starts overflowing with unimaginable pain of how unsafe the human race feels on Earth.

If you dont believe in chakras thats absolutely fine, you shouldnt. When the time comes chakras will believe in you. And then you will be set free, and become pure. 
Not to say that if you dont have any experience with energy in your chakras it is a faulty experience, or unevolved experience, its just not the time for you to have it.

I think someone linked it to the lymphatic systems and glands inside your body. So its not like "oh yea I believe in magic" no actual physical stuff that is measurable starts happening inside those centers when the time is ripe. But until then, you might jsut think its a woo woo magic. Honestly, I just might be crazy hah?! :D 

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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1 hour ago, Outer said:

Being yourself does not mean you are spiritual.

Spiritual is just a label. So is Neo-advaitan.

1 hour ago, Outer said:

We can agree to disagree. Neo-Advaitan.

Spiritual is also a concept, you don't have to be spiritual to be who you are. You are never not That. Which is everything. 

Edited by Dodo

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1 hour ago, Mikael89 said:

I think if you believe in chakras (even subconsciously) and then start meditating and stuff to really strengthen all those beliefs (brainwashing) then I have no doubt that the body is able to create sensations in the areas where chakras supposedly exists, but they don't exist, they are just sensations created by the body because of the placebo effect.

See you would think this, and I could both believe they exist or don't - but the sensations are there man.. even gone so far as to have tests and MRIs because I thought they must be based on something physical. And yet no nothing, and they appear with mediation. 

Are they chakras? Honestly I've stopped caring about calling them anything specific.

I experience a level of bliss that drugs have never been able to deliver... so if that's a placebo... fck I'll take it.

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20 hours ago, Mikael89 said:

I think if you believe in chakras (even subconsciously) and then start meditating and stuff to really strengthen all those beliefs (brainwashing) then I have no doubt that the body is able to create sensations in the areas where chakras supposedly exists, but they don't exist, they are just sensations created by the body because of the placebo effect.

If this is so, then the placebo effect must be still a very useful thing to use to heal ourselves with chakras. Be careful. I get the sense that the placebo effect has the unique ability to wave away any supernatural effect in the same way Blue stage religious people wave away everything with "God did it."

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” 
― Socrates

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@lmfao I was completely skeptical until I got my solar plexus, heart, and throat chakra opened. It was as close to magic as I have experienced. I was completely sober but felt like I was on a tiny amount of mushrooms with energy surging through my abdomen. The woman who did it didn't evem touch me, amazingly. 

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On 6/17/2018 at 11:17 AM, Mikael89 said:

I think if you believe in chakras (even subconsciously) and then start meditating and stuff to really strengthen all those beliefs (brainwashing) then I have no doubt that the body is able to create sensations in the areas where chakras supposedly exists, but they don't exist, they are just sensations created by the body because of the placebo effect.

How do you know it is placebo effect? that is a valuable and worthy conclusion. However, what if we could actually create it chakras or energy fields just by envisioning it and it becomes as real as real gets on a different plane of reality. Then as you constantly stimulate that area with those particular emotions, one's body can adapt and associate a body area with particular energy thus bringing it into reality for the user. It can then be an outlet to help resolve emotions and personal difficulties?

I've seen people call it placebo, but it doesn't really address the utility and power of how our mind creates reality. Just in the same way that a child can confidently feel he/she is safe because he is wrapped in a blanket. OR that he is not alone because he/she has a stuffed animal that they can talk to. 

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21 minutes ago, gleb said:

@lmfao I was completely skeptical until I got my solar plexus, heart, and throat chakra opened. It was as close to magic as I have experienced. I was completely sober but felt like I was on a tiny amount of mushrooms with energy surging through my abdomen. The woman who did it didn't evem touch me, amazingly. 

Reiki? I believe in the power of Reiki and I practice it on myself regularly. I think it should be talked about more.

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On 17/06/2018 at 4:17 PM, Mikael89 said:

I think if you believe in chakras (even subconsciously) and then start meditating and stuff to really strengthen all those beliefs (brainwashing) then I have no doubt that the body is able to create sensations in the areas where chakras supposedly exists, but they don't exist, they are just sensations created by the body because of the placebo effect.

What if the body itself is created because of placebo effect? 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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8 hours ago, Mikael89 said:


I didn't know that chakras have any healing stuff. I thought it was just a stupid placebo belief without purpose. But if it has a purpose then ?

Maybe someday I will brainwash myself into believing it, since it's useful, we'll see.

it is not a placebo my friend

after the activation of my chakra's my senses are in constant evolution, I see wider, deeper, wider, its barely come at a point where im able to look in two directions at once, what was once the background blurry motion vision is becoming very sharp and detailed, I smell insanely better, sound can be up to a hundred times louder and deeper, I think developping echolocation is a real possibility

I can be in a public transport and I see a person staring at me when im looking elsewhere, and they know subconsciously that something is up yet consciously they dont really know so they look at me sorta confused and bothered, when I enter a tram wagon I see all the 30 people in the wagon at once, im not kidding when I say that many men get intimated and scared and starting waking up aggressive fighting energy and just keep tracking me,although it is only those who have their egos up their noses looking to competem good men are always in harmony and power is shared

when a single day is probably as long as a week compared to before my spiritual awakening....this is real, its not a placebo or a belief

and I know im only at the tip of the iceberg,I assure you that you could develop powers imaginably more powerful then anything youve seen in a superman or avenger movie, I may sound entirely nuts at this point but these powers are galaxies, dimensions away from being grasped by any ego

power is literally intelligent love, you only have as much power as you hold love, and no one will ever reach a single shred of real power without the wisdom and the love required for it

no one will reach superman levels of powers just to troll around in the city showcasing how cool they look or bullying poor criminals to impress others

we are literally creating this reality that is how powerful we are, and we allow the ego to be run loose with its illusions of power but the ego has no real power over life,its very intelligently limited and restrained, restrains that are unimaginable, you can only know the nature of the restrains once you step back in to your real godly power

lets for arguments sake that donald trump is ego obsessed and he is seemingly the most powerful man earth (for info I am completely neutral on this man, to be honest I even love him but for argument)

youd think this guy who has no love for anyone gets to go and boss around america and all countries related to america, which is pretty much the world?

if donald trump is evil his life forces could be so poor and depleted he may live up to a hundred years physically and still his entire life wouldve been as long as a a single year in the year of a poor normal chap living in the suburbs of delhi with no money but plenty of love, his conscousness so meek, so small, he could so called "rule the world" and still feel less power then a farmer who really cares and is responsible for the life of his farm animals.


to feel power you have to be conscious, and to be conscious you have to have love, which is why egoic people keep running after power, the more they run after it, the less power they can taste consciously, they more they try to get physically, the less they have,, their consciousness becomes so dim they barely have any idea what they are doing , they can barely grasp the meaning of their own actions, they become streams of energy employed by life. In the end everyone serves love

the less conscious you are of love, the more unconscious you are of your actions as the universe takes over the direction of your life,so you get to be mean and egoic in your little illusion that grows smaller and smaller while still actually being in complete harmony with everyone, its all terriffically intelligent.

to be alive is to love

only those who love can be here

powers are for fun and love, see the power in your favourite sport game, your favourite player's best move, the power in your favourite music song, the sheer power behind mozarts music or even a good piece of metal, the power in your favourite technology, power is for fun, love, excitement and it is always shared, we evolve together, as all one

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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