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3 Energy Centers Deeper than the 7 Chakras

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In spirituality opening the 7 chakras especially the Third Eye has left much to desire in the hearts of human beings. They go about fixing and healing the chakras as if they aren’t perfect and whole, instead of connecting the the deepest energy center in their being, the spiritual heart. When we connect to the spiritual heart all egotistic desires start to dissolve, the 7 chakras naturally balanced, and we start to embody not just our souls; but our higher selves. The higher self for comparison is higher in vibration than Buddha and Jesus, and we have that within ourselves! This means we no longer need to look without when all of the pure love, knowledge and wisdom we ever desired is found within the spiritual heart. This is beyond kundalini yoga. Due to the focus on the 7 chakras I thought these videos were important to share. I myself got obsessed with opening my third eye or raising my energy to the crown chakra, but there is something much deeper than that :) 

“Through the Spiritual Heart is the experience of Pure Consciousness - which is beyond any worlds of form or experience. This is our most fundamental essence - Pure Consciousness.”


Also, these teachings are very very rarely shared in Spirituality so look into this wholfully, with an open mind. 

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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They always said, opening the heart chakra is most important, it will align and balance the others out. As so can lead to greater intelligence within to deeper centers. I think you are aware of this now though :) Thanks for the share <3

Although we must remember... The deeper you look, the more infinite it becomes. The Key is to find what works best for you.


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Solace: "I myself got obsessed with opening my third eye or raising my energy to the crown chakra, but there is something much deeper than that".


We already there, all of us. But very few used the energy of the 6th and 7th to go into 1st and awaken. Awakening is not raising the vibration, it is a misconception. Awakening is using the vibration from the upper body to go into the lower body and get in sync. 

And yes the 3 most important centers are: 1 Thymus, 2 Lungs, 3 Heart. But you access them by the other end of the spectrum. Meaning you tap with the head, into legs to see the heart. 

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"The Spiritual Heart is not the heart chakra (anahatta). In true kundalini teachings, there is no such place as the "heart chakra", it is called the Anahatta. "Heart chakra" is a New Age term based on the location of this chakra - but not the actual characteristics of the chakra. In the chakra body there are no physical organs. The Spiritual Heart is located in the causal body and is the deepest energy center in a human."

"There are 3 centers in the causal layer of our being - behind the eyes (physical dimension awareness), in the throat (dreaming awareness) and in the heart area (deepest self / dreamless sleep). In genuine meditation a person takes their attention and descends it into the heart area to awaken the experience of the deepest layer of the self."

In response to a viewer: "No, I learned about the Spiritual Heart directly from the Higher Self. It was the first time I ever learned of this energy center, even though I had studied hundreds of spiritual teachings for many years. The Spiritual Heart is a relatively unknown aspect of our selves. After experiencing the Spiritual Heart center in myself, I later learned that a few other spiritual teachers knew and taught of this center. I consider it the most significant aspect of the human being."

The result of focused attention :) "First it may begin as a energetic embrace that is comforting and soothing. Then it will grow, increasing in the feeling of peace. As it grows, it become Love and feeling of oneness with the Source within and also the world around us. Then it becomes a powerful bliss."

And especially for your interest @Quanty this quote shows how the spiritual heart is directly linked to kundalini: "There are 3 knots in yoga - called grandhis. One knot is located in the Anahata (heart) chakra. Meditating on the Spiritual Heart (in the causal body) will help to untie all 3 knots in the charka body. Ultimately, the Spiritual Heart energy draws the mind stream back into the Self / Source Consciousness."

I also love this cherry picked quote from Lincoln! "The most delicious experience we can have is when we realize the Divine Love within our Spiritual Heart and then choose to live from this state in this world."

-Lincoln Gergar

This man used to study and practice Zen Buddhism, meditating as the awareness of the no self. He then realized that although he was calm with no thoughts, very few emotions, there was a "lack" (which he said wasn't a lack in the conventional sense, more so a deep knowingness) that there was "more" that being the quality of pure love in the center of our hearts. This stuff is practically unknown to anyone, even advanced yogis, but here it is thanks to Lincoln. I have meditated on the heart, and felt myself merge into oneness just Yesterday. It is thus, so so important for the world to know this, so I at least want you guys to look more into it :) It's simplest and the most powerful technique, perfect for our society to come into greater alignment with the divine higher selves they already are. Thank you.

Here's a meditation I'll do now for fun, and to explore this deeper if you guys want:


Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Something about how he speaks makes it hard for me to focus on his message. Don't know what it is.. 

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13 hours ago, Solace said:


"The Spiritual Heart is not the heart chakra (anahatta). In true kundalini teachings, there is no such place as the "heart chakra", it is called the Anahatta. "Heart chakra" is a New Age term based on the location of this chakra - but not the actual characteristics of the chakra. In the chakra body there are no physical organs. The Spiritual Heart is located in the causal body and is the deepest energy center in a human."

"There are 3 centers in the causal layer of our being - behind the eyes (physical dimension awareness), in the throat (dreaming awareness) and in the heart area (deepest self / dreamless sleep). In genuine meditation a person takes their attention and descends it into the heart area to awaken the experience of the deepest layer of the self."

In response to a viewer: "No, I learned about the Spiritual Heart directly from the Higher Self. It was the first time I ever learned of this energy center, even though I had studied hundreds of spiritual teachings for many years. The Spiritual Heart is a relatively unknown aspect of our selves. After experiencing the Spiritual Heart center in myself, I later learned that a few other spiritual teachers knew and taught of this center. I consider it the most significant aspect of the human being."

The result of focused attention :) "First it may begin as a energetic embrace that is comforting and soothing. Then it will grow, increasing in the feeling of peace. As it grows, it become Love and feeling of oneness with the Source within and also the world around us. Then it becomes a powerful bliss."

And especially for your interest @Quanty this quote shows how the spiritual heart is directly linked to kundalini: "There are 3 knots in yoga - called grandhis. One knot is located in the Anahata (heart) chakra. Meditating on the Spiritual Heart (in the causal body) will help to untie all 3 knots in the charka body. Ultimately, the Spiritual Heart energy draws the mind stream back into the Self / Source Consciousness."

I also love this cherry picked quote from Lincoln! "The most delicious experience we can have is when we realize the Divine Love within our Spiritual Heart and then choose to live from this state in this world."

-Lincoln Gergar

This man used to study and practice Zen Buddhism, meditating as the awareness of the no self. He then realized that although he was calm with no thoughts, very few emotions, there was a "lack" (which he said wasn't a lack in the conventional sense, more so a deep knowingness) that there was "more" that being the quality of pure love in the center of our hearts. This stuff is practically unknown to anyone, even advanced yogis, but here it is thanks to Lincoln. I have meditated on the heart, and felt myself merge into oneness just Yesterday. It is thus, so so important for the world to know this, so I at least want you guys to look more into it :) It's simplest and the most powerful technique, perfect for our society to come into greater alignment with the divine higher selves they already are. Thank you.

Here's a meditation I'll do now for fun, and to explore this deeper if you guys want:


Awaken my Padawan, stop spreading belief systems ;) 

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Is it the abdomen, chest, and forehead? 

If someone asked me where energy comes from, I would say, sunlight, fruits, veggies, exercise, rest, nature, exploration of others, exploration of self, and one's own motivations and interests, as well as various emotional sources. 

Edited by from chaos into self

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In reality, there are only 6 centers in the human body. 

The 7th is the deceived human mind imagination. 

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Just now, Quanty said:

In reality, there are only 6 centers in the human body. 

The 7th is the deceived human mind imagination. 

All those explanations about the astral bodies, ethereal bodies etc, are just an imagination of the 7th invented center. Stay long enough in the mind, and you can awaken the body and align it with the mind, but this is anti-natural, so, in conclusion, the majority of gurus of all time they deceived themselves. Those fantasies light beings and all that candy color are just the enlightened EGO that sees reality through the light. In reality, this is what the majority in spirituality preach. There are only images according to a perspective and a survival point of view. 

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@Quanty I like how simple and direct you are. As they say, “If you see God, ignore him”.

I trust what I shared above because it has helped me in my awakening journey to focus on the spiritual heart ❤️ Maybe you can feel a subtle energy of life there too? The messenger is also channeling the higher self, which has no ego, and is all knowing beyond any of us here. 

6 hours ago, Quanty said:

Awaken my Padawan

Yes, even all the scriptures combined are not as great as one awakening experience. I’ll keep doing my best to awaken. Make sure to share your photos sometime too!

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Remember @Solace wanting something you already are only pushes it away further. As a co-creator the universe only knows how to respond to your energy. If you focus on something long enough it will manifest but the way you focus on it matters. By focusing on what you already are and already have attracts that, whether you see it or not, this is the attitude/energy to want to express as by focusing on what you believe you are not and don't have yet attracts more of that.

Peace & Love

Edited by pluto


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On 6/16/2018 at 5:32 PM, pluto said:

They always said, opening the heart chakra is most important, it will align and balance the others out. As so can lead to greater intelligence within to deeper centers. I think you are aware of this now though :) Thanks for the share <3

Although we must remember... The deeper you look, the more infinite it becomes. The Key is to find what works best for you.

I have found some contrary evidence saying that the solar plexus chakra must be opened first. It is the energy center of all 7, the most vibrant of life force. It is a chakra of power that is aligned with the sun, thus "solar". The heart is a more all encompassing and compassionate chakra. 

Edited by Neptune2020

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Just now, Neptune2020 said:

I have found some contrary evidence saying that the solar plexus chakra must be opened first. It is the energy center of all 7, the most vibrant of life force. It is a chakra of power that is aligned with the sun, thus "solar". The heart is a more all encompassing and compassionate chakra. The sun gives life to all, planet earth wouldn't even function without it.

Interesting thanks for sharing :) and like i said, the deeper we go, the more infinite the possibilities become. We have to find what works best for our individual self and keep a balance between things so we don't fall too much into one thing or one side of things were we lose the greater awareness.



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@pluto I believe every cell of my body is made out of pure infinite love that I already am. When I focus on the heart, I am connecting with the deepest part of myself. I have many beautiful beliefs I am cultivating, and I affirm sporadically throughout the day, "I am Love, All is Love" from a place of knowingness, not lack. I remember when I used to affirm love as if I wasn't love only a month ago. 

Love you lots Pluto. Thanks for looking out for me again :) 


Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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