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Life Purpose Course Vs Confidence Course

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Which should i start first? Or Which would you start first?

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Depends... what field of your life has the priory to improve first?

What do you think? 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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I do think that to find your life purpose and have the courage to follow your heart you might need that extra confidence first. So I encourage you to do the confidence course first :) 

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1 hour ago, Galyna said:

Depends... what field of your life has the priory to improve first?

What do you think? 

There both equally a priority. I keep jumping from one to the next. I'm just trying to master one then go to the next.


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@Endew Glad I helped :) good luck on your journey, I really hope you boost your confidence and then chase after your life purpose with your head held high!

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@Endew good old trick, take a piece of paper and make 2 columns,  then write all the good things in one and the bad things on the other, do this with your own judgement, and then work on the 1 2 or 10,000 things that you think are not good in you and just work on thing at a time, then whenever someone says that you no longer do that or you no longer say that and thats really nice, give them a nice smirk and when you get home cut that off keep doing this until you die or get over it. 


Hope it helps.

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@Jay Brown That's exactly what I'm doing now. I plan to start the course after.

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