
Intermittent fasting or spread meals

5 posts in this topic

Any thoughts on which is better for better cognitive function?  I thought spreading my  out throughout the day would be since energy levels and hormones could fluctuate if intermittent dieting however it’s known intermittent fasting helps BDNF as well. This is a very broad topic since our bodies are all different but what would be the best adaptation if any? I hear people who are enlightened can work very creatively for days on end without tiring, or is this just a matter of mindset accompanied by good disciple and diet . We would be inclined to follow circadian rhythms which makes sense so why change this ordered way of living if it is the most healthy. 

Any lists of subjects to research and expansion of these questions would be highly appreciated!

e.g, getting blood tests done, experimenting on keto diets, meditating, seeing nutritionists(possibly)


Im planning to test out these 2 methods first and adjusting different variables however feel there might be too many to actually consider, so by starting out by doing daily tests such as blood content levels. It just seems a bit much too substanciate without constantly monitoring these things every day/week/month and determining their effects whilst testing various indicators such as creativity, productivity, vo2 max, weight loss or gain, routine, journaling logs etc.

OR. Am I going OTT (since there is not really a top) with all of this for the sake of scienctific research and somewhat meticulous life planning.

I’m optimistic for what the future holds and want to live a well lived life to enjoy the fruits of my labour for years to come, with the rapid advancement of technology and AI and all things especially health care and consciousness. This is all theory soo far for me. Any other variables that you would recommend that I consider? Would I be better off fast tracking this with multiple studies already done or just self experiment and assess from personal findings or both. I could use an upgrade :) some might have to say it’s a matter of trial and error

Edited by louvar

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Perhaps I’m overcomplicating these things :D

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Yeah, I'm kinda wondering about the same topic. Unluckily there is not that much research on what is better and nutrition schools (or just nutrition content in internet) in general  look pretty dogmatic in advices on how to eat "properly". So, I guess we gotta just do our own researches for now, I do the same.

Edited by Hello from Russia

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I've been doing intermittent fasting for the past 3 or 4 years now. The last four to six hours of my fast I feel very alert and sharp. I eat my first meal around 1 p.m. and then my last meal around 9 p.m. . I prefer to eat this way because my prime work hours are from 8 a.m. to about 3 p.m. and I want to stay focused and sharp. Then my largest meal of the day is at around 9 p.m. which makes me nice and tired so I fall asleep easier.

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From practical stand-point, I prefer a one big meal a day and a few snacks, always at similar hours.

Here's why: It's easier to control what and how much you eat.

Plus you don't get that big spikes in sugar and hormones, if you eat a whole foods plant based diet.

Generally, I feel like this whole idea of eating 5-6 meals a day is suited for bodybuilders and other hardcore athletes, who wouldn't get enough nutrients the other way, not for normal people. I don't see any other viable reason to bloat your digestion system throughout the day.

I have felt the best in my life when I was eating only 3 meals a day, the first being a big, big breakfast (1200kcal+), and then two smaller servings of food later.

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