Victor Mgazi

Beyond Existence/Infinity

3 posts in this topic

What if the ultimate truth is that there is no truth so therefore truth itself is deception? 

What if the ultimate reality is that there is no reality so therefore reality itself is an illusion? 

What if the ultimate awakening is realizing that there is no awakening so therefore enlightenment itself is a delusion? 

Beyond Infinity 

What is existence? 

Understanding the nature of existence is of great importance when seeking to understand reality. 

Infinity or everything is literally all things. Every space, every world, every possibility, every universe, every dimension and etc. But what are all those things? Go deeper and what you will find is that every thing is merely information ℹ.  That is to say if it possess quality or quantity (identity) then it is of information. So therefore existence is information. 

Beyond existence. 

Nothing is beyond existence. No literally - no thing is beyond everything. 

Touch your hand ✋ if you will. That sensation happens in your brain! The dualistic mind causes duality for the sake of being informative hence what can be experienced is pure info...            Well hypothetically atleast. But nonetheless if information is the product of the dualistic mind then imagine if there were a thing that is not of information . Spoiler : you can't because anything you do conjure up will be information (have quality) since it is in the nature of the mind to be informative. And yet what if there were a realm where the notion of existence doesn't apply. A thing that couldn't be experienced because there's no thing to experience. 

Could this be the realm of nonduality?   Does it even have a name? 

What do you think? 

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4 hours ago, Victor Mgazi said:

What if the ultimate truth is that there is no truth so therefore truth itself is deception? 

For the i to seek truth is self deception. 

4 hours ago, Victor Mgazi said:

What if the ultimate reality is that there is no reality so therefore reality itself is an illusion? 

If the i seeks ultimate reality that is itself an illusion.

4 hours ago, Victor Mgazi said:

What if the ultimate awakening is realizing that there is no awakening so therefore enlightenment itself is a delusion? 


The i Seeking an ultimate awakening/enlightenment is an illusion/delusion. 

4 hours ago, Victor Mgazi said:

A thing that couldn't be experienced because there's no thing to experience.

Experience implies thought/things. 

Nothingness implies a cessation of  experience. 

Edited by Faceless

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47 minutes ago, Faceless said:

If the i seeks ultimate reality that is itself an illusion.

The notion of what is real and what is unreal should disappear when enlightened. 

50 minutes ago, Faceless said:

For the i to seek truth is self deception

The truth is not absolute , it needs that which is false in order for it to be true. 

53 minutes ago, Faceless said:

Nothingness implies a cessation of experience. 

Well said. 

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