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God's will...

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Over the last few weeks, my identification as the body has been weakening. The illusory boundary between what IS and ISN'T me is slowly evaporating. With this being experienced, I then asked myself: 'What is my true will? What is my true desire?' After a minute of mental silence, the answer that came back was: 'For everything to be, just the way it is, right now...'

It dawned on me that as God/Universe/All, my will is EXISTENCE ITSELF. Questions around free-will/determinism self/other dissipated since from the perspective of GOD/True-Self, what is happening right now, is GOD's will. It is my WILL. They are one in the same. All there is, is WILL/CREATION and we are all doing it perfectly...

I feel as if I have reached the eye of a storm that has been raging for a decade, and for the first time, I see that the storm is beautiful. I will fall back into the storm again, I know, but it is okay. The ego-mind is still present, but something has shifted. Into what, I do not know...

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@zoey101 Thank you for the positive vibes. It's just so silent now. So still. No fireworks. The waters of the mind are so clear.

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