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Little epistemology question

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How do you know when direct experience is actually pointing you to the 'truth', as opposed to pointing you to something that’s 'false'. For example, seeing a humanoid devil creature strangling your mother could potentially be directly experienced, and so could experiencing your true nature as universal awareness. In spirituality we say one of these is true direct experience, and true reality, while one is a delusion. But since direct experience is the only way to understand reality, because we know that human rationality and thought is deeply flawed, then we have to rely on direct experience only, even to determine which of the two direct experiences is valid. So how do we stop ourselves going along with delusions while trusting direct experience above rationality?

What do you guys think

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1) There is no how. All knowledge is nontrival and delusion-prone.

2) Absolute Truth is not an experience or knowledge. It is DIRECT. You are it. You will only understand that with an enlightenment experience. An enlightenment experience is not really "an experience" and it is not knowledge. It's not anything you've ever encountered in your life yet. It's a 3rd type of thing which is totally unknown to you as being possible. Hence it comes as a shocking surprise.

3) The Absolute is self-knowing and self-validating because it is Absolute. It is true under all circumstances. It's not something you need to trust. It is raw pure TRUTH! How that's possible cannot be known to you until you awaken.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@riplo Truth is looking through delusion trying to find truth or delusion, Truth is “looking” so all that’s seen is delusion, until the delusion of self is realized, then all there is is Truth.

Insights, epiphanies, revelations, enlightenment,  are helpful. Unity is a general Truth direction, seperations are falsities.

Or just accept what is and don’t look, since you’re already it. 




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