
Too afraid to start

14 posts in this topic

Hi guys, I realized that what I'm doing for a living is not my life purpose, not even close. I have an idea about my life purpose and I know that I wanna build my brand I have to put something out there. I'm thinking about making videos on youtube but I have a few really strong negative beliefs that are holding me back.
I feel like whatever I'm gonna say is already out there. It's been said countless times and I'm just gonna be a drop in the ocean. People are not gonna follow me or buy my coaching because I'm not saying anything new. The second belief says that I'm not good enough to make videos about something I haven't mastered yet. It would be arrogant and disrespectful. I'm also afraid of looking stupid in front of a camera and what my neighbors might think of me(really thin walls and English is not my first language).

How can I overcome these difficulties and get myself started(I know rationally I've got value to offer)?

thank you so much

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30 minutes ago, D13g0 said:

 People are not gonna follow me or buy my coaching because I'm not saying anything new. The second belief says that I'm not good enough to make videos about something I haven't mastered yet.

I like how you said you haven't master the topic you want to do. There are a lot of people who are kinda hypocrites and do not know what the fuck they're talking about and you've actually be awareness on that before doing anything.

 So if you feel like you haven't master something, then master it! Once you do, then the stuff that is out there won't compare to what you produce, since the things you produce are  authentically created by mastering

30 minutes ago, D13g0 said:

. I'm also afraid of looking stupid in front of a camera and what my neighbors might think of me(really thin walls and English is not my first language).

Your neighbours won't really care. If they do, then it doesn't matter, it's for you and not for them. If you worry about what people think of you, I would suggest watching Leo's video 

Quite lengthy, but worth a shot.

So Master before you do anything. that's my suggestion

Edited by B_Naz

You're not human, you're the universe

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1 hour ago, D13g0 said:

I feel like whatever I'm gonna say is already out there. It's been said countless times and I'm just gonna be a drop in the ocean. People are not gonna follow me or buy my coaching because I'm not saying anything new.

First off, there is nothing new to be said. Not when it comes to the deepest principles of life.

Every religion is trying to say the same thing, but they all have massive followers. Every spiritual teacher says the same thing, but many of them are able to get tons followers.

It's not the content. It's more so the energy and uniqueness you will bring to it by being authentic.

Another thing I think you're massively underestimating is how ignorant people are.

If you're involved in self-actualization and are surrounded by peers who do self-actualization, you tend to think everyone knows this stuff. But in reality most people do not understand it or have even considered it.

And if they have considered it, they have blind spots. And you can fill those gaps.

Final point. You're underestimating how much people just do things for convenience sake.

I'd like to say I'm the world's greatest coach, but that's probably not true. However people I meet will want coaching from me simply because I'm there, they like me, and I think I can help them. It's a simple as that.

Go learn marketing. Realize that people do not buy for the reasons we think that they buy.

1 hour ago, D13g0 said:

The second belief says that I'm not good enough to make videos about something I haven't mastered yet. It would be arrogant and disrespectful.

Then no one should do anything ever.

Master is an ideal. You will always be in the process of mastery.

How would you even know if you became  a master? Is a light going to open up from the sky and speak to you?

At some point you just have to accept yourself and say that you're good enough.

That doesn't mean stop improving. But if you're entertaining these thoughts my guess is you're further ahead than you think.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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If you're actually really good at what you do, then people will take notice. If you provide information or content to an audience in innovative ways with unique perspectives, you're going to make waves in the ocean of youtube.

However, do not focus on the end result. Accomplishing anything takes pain, time, and hardwork. Without understanding that you have to actually do the work, nothing will ever get done.

The best thing you can do now is: to take action. Action is the key. Action is the first step to getting anything done.

For example: Rooms a mess? The first action is to make my bed.  Stuck on an idea? The first action is to open my notebook. Too lazy to get up from bed and go to class? The first action is to put on some pants.

The smallest actions create the LARGEST results. Because, after I did that first action of making my bed, next thing you know I'm cleaning the doing the dishes, taking out the trash, and finishing laundry. Or, after that first idea, I'm already bouncing off of 50 different ideas, and ready to shoot a video. Or, after getting up from bed, that was the very start of my whole day by getting to class on time, and through all of my assignments. 

Start with the first and smallest action possible, and the rest will follow.

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I can empathize with the fear to start!! It's usually the first step when I'm dedicated to an endeavor. I usually start out feeling deeply uncertain and I procrastinate by wasting time online, and food, and detaching myself more from my passions. However, more recently, I start focusing on taking a day to pause and to energize myself by taking a walk on a sunny day, going to a yoga class, or going to a comedy show to release the tension. I focus on writing out the thoughts to think concretely about what's happening! Writing out a framework of a plan gives me drive to act. It really is a series of smaller actions! 

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If you make a video or two and your worst nightmares come true (spoiler alert: they won't) then you can always try something else. There's no right or wrong and you're not signing your soul away.

You can fail at doing something you don't love, so you might as well give doing something you DO love a go. Go on...take the plunge. Facing fears is what being alive feels like! 

This regurgitated sentiment was brought to you by Sparkist and is sponsored by Gilette. 'The Best a Man Can Get'.

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If your desire was genuine to help people, you wouldn't ask this question "am I good enough to do it" you would simply do it.

Now obviously there's more to it in your situation, like, a desire for fame maybe or money, idk. That's why you have all these fears. 

There're no requirements to help others. But you want to be recognized and accepted and all those things. Fear of rejection comes naturally but if did it not for fame, not for the status, not for yourself but for people, then You wouldn't care even a little how is your english or whether you look stupid or not. You would just be happy you did something nice in the world.

If you see someone drowning you don't think whether I will look stupid when I thow him a life vest.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@D13g0 the best way to handle fear is to stare it right in the face and just do it. You’ll be surprised to see that on the other side of fear is bliss. 

Tell yourself “fuck it” and just do it! ?

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Thank you so much for your supports. Your words really empowered me and touched my heart.

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11 hours ago, Salvijus said:

If your desire was genuine to help people, you wouldn't ask this question "am I good enough to do it" you would simply do it.

Now obviously there's more to it in your situation, like, a desire for fame maybe or money, idk. That's why you have all these fears. 

There're no requirements to help others. But you want to be recognized and accepted and all those things. Fear of rejection comes naturally but if did it not for fame, not for the status, not for yourself but for people, then You wouldn't care even a little how is your english or whether you look stupid or not. You would just be happy you did something nice in the world.

If you see someone drowning you don't think whether I will look stupid when I thow him a life vest.

Yeah good point......I can't say you're wrong. I truly love to give value and make a difference but I'm sure I have other selfish motives like "feeling enough, being successful to feel superior, bragging about it, feeling significant...."

Thanks for the feedback, I've got some work to do

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This is great :D. If you can be honest about your flaws, you have a lot of potential for growth :)

"The important thing is not that people love you but that you are loving". #SadhguruQuotes

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@D13g0 Hi!


"People are not gonna follow me or buy my coaching because I'm not saying anything new"

-It dosn't matter how many have said it before you. The important think is how you say it and who it resonates with. Maybe the way you explain is more relatable for some people. Also, who YOU are and your personality is a big factor. Think about it this way, if there are people already talking about it, why not one more? Im sure more people will come along who say the same either way. 

"The second belief says that I'm not good enough to make videos about something I haven't mastered yet."

-I don't know what the subject is. But instead of trying to tackle the whole subject, focus on parts. Break in down into pieces and learn one piece every week and do a video on it. You will master it as you explain it. Make a plan, lay out the information and make a schedule.

"I'm also afraid of looking stupid in front of a camera and what my neighbors might think of me(really thin walls and English is not my first language)."

- Worrying what others think should not be a factor if you know in your heart what you need to do. Don't let fear of what others think hold you back in life. 

The key is content and consistency


On 2018-06-12 at 7:23 PM, D13g0 said:

Hi guys, I realized that what I'm doing for a living is not my life purpose, not even close. I have an idea about my life purpose and I know that I wanna build my brand I have to put something out there. I'm thinking about making videos on youtube but I have a few really strong negative beliefs that are holding me back.
I feel like whatever I'm gonna say is already out there. It's been said countless times and I'm just gonna be a drop in the ocean. People are not gonna follow me or buy my coaching because I'm not saying anything new. The second belief says that I'm not good enough to make videos about something I haven't mastered yet. It would be arrogant and disrespectful. I'm also afraid of looking stupid in front of a camera and what my neighbors might think of me(really thin walls and English is not my first language).

How can I overcome these difficulties and get myself started(I know rationally I've got value to offer)?

thank you so much


Edited by furashido

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Hey, I didn't read every word in this thread so apologies if this was already mentioned, but I want to give a shout out to Mel Robbins 5 Second Rule. It is very simple and straightforward. Just good old-fashioned motivation.


Choices are everything in life. I think the only reason to pursue knowledge is to make better choices. Anything that can help you make better choices, or choices at all will be a boon to your life.

Edited by Colin

The kingdom of heaven is within.

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