
How Unfair Life Is

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Hey guys, I'm new here and this is my first post so I'm not really sure what to expect in terms of responses...but I'd like to let you know that all are greatly appreciated - the more perspectives the better!

After discovering this path of enlightenment and how there is no free will, I cant help but find it so difficult to come to terms with that this following thought:

Since there is no free will, and our lives are ultimately determined from the very incredibly unfair is life that some of us were always going to find this path, and be free'd from our suffering (to varying degree's dependent on our stage of enlightment); whereas others have always had their lives determined to never find this path of enlightenment - and therefore, have always been condemned to a life of suffering?

Is it not unfair how some of us were always going to realise that we do not exist, whereas others were not? 

As I hope many of you can agree, after having my first 'awakening' experience, I have been so blissfully happy everyday since, and no matter what thoughts creep in to my mind, I now have the ability to look at them from a third perspective, enabling me to understand all of them regardless of whether they are positive or negative. But the one thought that actually still bothers me, is 'Why am I so lucky to have this realisation instead of someone else?'

I realise that none of us actually exist to 'feel this suffering'...however that doesn't help shake this sorrow I have for others, so thats why I would love to hear some of your responses! 

P.s. Sorry for such a bleak first post haha

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Unfair to the silly ego that thinks it exists, and thinks time exists.

To the True Self, everything is great!

If you really feel enlightenment should be wide-spread, why not commit your life to helping people become enlightened?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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But is it the ego's fault that it thinks both it and time exists? This is where my sorrow/compassion for the egos of others arrises.

I only found out about enlightenment about a month ago (from yourself actually), so to say I know only little about enlightenment is an understatement haha. However I believe if I progress enough, then helping make it wide-spread will certainly become my life goal. 

What was your inspiration for helping make enlightenment wide-spread?

Many thanks for everything Leo! 

Edited by Maty
spelling. Extra question

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@Maty The ego is an illusion. It's no one's fault because there isn't anyone here.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I remember reading somewhere in Robert Greene's "Mastery" that it is said that a feeling of lack of self-worth is usually experienced just before enlightenment. Is this the ego realizing that the world it created and its role in it does not exist?

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Life is neither fair or unfair. It just is. Everything just 'is'. Is it fair that life was created on Earth but not on Venus? Is it fair that the dinosaurs dies out allowing us to evolve. Is it fair that stars burn out. Is it unfair that we exist but something that doesn't exist, doesn't? Is it fair that one person 'suffers' whilst another does not? Or is that just a fact of reality, and does suffering even exist as real thing..or is it just a concept and a label that we assign to something we see as having 'less' of something than another thing? And how do you even define less and more? Isn't that just subjective?

A lot of stuff happens in reality but it is just a fact of reality. There is no value, positive or negative, to any of it. EVerything is neutral. Even your personal development. Even someone else's lack of personal development. Even life or death. All just a function of the greater system. The system that runs regardless of the concepts, labels and value we decide to assign to it all.

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”  - Lao Tzu

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12 hours ago, Maty said:

our lives are ultimately determined from the very beginning

Whose lives? Which beginning? :D


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