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The Don

Turn Your Longing Around

2 posts in this topic

Your longing always takes you towards something. You are longing for something. For union, for God, for happiness, etc. 

This longing has driven your life. Your longing always pulls you forwards.

To turn your longing around, ask yourself: what does this longing arise from? Not where is it going towards.

You can't find it anywhere because your longing... longing is to our feelings what attention is to our thoughts.

Attention is awareness directed towards an object. Longing is love directed towards an object. Do you get this? As long as our attention is directed towards the object it is facing away its essence. As long as our loving is directed towards an objects, even the ultimate object called God, it is directed away from that for which it truly longs.

Your longing for God will take you on an endless journey away from that for which you truly long. Beware of making a persona out of your longing.

What you are longing for lives at the source of your longing. It will never be found as an object of longing. In other wards you will never find it. You will be kept perpetually in a state of mixture between nostalgia and longing.


Me on the road less traveled.

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@The Don What if you’re longing to be a fisherman, and to fish. So you do, and you love it.   ?   What if being a fisherman is your place, and you know from the freedom and deep sense of connection that fishing, learning how to make better bate, how to fish better, how to prepare the fish more deliciously, brings, etc. 



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