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Dealing With Boredom

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I find that boredom is such a greater thing than what it's usually referred to as. Like Leo has said, it's not just a little feeling/emotion we experience when we lack things to stimulate ourselves with, it is rather physical death itself.

My mind is highly conceptual, very logical and loves to solve problems. In fact the purpose of my entire life recently is to see and fix current problems. I find that when everything in my life is going well, I easily feel bored, and I face this emptiness I cannot even describe. The only thing that can help me deal with it is setting a higher vision for myself so that I have something to look forward to.

Since now I'm at a point in my life where I've always wanted to be, and I know it cannot make me satisfied/happy because it can never be from the external, I feel like I have to set an even bigger vision for myself. But I know once I reach that I'll just experience the same thing. I always need to find problems in my life and be on the "edge" in order to not be bored and to get rid of the emptiness, but I also know that there is another level we can reach where we fully embrace the emptiness...

I do not want to live like I currently am (internally), and I want to find enjoyment in even the most simple thing. I know too many things logically, and I even know that even if I do something exciting it's a very short-term feeling and it will fade away soon and I will be left with an emptiness/boredom. This makes it even more difficult to enjoy life since I know too much (because of personal development) and I sometimes just wish I would live in ignorance.

How do you guys deal with boredom? When do you experience it? What do you do to really embrace the empty feeling within?

Edited by QandC

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When I am bored I try to just be bored and let the feeling be there. Because always getting novel stimuli can ruin your concentration and get you anxiety. I think it may just be a matter of getting the mind used to boredom again so that is what I try. Cal Newport have done some interesting research on boredom. 

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