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David Hawkins books.

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You guys have got to read these, they are amazing by far some of the best self help books I've read (I own around 30). If you only read one i'll say read letting go, it's essential! You can change so many things in your life success emotion diet and it can all be busy work without changing how you feel, if you start to apply this book youll gain traction towards feeling better and better, as it deals with letting go of emotions.

Letting go - This book deals with how to get rid of emotions and move up the emotional scale. If you start applying this you'll feel better and better and better, although it happens slowly it's not instant.

His trilogy on enlightenment is also incredible.

The first book is power vs force.

The second is the eye of the i.

The third is i relativity and subjectivity.

Must read books for people looking for new stuff. Most libraries have them too!

Edited by heisenburger

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I read Letting Go once and now I bought a physical copy and am reading it again. It's one of those books you read once a year and it blows you away every time.

I will definitely be coming back to it for a looong time

“Man’s faith in God is measured by his confidence in himself... Your faith in God is measured by your confidence in yourself, because your true self is God.”  - Neville Goddard

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