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What features has infinite consciousness?

25 posts in this topic

1 minute ago, MarkusSweden said:


Did you see the 'plastic bag' scene btw? 

No what do you mean? 

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Just now, Faceless said:

No what do you mean? 

This scene, it's just three minutes long, watch it and tell me what you think.


Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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Ah yes:)

The beauty of the original experience becomes a pleasure. Because he seeks to ‘remember’ that experience which causes pain. Thought holds on to that experience and seeks security in reliving it. Which it cannot. So he lives in fear and pain. 

That’s one thing I noticed. 


How about you? 




Edited by Faceless

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I dont know if the producers meant to portray that but that’s what happens 

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2 hours ago, MarkusSweden said:

@Quanty Would you mind give your response in my poll that I just created? 

You are probably the most enlightened one at this forum, since you can manage your age in your own pace, the pace that you prefer that is. 

Leo is aware this is possible, since all structures, even 'age' and 'time' are nothing but 'inventions' by the infinite intelligence aka consciousness. 

But even if Leo is aware this is possible, you are the only one with the power to actually moderate it the way you like. at the moment, you are the only one that could do so at this forum, I think.  

Therefore it would be nice to hear what you have to say about art at its link to spirituality. 

But only leave a comment if you like to. No pressure buddy! :) 

From experience, good Art is the definition of Enlightenment. May that art be music, architecture, poetry, movie, theatre, lullabies, fairy tales, children stories, painting, cartoons, religion (this too is the greatest art of nothingness), etc. Only good harmony of the body/mind can result in great achievement in discovering the shadows of reality. 

A practical example of Enlightenment and Immortality is this painting on a plate. One can see the truth behind the subliminal art shown using the 6th sense. Reality is already painted very nice in any social institution or systems of thinking, with a double-edged sword significance and appliance. 


Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

The passage above talks about the first initiates in how to "make the fire" (awakening). The first rulers of humankind. They first built a system of doctrine of the concepts and the mind, the basis of what we have today. The 5 senses only as to rule above other human beings. Because the Enlightened Masters of that time or any time in the human history, they did not go public. Only the "dogs" (initiates) wanted power and rule above newborns. The subject is very complex, as the Art itself is so complex that one cannot put it in concepts. One must experience, see, touch, feel, etc. 


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