
Be still, listen, and truth will be

1 post in this topic

It is constantly changing, and yet we attempt to make sense of it. We limit the limitless, and examine the nonsense that is any thing divided and isolated from the whole. Instead of listening we speak, and use our voice to blame something lying outside the boundaries of that which we thought to be in a certain way, for destroying the order that we falsely believed to have discovered. Any division is imagined, and any attempt at understanding things pushes the truth out of reach. Only by becoming still can we hear the tone of truth, as any question interferes with and changes its frequency. 

Put in another way. You are all that is, nothing less, nothing more. Part of you observes and part of you is the observed. The wound of doubt causes this fundamental distinction. For it to heal, you have to let go, let yourself be. To let yourself be means to let that which you falsely believe to be not you - like the environment, other people, the universe - be. Stop examining and analyzing yourself and that which you believe is not you. Through inaction, stillness, nothingness, the wound will heal, thoughts will seize, and truth will be. 

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