ali rasheed

Confidence Vs Doubting

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so the question here is ...

if doubting and considering that you could be wrong is a wise thing to do to eliminate the possibility that you make mistakes with your growth then how can you develop confidence at the same time?

for example:

when i develope my self i must study it with openmindedness and doubting and asking, but if i keep questioning everything even my abilities  and wont have confidence, i would be just lost in doubting and mind games .

then how can i combine them?

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Being open to constructive criticism is a part of showing confidence. Its not a bad thing to be open to being wrong. 

Its also important to identify the difference between questioning things and questioning yourself.  If you question things you become open to knowing more and hence you move forward, if you question yourself, you doubt your own capabilities and its harder to move forward.

Hope this clarifies things a bit. x  

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@ali rasheed doubt is very bad. You must eliminate all doubt from your life, it is very negative energy that will hold you back from getting amazing results. It will make you a pussy, and it will make you miserable. With doubt you will miss your life.

You must have confidence and faith instead! Massive confidence and massive faith!

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@ali rasheed You're getting yourself mixed up with your perspective. Perspectives change. If you identify as your perspective you're in big trouble, because it's nature is impermanence. That's why you don't feel confident being wrong, because you think you will cease to be any less because somebody else's perspective will trump your own. 

You might have got a hardtime in the past being "wrong". Being wrong would have possibly threatened your survival. And maybe you didn't notice you are still carrying that around?


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13 hours ago, ali rasheed said:

when i develope my self i must study it with openmindedness and doubting and asking

There is a difference between 'questioning' and 'doubting'.

To doubt implies some kind of fear of a consequence to the realisation that something may not be as it seems. To question is to be empirical and impartial, without trying to derive value from it. At least those are my interpretations of them.

Yes, study yourself openmindedly and impartially. Ask questions, be prepared to challenge existing beliefs. But there isn't anything you need to doubt. Sure, you may discover that some beliefs are false, and that you were on the wrong track previously. But that is an empowering realisation as it allows you to make positive changes and improve the quality of your life. If you are having doubts then you are fearing some negative outcome to you potential findings. There are no negative outcomes to self-questioning. Only realisations and positive actions.

Confidence comes from knowing that finding 'problems' or areas that need work allows for solutions and then positive results.

Here's an analogy:

If I'm constantly doubting the reliability of my car then I live in fear of it letting me down. I have no confidence in it. On the other hand, I can actively question it's functionality, investigate and analyse it, look for problems which I can then fix. The only outcome of this is a better functioning car and the confidence that I know it is running well and that I can address something when, or before, it becomes a problem.

This is kinda how I see personal development. Becomming the mechanic of your own mind and your own life and having the knowledge and confidence to address problems, find solutions and create positive results. Verses being just the naive driver and living in doubt and fear, not understanding what's going on under the hood, and not knowing how to fix it, or even recognise a problem until it's too late.

Confidence comes from knowledge and tools. Doubt comes from fear and ignorance.

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”  - Lao Tzu

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