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How to Meditate Properly: the One and Only Meditation Technique to Become God

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There are countless ways to meditate, but only 1 takes a person to the deepest states of Spiritual Enlightenment. Let the channeled Higher Self Consciousness guide you to your deepest Truth Consciousness Bliss state. Since the beginning of human history, meditation has been the most popular method that practiced to give a person deeper knowledge of themselves and reality. Meditation opens up a person's mind for self-examination and personal transformation. Meditation removes stress, anxiety, fear and all undesirable emotions. Meditation creates peace and happiness. The final goal of meditation is direct experience of one's Eternal Self and God Consciousness. Meditation creates so many powerful benefits. But which meditation method should a person practice for the deepest states of Spiritual Enlightenment to be reached? This Channel Higher Self videos features a channeled teaching from the interdimensional Higher Self Consciousness. You will learn how to correctly meditate. Instruction is given for spiritual students new to meditation. The entire path of meditation is examined and discussed. Many different popular meditation methods are examined and their shortcomings identified. Ultimately one meditation method is chosen to be the single most effective method of meditation for God Consciousness Self Realization. We live in the information age, where too much information is available to us. Self-proclaimed experts and self-determined gurus are teaching methods that will not lead to genuine Spiritual Enlightenment, but instead will create confusion, suffering and a stronger ego structure. The truth is very simple and ever-present. Let this direct, precise and clear Higher Self video teaching help you practice meditation correctly and effectively. May you achieve genuine Spiritual Enlightenment, Self-Realization, and God Consciousness within yourself.

-Lincol Gergar

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Personally, I find meditation after physical exercise or any type of dance or joyess activity is very effective as the body is ready to rest, and you want to silence the mind, They effectively harmonize into each other. I got this idea from Osho dynamic meditation but you don't have to do the way he recommends, be your own creator, create your own ways :) There are no right or wrongs, only experience.



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Who is the guy in the video? He sounds like a sleepy head.

Watch out! Mind fuck.

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