Truth Addict

All mathematics destroyed (1 + 1 = 1)

66 posts in this topic

@Truth Addict how do you even know an orange exists?

Mathematics independently isn't an illusion. Its an illusion precisely because its trying to talk about other illusions.

If the word 'god' wasn't a concept, and 'god' was real, saying god + god = god (the laws of an infinite set) would be a truthul statement, a statement outside of the mind.

Mathematics is a dream layed on top of another dream, the physical word. If the physical world was real, then mathematics would be real.

The reason why mathematics isn't real isn't because of naming conventions, like 1 + 1 or 2, its because its a language, and languages are pointers.

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8 minutes ago, Outer said:

Freedom is the ability to be able to say 1+1=2.

We'll call you back as soon as possible.

4 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

@Truth Addict how do you even know an orange exists?

Mathematics independently isn't an illusion. Its an illusion precisely because its trying to talk about other illusions.

If the word 'god' wasn't a concept, and 'god' was real, saying god + god = god (the laws of an infinite set) would be a truthul statement, a statement outside of the mind.

Mathematics is a dream layed on top of another dream, the physical word. If the physical world was real, then mathematics would be real.

The reason why mathematics isn't real isn't because of naming conventions, like 1 + 1 or 2, its because its a language, and languages are pointers.


"I tried to explain as simple as possible, though I see things slightly differently, meaning that I see some Truths that some people can't see, and I'm not bragging, I'm just saying that for the very advanced people here that might criticize me (for example, an orange is not an orange in truth, it's also a concept)."


I deleted this part before posting cuz it felt like bragging, though it isn't.

And it's hard to explain it to people unless you use their terms, I knew some of you are more advanced than me, so I kept that part in my notes.

We're on the same board.

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On Saturday, June 09, 2018 at 11:29 AM, Truth Addict said:

First of all, I'm not saying that mathematics is wrong or bad or anything like that, I'm here to make some things clear about it.



I wasn't discussing the validity of mathematics, obviously it's valid and practical. It's very beneficial to us. But that's not the point.

My main aim was to show you how it's irrelevant to Truth, that (1+1=2) is not a Truth, (1+1=2) is a collective agreement, a human convention, and therefore cannot be proven or disproven.

I always thought (1+1=2) is a "Mathematical Truth" or a proof for the validity of mathematics. My original post was to show you that mistake, so you don't fall for it like I did. That's all.

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You still don't get it. You guys are most of the time off topic, maybe it's me that's bad at delivering ideas.

I could never have 2 oranges, this only happens in your mind. Instead, I could only have 1 and 1 oranges. You and me and others agreed unconsciously to call 1 and 1 a 2. Still don't get it? I lost hope.

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3 hours ago, Truth Addict said:



You still don't get it. You guys are most of the time off topic, maybe it's me that's bad at delivering ideas.

I could never have 2 oranges, this only happens in your mind. Instead, I could only have 1 and 1 oranges. You and me and others agreed unconsciously to call 1 and 1 a 2. Still don't get it? I lost hope.

I think you're thinking too much. 1 and 1 orange is also a concept. Again, to say what you're trying to say, you need to remain silent.

The Truth is not conceptual, stop trying to find conceptual Truths. There are true or false things within life. Then there is the Truth which has no opposite. Quit trying to disregard all that is true vs false by being a Truth Nazi.

The Truth does not make everything else false.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Outer @Dodo

There is experience.

Of course 1 and 1 is a concept, only here. But in your experience it's not, because it's it, a 1 and 1. Not 2 because 2 is a concept.

All you need is some inquiring and you'll see what I see.

Edited by Truth Addict

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29 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:

@Outer @Dodo

There is experience.

Of course 1 and 1 is a concept, only here. But in your experience it's not, because it's it, a 1 and 1. Not 2 because 2 is a concept.

All you need is some inquiring and you'll see what I see.

Since when is self inquiry dealing with what you see? Self inquiry is about that which sees.

I do self inquiry constantly, perhaps started before you even. Relax, you're taking a point of view you have and turning it into absolute. It's only a point of view, everyone has a different one. 

You are presenting your statement as absolute truth, but it isn't. It's only your opinion.


If you point to the two apples with the words One and One, and I point to the two apples with the words Two apples, we're pointing at the same thing with different wording. Why would saying "One and One" be correct and saying "Two" be incorrect?

Why are you so invested in telling people this concept you have and defend it as absolute truth. You yourself seem to believe there are no correct and incorrect statements, so you must not stand by your words. Why should anyone listen?

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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I said "inquiring" alone, without a "self".

Maybe it's only my opinion. Maybe I'm deluded.

We agreed that it's the same thing at last. What is different though is the conceptualizing, because an object is only itself, and multiple objects is a concept. One and one is still not quite accurate, because it's a value and a concept, maybe I was thrilled a little bit. The real thing (not necessarily actually real) is what is, not what we think it is. Saying an orange is also a conceptualizing, therefore we can't rely on discussion, all we have is our subjective experiences, and inquiring. ;)

I don't defend anything, I only say what I see, and you kept quoting and mentioning me until I responded, I didn't want to reply at first.

Much love ?

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@Dodo Are you familiar with Euler, and his equation, Euler's equation? 

If anything is beautiful and "impossible" in math, this is it! 

The numer "e" (the unique number whose natural logarithm is equal to one.)  is like "Pi", it's transcendental, it doesn't stop anywhere, which means it continues for ever just like Pi. 

e = 2.71828...

There is also a 'number' in math called "i", which is defined as the square root of (-1)(imaginary number) 

Also, remember when we talk about the mysterious quality of "0"(zero)? 

Also, the number "1" is equally magical, the most fundamental number expressing oneness. 

Even though "e", "pi" and "i" are not related to each other, they belong to different fields of mathematics so to speak. 

The three of them, together with the two numbers "0" and "1" come together and form the most beautiful equation ever, can you believe it??

Equation below! 

The only equation that made me cry once.

Five magical numbers(Pi, e, i, 1, 0) seemingly unrelated to each other makes up the most simple and beautiful equation ever!! 

Equation below! 

It's impossible to understand how this simple relation can exist between independent irrational numbers. Beauty beyond infinity! 

Also, it really express nothingness(0), oneness(1) and duality(Pi, e, i) in the same equation. How awesome isn't that? :)   

This is almost as good as Snick-math and Dodo-math! ;) 


Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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Your mind has a grip of you and you don even kno it

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5 minutes ago, Ether said:

Your mind has a grip of you and you don even kno it

Who are you addressing? 

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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16 minutes ago, MarkusSweden said:

Who are you addressing? 

The ones saying 1+1 is 1 or 3. Its 2 boi. We learn this in the first grade.

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15 hours ago, Dodo said:

Ok, but what you don't grasp is that I am talking about the fibonacci sequence,  not just 1+1=2.

Fibonacci sequence is just 1+1=2. I mean it has the same roots (Fibonacci builds on 1+1=2).

In fact everything that we could ever create under the hood of mathematics has the same nature as 1+1=2. Logical sentences. Thoughts, or just another material occurrence inside the fabric of matter, using matter as ground, hence it is groundless.

If matter does not exist, maths does not exist of course.


The fact that some objects in the nature have a Fibonacci like structure or geometry, it shouldn't be  a surprise, nor magic, it is the logic this matter is built on. Including maths and Fib. I mean it couldnt be otherwise at all in this Universe.

Edited by George Paul

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1 hour ago, Ether said:

The ones saying 1+1 is 1 or 3. Its 2 boi. We learn this in the first grade.

They are taking math out of its context. Math doesn't belong to the absolute realm. 

Math, just as science, sports and humour belong to the relative world. (Second order) 

Spirituality, God, classical art/music belong to the absolute world. (First order) 

Even though the first order reality give birth to the second order reality, there is no sense in mixing them in this sense, claiming that 1+1=1(or 3)

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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16 hours ago, Dodo said:

This implies that the Universe works in a way that is consistent with the fibonacci sequence and ratio. Now that doesnt mean there is someone out there doing calculations and creating things, but it does mean that the way in which life works or grows has something to do with this mathematical model.

Try to flip over your paradigm.

It is not the universe that is working in consistent way with mathematics, it is vice-versa.

We invent mathematics to figure out how the universe works.

But we cant find through mathematics the cause that makes the universe work, we can only understand how some parts of the universe interact with each other, by "how" meaning "the mechanics" not the cause.

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@MarkusSweden I dont study mental masturbation so i wouldnt know :D

Tell me again, how is this relevant in ending your suffering?

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Just now, Ether said:

@MarkusSweden I dont study mental masturbation so i wouldnt know :D

Tell me again, how is this relevant in ending your suffering?

Not relevant at all! 

It's funny though, once you have ended suffering. ;) 

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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1 hour ago, George Paul said:

Fibonacci sequence is just 1+1=2. I mean it has the same roots (Fibonacci builds on 1+1=2).

In fact everything that we could ever create under the hood of mathematics has the same nature as 1+1=2. Logical sentences. Thoughts, or just another material occurrence inside the fabric of matter, using matter as ground, hence it is groundless.

If matter does not exist, maths does not exist of course.


The fact that some objects in the nature have a Fibonacci like structure or geometry, it shouldn't be  a surprise, nor magic, it is the logic this matter is built on. Including maths and Fib. I mean it couldnt be otherwise at all in this Universe.

Actually the root of fibonacci is 0+1=1

-1/12 is Infinity 

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10 hours ago, Bane said:

This is deep. To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand 1 + 1 = 3.

IQ is about logical intelligence, so incorrect 

Also it Makes no sense.

This is like saying that you have 3 legs and 3 hands. Obviously incorrect. You can say anything is deep, but that doesnt make it correct.

You need to be extremely right brained to make such statements and observations. 

Being right brain dominant is not much better than being left dominant.

The idea is to dwell in the middle and get the best of both worlds.

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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