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Just sharing with my actualized family

2 posts in this topic

Today, I am feeling ....there is emptiness of love in my heart. Love that ruled me once so intensely that there was nothing that I wanted. Love that left me the hard way, and now have transformed me into a cold man now.

I have women around me that even show love and care but I have become numb to affections for anybody. And just sometimes, I feel this deep rooted absolute numb pain...that doesn't feel anything but just absence and hollowness. I try to scream hard, force all my muscle but there is only gesture and no voice just tears flowing down. 

 Sometimes, I miss the  simple and ignorant man that I was with simple wishes and way of living, but extraordinary blissful for life. Until it changed. 

I do not miss her, neither I want her, I just miss love, love that I do not feel worthy or brave to get right now. 

The reason that changed her was my struggle with career, career that I am still working on. 

No, I do not want any freakin advice, I know what to do. I am good most days just sometime, you know. And Just sharing my heart, just looking for a shoulder to cry on :) 

P.S. - Listening to all the songs I used to listen after breakup three years ago. 

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