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John Iverson

what activities should i do if one of my values is to create miracle

48 posts in this topic

10 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

Work on concentration. Concentration means focusing of the mind, narrowing of the mind on one point. Meditation is not concentration.

For example 'tratak for concentration' -  staring at a fixed object. 

Chanting Mantra. When you chant a mantra, all the energy used in your thoughts is released to flow into the mantra. Only the mantra remains in your mind; all other avenues of thought are closed, all other outlets for your mental energy are shut off; there is nowhere else for it to flow. Mantras bestow power. Through chanting a mantra one gathers power; there is no doubt about this.

What mantra should i use? Is A,U,M is great???

i practice concetration by the use of beat, i download metronome... i focus on that, 

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4 minutes ago, John Iverson said:

I am thinking that awhile ago, given that i have the power , some people will be scared, angry, envy, call me fraud, or try to kill me... i feel the vibes in that moment i become that, maybe i can handle that? Because i know before i become that i already settle sub Goals in my life.. yes i know there is sub goal , 

i am starting today to be serious in personal development.. the Blue print of leo is what i am working out, but suddenly when i am in happiness.. it stated their that to be happy you must do activities that is inclined to your Values.. i know my values, values is about Miracle.. and that's why i need help what activities should i do because i know ,i feel that this makes me happy each day... i am only at happiness!! If i am done with everything in the Blue print I don't know who i will become... for now i am self actualizing but what i ask here on this forum is connected to the blue print... this is the sub goal.... :D haha other activities is Yoga, meditating.. i am starting journaling.. Prabhhaker shared that i must work my willpower.. so that is my other work!! To have a will power.. 

I’m glad you’re progressing. :D

Take care.

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” 
― Socrates

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24 minutes ago, Solace said:

If you want to be like Jesus you will first drop the judgement that there is unconsciousness. All is love, all is oneness, all is peace, and you are that too. Jesus had no judgement, Jesus had no modality to become enlightened, he just surrendered to the oneness that he already was, dropping all thoughts, all stories, and even his deepest subconscious ideas, and surrendered that to God/his heart.

Focusing on the heart or yourself as awareness releases all subconscious programming of separation. It's that simple. Stop over complicating with your human mind. There is only love.

I will use this as a reminder thankyou :D

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Why concentrate on one point of reality when you can be the totality of reality?

@John IversonIndeed. Eventually we will all return to this source of love, for now the best thing to do is surrender to our hearts and create from there :) That will evolve us in the most accelerated way. But to the mind, oneness is scary, it means letting go of all of your fears, tough stuff man.

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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23 minutes ago, Solace said:

Everyone's number one value is love, only in the egoistic mind do we identify with anything else but love, and that leads to suffering.

I value miracle... miracle is part of love.. all of this is also love.. but even love is part of a miracle HAHAHAHA!!! ?

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Love contains the totality of everything and is the totality of everything; containing miracles, fear, sadness, physicality, karma, mentality, thought etc. When in love, life is miraculous. That's all.

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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THat might still be your ego...Create the biggest miracle of them all...a fulfilled life

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2 minutes ago, Solace said:

Why concentrate on one point of reality when you can be the totality of reality?

Leo, working out his whole life to become the totality of reality, but that is not it, he makes videos and he is into personal development.. he is now Enlightened and become the totality.. is Leo Stop making Videos? Is Jesus when he become the totality did he stop being in the totality? Is Jesus sitting in his do nothing just being totality of reality?? Did Buddha stay under the Tree? until his body gone ? And nothing to do just totality and that's it?.... all human Consciousness is what they strive but we are different on what we want to do while we are here enjoying every particular in totality in this lifetime... if being totality is your part of your journey that's okay... nothing is wrong.. either nothing is wrong if Leo's thing is exist and Jesus Christ teach and build a disciples, nothing also wrong if buddha do his thing for the sake of sufferings :D .. there is nothing wrong if Sadhguru invent a Yoga for the sake of Inner Engineering.. MAN!! I LOVEEE SADHGURU.. Even Leo i love Leo.. i hope their Energy and their other stuffs could transmit to me someday.... 

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The ego too is love, I love everything as God, nothing is lesser than God. I even love the one in me who believes that oneness will fulfill him, when he is already complete within.

In a sense I'm not fully integrated or enlightened, but I don't choose to see through that perspective of separation anymore. For in truth I know I'm complete and enlightened as I am right now. There is nothing to change.

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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5 minutes ago, Ether said:

THat might still be your ego...Create the biggest miracle of them all...a fulfilled life

Maybe yes, maybe no? I'm not sure.. miracle is not something to fulfill me.. it is a part of my self actualizing... i will know that this is ego, if someday i die like Leo or Sadhguru and this feeling also Vanish.. i have to listen to this feeling.. if this vanish in the next month years or until i become dead then that is ego.. i am not sure yet

Edited by John Iverson

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@John IversonYou misunderstand dear one. That is just your fear speaking, assuming that a life of oneness means you just sit there in silence like a monk. But that is not the case, something much deeper than your thoughts and subconscious mind even will drive your life, and move your body physically. That is your soul I point towards.

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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@John IversonYou don't die, there is nothing to die at all. Your love will transform the limiting belief that death is apart of life's, it is not. It is the beliefs that are released and integrated, no part of you is to be pushed away if there is only one part, one consciousness, one love, one peace, one duality.

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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18 minutes ago, John Iverson said:

What mantra should i use? Is A,U,M is great???

It won’t help much For you, Hoo will be more helpful. Hoo is a Sufi mantra. Hoo was developed by Sufis for a very aggressive, violent country and race. Your energy is near the sex center, and the sex center has to be hit directly so the energy rises upwards. 

A beautiful woman passes and you simply take a note that “Yes, a woman has passed,” but nothing arises within, you; your sex center is not hit, no energy moves in you , then you can start Aum. When you start feeling that now you exist near the heart, not near the sex center, only then can you use Aum.

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Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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@Prabhaker All healing modalities imply that you are separate from oneness, that you need to be "fixed". Surrendering to the heart your personal identity is much more powerful to experience the infinite void of nothingness that you are.

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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39 minutes ago, WaterfallMachine said:

Tasks for discipline : Meditation, pomodoro technique, prioritizing, and starting small. Google on how to develop habits that will allow you to be disciplined. Exercise and health practices are the best part of life that teach discipline. Giving yourself rewards and punishments. Having someone to be accountable with.

Tasks for love : Loving kindness meditation, practice on emotional vulnerability in intimate relationships — research attachment theory, working on self love, inner child work for past traumas, and possibly volunteering help in your own way.

You seem to be in stage Orange in Spiral Dynamics. The first tasks develops the stage, and the latter develops the Green stage. Good luck. I recommend doing Orange tasks first though. If you believe you’re ready for the second, then feel free to disagree with me.

Yes, i do Meditation, i am practicing what is more important to do (prioritizing)

i already watch video of Leo about habits,. , before i thought that i am serious about self actualizing but when my ego starts to backslide i am not serious enough to take the challenge.. so i am at this point that what i am reading to this post and what activities am i doing i will take shot, 

i am also working out Discipline, the concept of discipline i read in the book,The Roadless Traveled, and also i have resistance that is so powerful i am working that out..

attachment theory( sure i will search that)

child hood trauma or past disturbances.. i am also working that out.., lately i take psychedelics for my emotions to come out.. and also that moment i tap in to the intelligence... that is why i discover that the reason why I don't understand and i think I don't have intelligence is because i am not conscious enough and i am not conscious that i have my resistance to listen and expand myself to that lesson or what other people is saying...


orange level? Hmm? I will add this to my lists that i will work out.. do you have a referral ? Books? Videos. Or reading material etc...

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37 minutes ago, WaterfallMachine said:

I’m glad you’re progressing. :D

Take care.

Thank you! Lately i suffered from ego backlash it is strong.. that makes me see that i am not serious enough to this work... 


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19 minutes ago, Solace said:

@John IversonYou misunderstand dear one. That is just your fear speaking, assuming that a life of oneness means you just sit there in silence like a monk. But that is not the case, something much deeper than your thoughts and subconscious mind even will drive your life, and move your body physically. That is your soul I point towards.

I feel peace when i say that to you.. i am peaceful and calm.. you are projecting.. i am conscious to what i am doing.. on what my intuition tell me to do.. there is no thoughts here.. I don't know also if this is ego.. i will know if this will be vanish after days, months or even i become dead.. if i become dead and this also vanish.. this is ego.. for now.. you also don't know what is this.. if you know.. you are assuming.. that ego in you is projecting... i also don't know. This is my challenge to know if this is my Life purpose or this is ego game...

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I wish you the best on your path. Hope you find the love you're looking for. Peace, and oneness my beloved, I say this from the bottom of my heart, there is no pretending here, just authentic love for you. You'd know if we met one day :)

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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24 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

It won’t help much For you, Hoo will be more helpful. Hoo is a Sufi mantra. Hoo was developed by Sufis for a very aggressive, violent country and race. Your energy is near the sex center, and the sex center has to be hit directly so the energy rises upwards. 

A beautiful woman passes and you simply take a note that “Yes, a woman has passed,” but nothing arises within, you; your sex center is not hit, no energy moves in you , then you can start Aum. When you start feeling that now you exist near the heart, not near the sex center, only then can you use Aum.

Haha! You know one of my ego ! HAHAHA! My Sexual urges and energy is very high :( i hope that can help.. 

that's cool triviaaa for Hoo!

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