
Consciousness has nothing to do with spirituality

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Studying and raising consciousness is a very positive on its own but it has nothing to do with spirituality or God (at least your consciousness does not). Consciousness is an aspect of human psychology. However it could be used as the tool of deception if you give it a spiritual meaning. Whatever you are doing in your life you have two ways of doing it: consciously or unconsciously in an automatic manner. The second one saves you a time on a trivial actions such as brushing your teeth or eating. You should train your consciousness to always be aware and make conscious decisions and choices to avoid all the traps and self deception. Prayer can be extremely helpful in raising consciousness because unlike meditation you are consciosly communicating with the God. During the prayer you don’t loose your identity and source of free will on the contrary you train it and you also train your ability to focus. Remember consciousness has nothing to do with spirituality. It is extrapolation...

Edited by egoless

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22 minutes ago, Saumaya said:

@egoless What is the one thing that stays constant and never changes?


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2 hours ago, egoless said:

Prayer can be extremely helpful in raising consciousness because unlike meditation you are consciosly communicating with the God. During the prayer you don’t loose your identity and source of free will on the contrary you train it and you also train your ability to focus.

You've heard of bhakti yoga right. This is the same thing.

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13 minutes ago, who chit said:

You've heard of bhakti yoga right. This is the same thing.

Of course I have. But as I’ve said Jesus is the one Truth. Noone else in other religions is claiming to be a God. Noone has lived sinless life and was crucified for our sins. Infinite God itself came into his creation in the human flash to save us from ourselves. That’s why I call it prayer and not Bhakti Yoga... because it is hinduism not Christianity.

Edited by egoless

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Pls egoless...... No one cares about your religious beliefs. Get over it.

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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Everything you say is pure beliefs . This is a forum of seekers not my belief versus yours

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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Evrything is belief. Search enough and you will understand. God is unknown.

Unlike you I’ve became directly conscious of the fact that there are only beliefs. You can’t escape them. 

Edited by egoless

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Belief is your making. Reality and truth is not a belief. You want to know the truth? Drop all beliefs including all your Jesus crap. And start from the bottom - What I know I know, what I do not know I do not know.

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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You are full of beliefs. The fact that you are typing is already telling me that. God is unknown. Search enough and you will know that. And you are not God. You will also know that. The rests are beliefs

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23 minutes ago, egoless said:

Of course I have. But as I’ve said Jesus is the one Truth.

I'm not ragging on your spritual path,that's fine. I'm pointing out what most christians end up doing,which is ragging on other religions as being wrong or defunct somehow,which is a total insult to those who follow those religions. This is why Christianity gets a bad rap.


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@who chit True christians don’t rage on anyone including me. Everything I talk here is my beliefs and I am aware that these are beliefs but based on very profound personal experience and search. Therefore I am not touching other people’s beliefs. I am talking what is True for me. 

I became directly conscious that God is unknown and will be never known by humans therefore all we have about God and whole reality is just beliefs and stories. Maybe there is ultimate Truth maybe not. Nobody knows that but I believe there is. 

Edited by egoless

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13 minutes ago, egoless said:

You are full of beliefs. The fact that you are typing is already telling me that. God is unknown. Search enough and you will know that. And you are not God. You will also know that. The rests are beliefs

I see you just like conflict nothing else.

Are you even interested in knowing god? Or did you just made an assumption, "well I'm stupid ignorant guy I i'm going to believe god is unknown" 

If you really want to know. Then believing in god will not help. That's where self-enquiry and meditation comes in.

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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1 hour ago, egoless said:

Jesus is the one Truth

Jesus said “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple." ◄ Luke 14:26 ►

Do you hate everyone and your own life or not ?

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And who the fuck cares about god if you don't even know who you are.

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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@egoless Nothing wrong with your beliefs per se but it seems they are now 180 deg. from what most ppl experiance and are sharing on a forum about consciousness/spirituality. Maybe you could find a nice christian forum to join where ppl share a similar view as yours. That way you talk the same language, so to speak and you won't have to convince anyone else why they should change their view to match yours.. Peace.

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@cetus56 peace. I am not trying to convince anyone. I am responding to who is asking. I am speaking from my perspective and this is my Truth. This forum is for seekers of the Truth or at least I thought it was. I can and will leave it soon. I don’t hate anyone here on the contrary but it is very pitty when I see how the forum responds with hatred to different perspectives and worldviews. This even strengthens my belief that nonduality and this path is a delusion. ;) peace 

P.S. I consider many of you here as my online friends or at least I thought that was the case... I could have easily left the forum without revealing my shift in perspectives but I felt responsible to share with others about what I have found out

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Fuck your beliefs. And every other belief on this planet

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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1 minute ago, egoless said:

I don’t hate anyone here on the contrary

@egoless That was never said. Of course you don't hate anyone here.

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@egoless From one Christian to another, hello :)

I was raised in Church since I was 3 years old. I hold very strong to the believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the Way, the Truth, and the Life. But I don't think there is anything wrong with using practices from other belief systems to strengthen ours. 

I feel silly for saying this, but Life of Pi is kind of what made me think of this (great movie, you should watch, if you haven't) 

Of all of the religions in the world though, Christianity is not the one best known for the followers being extremely dedicated and devoted to their beliefs. We are seen pretty closed minded and unwilling to evolve from what we are told, but that isn't true in all cases.

If other religions/beliefs have a way of connecting to their god/self or whatever they are looking for, I don't think incorporating their practices to seek our God is wrong ;)

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