Truth Addict

Video games as a spiritual practice

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So if one is aware of their thoughts and the true self, can they use video games to train their focus? Since some video games require much concentration.

Thoughts on this?

Edited by Truth Addict

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"Play more Fortnite."

-- The Buddha

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theoretically, maybe

but you just want to play videogames without feeling bad about it

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5 hours ago, Outer said:

But there is the risk that you'll mindlessly just gain dopamine from any game. If you go into it consciously it can be different, as a form of practice.

You'll probably do this. I don't play a game for self-improvement but for fun. Doesn't mean you should stop playing games, as games can help release tension but don't use it for spiritual practice. There are better practices to do to become more conscious.

Sure the game makes you concentrate hard, but that doesn't mean shit. You can concentrate on an exam, driving, gym, reading, pretty much anything. Concentrate is in these terms are different to the concentration you're doing with spiritual practices. Spiritual practices include a variety of concentrations like no thinking, or letting go, or awareness, mindfulness. I don't see how you can get awareness of your thoughts in a game where you're being aware in the game rather than on yourself.

Hey I might be wrong... Explore for yourself but watch out for traps

You're not human, you're the universe

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

"Play more Fortnite." -- The Buddha

I never realised how much wisdom he had until now! ?

23 minutes ago, B_Naz said:


6 hours ago, Arman said:

theoretically, maybe

but you just want to play videogames without feeling bad about it

Hmm, meaning get your priorities right. Right?

6 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

It’s probably not bad in itself — but if it’s taking away from the time you could be spending on your life purpose, it’s just stunting you.  It’s like a time sink.  It’s like an automatic stunting mechanism built into your system.  You always gotta ask for everything you’re doing — how is this benefiting me in the long-term?

So you think we should be pragmatic about it? Isn't that egoic?

5 hours ago, egoless said:

@Joseph Maynor how is nonduality benefiting you in a long term? :) 

Freedom, happiness, etc.. I guess.

5 hours ago, Outer said:

I was playing some DayZ v 0.63 awhile ago. Which is a survival game. Where you can die from other players, zombies, thirst, hunger, etc, and lose your character permanently. After I had invested a long time (1 h+) running and surviving to a high reward/risk area my mind became increasingly more silent as I had to focus similarly to a Zen samurai. One mistake the samurai loses the duel. The samurai cannot be think about his next meal in the middle of a duel. I didn't willingly induce this state of little thought, or lazer focus. It just came on about, as a part of the game and a subconscious understanding of my playing.

If you want to see how the game looks like, and an other player encounter I'll refer to this. After about 7 minutes in from the timestamp the new guy betrays them and kills the player.

So games can definitely be used to be aware of no-thought or the mind, and explore it. But there is the risk that you'll mindlessly just gain dopamine from any game. If you go into it consciously it can be different, as a form of practice.

I'm aware that a professional gamer have had the experience sometimes of no longer playing a character in the video game, but that they actually are the character. That kind of focus where everything else drops away.



Sorry dude, I'm not sure you're serious or just making humor! Though I like the content. ?

26 minutes ago, B_Naz said:

You'll probably do this. I don't play a game for self-improvement but for fun. Doesn't mean you should stop playing games, as games can help release tension but don't use it for spiritual practice. There are better practices to do to become more conscious.

Sure the game makes you concentrate hard, but that doesn't mean shit. You can concentrate on an exam, driving, gym, reading, pretty much anything. Concentrate is in these terms are different to the concentration you're doing with spiritual practices. Spiritual practices include a variety of concentrations like no thinking, or letting go, or awareness, mindfulness. I don't see how you can get awareness of your thoughts in a game where you're being aware in the game rather than on yourself.

Hey I might be wrong... Explore for yourself but watch out for traps

Thanks for sharing ?

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Yes it will definately grow you:

I just can't believe that someone like Ninja is making millions per month just for playing fornite.

Basically all he has A) a personality (i dont even consider a good one) and B) He's good at a video game, this small 3D space thats very constraint.

The things people value today, jesus christ society, such a sheepherd. Just convince people to be interested in Turd and you'll make millions selling your turd.


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13 minutes ago, blazed said:

The things people value today, jesus christ society, such a sheepherd. Just convince people to be interested in Turd and you'll make millions selling your turd.


This is basically Went from casual gaming streams to drama and personalities. Very competitive and toxic area in my opinion and would avoid

Edited by B_Naz

You're not human, you're the universe

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24 minutes ago, blazed said:

Yes it will definately grow you:

I just can't believe that someone like Ninja is making millions per month just for playing fornite.

Basically all he has A) a personality (i dont even consider a good one) and B) He's good at a video game, this small 3D space thats very constraint.

The things people value today, jesus christ society, such a sheepherd. Just convince people to be interested in Turd and you'll make millions selling your turd.


It's obviously an illusion, even if all the people on earth fell for it, it's still an illusion. We're seeking Truth, which is the only valuable thing we could ever think of. It's even more valuable than survival. That's the mindset we're here to learn.

My question was just to get to know other perspectives on video games. So thank you.

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    "As above, so below; as below, so above."--The Kybalion.

You can definitely learn a lot about the universe from video games, or any game for that matter. It doesn't matter the medium, whether it be video games, martial arts, or crafts, there are certain laws that always apply.

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21 minutes ago, smurf88 said:

You can definitely learn a lot about the universe from video games, or any game for that matter. It doesn't matter the medium, whether it be video games, martial arts, or crafts, there are certain laws that always apply.

Good point. Thanks.

8 minutes ago, brovakhiin said:

No. Concentration on something so stimulating and high impact is completely useless. Nothing is being trained.

There's nothing stimulating in pixels on a screen. Your mind thinks it's stimulating. But it's a belief.

However, you can become mindful of how you get sucked into the illusion. I think this might be useful to practice.

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Lol, no worries dude. Just speculating.

I liked your previous profile picture btw, guy and two girls ??

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11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

-- The Buddha

You kid, but I do that. I mean focus while playing videogames.

I dont know how to have no thoughts besides focusing lol

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Focus on anything but thoughts, doesnt have to be videogamesxD

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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There is the story of a great Zen Master who, in a temple high in the mountains, meditated and played GTA V. The master, with a sage-like concentrated look upon his aged and bearded face, came across an in-game prostitute. The woman offered to suck dick for $10, but the master refused.

In the very instant the Zen master ran over the woman with his pimped as fuck rocket bike, he became enlightened. 




Nah In all seriousness if you want a spiritual practice, do a real spiritual practice lol. Video games are a waste of time on the whole. Do Meditation or Yoga. I'm intending to pick up the Kriya book soon and install a habit as I'm moving to a new city in July. 




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@-Rowan hahahahah this is best thing ive read all day

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@-Rowan @Rilles xD

I dont think videogames are a waste of time. Everything can be called a waste of time: books, school, jobs, etc. But they all have their benefits and cons.

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1 hour ago, Ether said:

@-Rowan @Rilles xD

I dont think videogames are a waste of time. Everything can be called a waste of time: books, school, jobs, etc. But they all have their benefits and cons.

If video games is your life goal, and a way of making money like a 9-5 job then its fine.

However if your life purpose and goals are "X" and you spend too much time playing videos games as an "escape" and it's screwing your life purpose over then no, video games is a terrible idea.

Just remember to enquire if you're being over protective of a bad hobby and justifying it by trying to label everything else as "pointless", you can't say "I shoot ppl and inject heroine bcuz everything else is pointless so why not?", that doesn't seem wise at all.

Spending a lot of time on videos games in the real world is like Playing fallout 4 just so you can play the pac man arcade game inside of it lol.

Edited by blazed

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On 6/7/2018 at 2:35 PM, Leo Gura said:

-- The Buddha

"Shoot them all down, bitch! Shoot em' like you never can before!"

-- Sadghuru

Edited by WaterfallMachine

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” 
― Socrates

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