
setting foot into the job market for the first time

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my situation is a complete mess so I figured id seek advice from some of the more experienced ppl in this forum. im 22 years old and I basically I still dont have a job, I graduated last year with a degree in business management and finances, so I spent the year working on new habits and studying lots of self dev theory while I knew all along that I should prioritize getting a job, i was succumbing to procrastination and comfort until it got too much for me so I decided to contemplate on whats keeping me stuck.

I discovered that Im a full blown perfectionist type of guy in a country full of incompetent people, the type that can't move forward unless there is a clear plan in his head that he can tackle full on, and that I actually get confidence from that, otherwise if I dont know what to do I tend to become paralyzed
from my contemplation my perfectionist self came up with a bunch of plans : 

1 .basically explore the different career options for people with my degree, choose one that I like, study its requirements and acquire the skills needed (that I can), and intern because I was stupid enough not to intern while I was still in college and so now I gotta sign back into college in some random field just so that I can intern because you basically cant unless you're a student. 
2. go for a master's degree while doing all of the above, which will probably give me better chances in the job market but also plenty 
of studying to even pass the entrance exam.

plan 1 would probably take a year to accomplish, plan 2 would take over two years , and all of this is just so that I can get my shit handled and start earning money while working on the side on my life purpose (that I still havent found out yet) which is my goal from all of this.
Or I could just go for some dead end job that probably doesnt pay much at all and just go directly for my life purpose which is what I really want from all of this BS, I just wanna finish the course, find out my life purpose and start working on it every single day nonstop, just the thought of working on something im passionate about and contributing to the world makes me aroused.

or maybe I just really suck at strategizing and im overthinking stuff, which is why Im interested to know what some of you wiser people in this forum have to say about all of this.

but im really feeling stuck and a lot of resistance, if I cant even get a 9 to 5 job how the hell am I supposed to achieve my dreams and ambitions ?

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9 hours ago, K VIL said:

maybe go straight to the chase.

meaning, follow passion :}

That's what my heart desires, but I also keep thinking "what if I dont get a career and it turns out that the deadend job that im doing isnt enough to support me and my life purpose? What if it's too late then cause shit im growing older and the gap of unemployment is too"

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@Pernani I'd say try to get a fairly decent job that pays well and is somewhat enjoyable. You don't want to be doing a dead-end job that you hate doing. Then work on your life purpose and other shit whilst doing that. Unless you're really really clear on your life purpose now then you can't just assume that you'll find your 'one true purpose' and then not have to get a normal job. You may never find a life purpose. It's totally possible to work a job, work towards a life purpose and do spiritual stuff. You just have to be effective and efficient with your time.

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1 hour ago, Space said:

@Pernani I'd say try to get a fairly decent job that pays well and is somewhat enjoyable. You don't want to be doing a dead-end job that you hate doing. Then work on your life purpose and other shit whilst doing that. Unless you're really really clear on your life purpose now then you can't just assume that you'll find your 'one true purpose' and then not have to get a normal job. You may never find a life purpose. It's totally possible to work a job, work towards a life purpose and do spiritual stuff. You just have to be effective and efficient with your time.

I could imagine there are jobs with various degress of how much they suck their soul, it would be easier to work on my life purpose with a somewhat interesting job that would pay well. If that's the case maybe the extra two years to get a master's degree and that whole detour would be worth it.

Did you manage fit all three things in your schedule ? Job, LP and spirituality


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6 hours ago, K VIL said:

@PernaniOf course. that's the risk !

take it or leave it :P lifes about tradeoffs .. are you all-in?

when your life is on the line ? ;) 

I do realize it's risky but the risk can still be minimised, but of course that's also a tradeoff, trading time for a greater chance of success.

i should also add that I live in a third world country, a dead end job would probably pay something from 400 to 500 dollars a month

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@Pernani Zoom in and zoom out. Your long term vision is a great tool but if it’s an overcast on enjoying where you’re at now and what you’re doing now, then the act of planning itself is over-efforted, the fun is sucked out. That level of vision in a disciplined life, harnessed, is powerful stuff. Keep light & fun, let thoughts pass, then the best ideas come.

Since the local income is low, online income might be more bang for your time, allowing more time for everything else too. Maybe one of these spark an idea...

No matter what you do you can’t get it wrong, and you never have. It’s all learning and practicing for the sake of being present and enjoying it.  You could sell t shirts online, or work freelance, etc, and later your LP is solidified and you change directions, and now have marketing skills, more experience with people and other companies, confidence, bigger world view, etc, to apply to your LP. 



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22 hours ago, Nahm said:

@Pernani Zoom in and zoom out. Your long term vision is a great tool but if it’s an overcast on enjoying where you’re at now and what you’re doing now, then the act of planning itself is over-efforted, the fun is sucked out. That level of vision in a disciplined life, harnessed, is powerful stuff. Keep light & fun, let thoughts pass, then the best ideas come.

Since the local income is low, online income might be more bang for your time, allowing more time for everything else too. Maybe one of these spark an idea...

No matter what you do you can’t get it wrong, and you never have. It’s all learning and practicing for the sake of being present and enjoying it.  You could sell t shirts online, or work freelance, etc, and later your LP is solidified and you change directions, and now have marketing skills, more experience with people and other companies, confidence, bigger world view, etc, to apply to your LP. 

Thank you Nahm! Great contribution as always :)

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