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The Don

Leo, what do you think of my experience?

1 post in this topic


I've been meditating for three months now. Every single day. Just in the last month alone I've noticed huge growth.

I don't have so many negative thoughts, not anymore  and I'm MORE aware of things around me. I feel like I'm starting to understand what is consciousness.

That's great because at first I thought I'll never get better and better at meditation. I sleep better and I have more mental clarity. And many other positive benefits.

But when I sleep, I have bad dreams that I remember when I'm waking up in the morning. Before my meditation habit I couldn't remember my dreams.

Almost every time my dreams are bad. Ugly experiences. What does that mean?

I'm telling you this because I bought a Magic Mushrooms kit and I want a Psychedelic experience BUT I don't want to have a negative one.

And I'm thinking about my bad dreams as a reflection of my subconscious mind. Will that mean I'll have a negative experience while trying Magic Mushrooms?

Thank you.

Me on the road less traveled.

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