
Am I alone? Enlightenment experience led to Solipsism, and it made me Depressed

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@Betterself This is what happens when you try to imagine yourself as a God. It's your choice if you want to go in a deception. The reality is that you exist as you are. You have free will and free choice given by the God. Therefore you are not God. God is within you and everywhere but you are not!

Just ask yourself the question if you were inseparable from the God who is everywhere and substance of everything then why aren't you everywhere as well? No matter how hard you try and even these so called Enlightened nondualists can't escape their body. Don't make blind leaps just use your critical thinking. They try to kill your critical thinking ability so then it becomes easier to hypnotize yourself with all those nondual delusions.

Edited by egoless

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@Etagnwo You can not tell me anything new about nonduality and Solipsism. People don't understand here that I was very hardcore in these practices before I was saved by the personal God. My eyes were open how delusional all this nondual path is. It is circular deception. The more you practice it the more "True" it seems to you. And in the end you reach the point where you become a zombie without a choice and willpower. Whole your worldview is based on the fact that everything is one and noone exists therefore you have no willpower and choice. This is literally the path of death of the soul. You are destroying the soul and surrendering yourself to devil's deceptions. 

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7 minutes ago, Etagnwo said:


I'm just saying that by the way you talk about it, you never understood it in the first place.  

That's all 

But proceed. I will wake myself up from another dream. You can continue with whatever you are doing

I reached the very deep states of so called "Nonduality" and collapsing of separate self. But I am telling you,,, My eyes were open that these were delusions. Now it's up to you how you process this information. I am trying to wake you up. The choice is yours! 

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8 minutes ago, Etagnwo said:

Do you really think you're going to convert everyone here to Christianity ?

I'm not being cruel, but have you really thought about what you're doing? 

Nobody here had even realised the self yet! Lol

I am not trying to convert anyone to anything. This is not my purpose in life. But what my purpose is to help people who are struggling and looking for answers. Those who ask me I am trying to help with my current understanding. 

Edited by egoless

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You are not alone believe me, why should it only be you? We are all experiencing the same reality, it is One. It cannot be otherwise, Solipism is the greatest delusion that exists.

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2 minutes ago, Highest said:

You are not alone believe me, why should it only be you? We are all experiencing the same reality, it is One. It cannot be otherwise, Solipism is the greatest delusion that exists.

Solipsism is the fruit of delusional tree - the nonduality hypnosis. 

Edited by egoless

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4 minutes ago, Etagnwo said:

Proceed. I just know that you don't understand what Non dual means. The way you use language means you haven't glimpsed. From what I've seen of the dmt videos they are not understanding what non duality is either. There is no ego death involved, it's just a very natural shift to seeing things another way. 

Dude, be more humble and stop judging people when you clearly don't know their experience. There is no way you know what I have seen and what I understand. You have no idea how deep I was in the rabbit hole. You just popped in this forum and I have been practicing nonduality for years. 


Edited by egoless

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3 minutes ago, egoless said:

Solipsism is the product of delusional tree - the nonduality hypnosis. 

Non-duality is simply the truth. Solipisism is a a pure delusion. The One is apparantly in many, but it just One awarness/existence. It's a Paradox. Solipsism fails logically, and with just some obersvation it is clear that it's a delusion.

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1 minute ago, Etagnwo said:

Trust me

You haven't been practicing non duality.

You don't know what it is. 

You THINK you know, but you clearly don't

I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just trying to help people who want to be helped and you're language and interpretations are getting in their way. 

No you  Trust me. You have no idea where I was and how much I know about consciousness, the self and nonduality. And I don't mean intellectual knowledge. I have to speak on your language so you can understand me, 

Solipsism is often the product of nondual practices and psychedelics and may be destructive to ones psychology. This is why some nondual teachings and psychadelics are dangerous for some people and shouldn't be practiced.

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2 hours ago, egoless said:

if you were inseparable from the God who is everywhere and substance of everything then why aren't you everywhere as well? No matter how hard you try and even these so called Enlightened nondualists can't escape their body

Take it for what it's worth, but my awakening was beyond the body. It can, and does happen.

So, for around 5 hours,I was everywhere and nowhere, everything and nothing, boundless beyond the body. It was sudden and unexpected and I was in shock for what seemed like just a couple of minutes, before realizing what was happening. There was no sense of time, so that's just a guess. When I finally regained the body, around 5 hours had passed.
Just to be clear, I want to add that I was fully awake, sober and active. Not meditating in samadhi, sleeping/dreaming, tripping or hallucinating. And I've never done psychedelics. 

So yeah,I was "God" for 5 hours. A life changing event and what I would certainly call a rebirth.
My critical thinking ability is just fine and still intact.

Edited by who chit

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2 minutes ago, who chit said:

Take it for what it's worth, but my awakening was beyond the body. It can, and does happen.

So, for around 5 hours,I was everywhere and nowhere, everything and nothing, boundless beyond the body. It was sudden and unexpected and I was in shock for what seemed like just a couple of minutes, before realizing what was happening. There was no sense of time, so that's just a guess. When I finally regained the body, around 5 hours had passed.
Just to be clear, I want to add that I was fully awake, sober and active. Not meditating in samadhi, sleeping/dreaming, tripping or hallucinating. And I've never done psychedelics. 

So yeah,I was "God" for 5 hours. A life changing event and what I would certainly call a rebirth.
My critical thinking ability is just fine and still intact.

I have also had these "samadhi" experiences. But if you do solid research you will understand how the brain works in these cases. Your prefrontal cortex becomes numbed with the lack of blood flow because of excess meditation which is the form of self hypnosis. This part of the brain is responsible for perception of the time and space as well as will power and sense of self. Again guys you are trying to show me something "new"... I have been there, I have been deluded as you are. 

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1 minute ago, Etagnwo said:

I think really what is happening here is you are attached to your drug experiences and think that you know what I'm saying. I can see clearly that your experiences were not self realisation. It's that simple. You believe in something that was a personal experience. But it wasn't enlightenment. Trust me

Ok I don't see any more sense to continue our conversation. If you need any help to get out of the nonduality hypnosis IF you ever realize that just contact me and I will try to help. Good luck! :) 

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@Betterself You are not alone! We all exist! And God exists too! God is always with you and he will help whenever you ask him sincerely for help. Do prayer, go to your loved ones and hug them! They exist! you exist and we all do! You are not alone my friend! I am with you! 

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4 minutes ago, Etagnwo said:

So many dickheads, so little time !

You are impolite and acting like a little kid. Calling out names on the internet is always easy. Be more careful in real life! It's better to learn some manners instead of chasing nonduality which clearly is not helping  you to appreciate and respect other people.

Edited by egoless

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3 minutes ago, egoless said:

I have also had these "samadhi" experiences

As I stated, I was not meditating in samadhi. I know very well what samahdi is.

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1 minute ago, who chit said:

As I stated, I was not meditating in samadhi. I know very well what samahdi is.

Me neither when I had it. But the thing is through the meditation practices - self hypnosis you are imprinting this worldview slowly but surely and then "it" kicks in.

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True Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it is the Ocean.

Its pure freedom, pure love, joy, bliss and understanding for years and years to come. Most of these experiences/glimpses people post about on the forums or talk about on youtube videos i believe are not "True Enlightenment" but simply (glimpses of Enlightenment) or (waves of Enlightenment) because in true/absolute enlightenment you would simply "innerstand" wholeness, completeness thus cannot be an expression by any other than universal love and clarity/purest state of being because by default you now know your true absolute nature and it is universally pointless/meaningless and in that beingness not possible to be anything else. (Sorry if this makes no sense, its quite hard to explain with words or expressions) its just a knowing from within, an Innerstanding that is absolutely direct and pure.

I believe we have these "glimpses" or "awakenings" to teach us and show us of our true nature and how to live/apply to finally become true/absolute/pure and when we don't apply or live as we now know, we suffer.

Which is why i like to use the word Awakenings for glimpses/trips ect... instead and not interchangeably with Enlightenment.


Edited by pluto


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@pluto +1

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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