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Blockchain technology and consciousness!

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Very interesting article about blockchain technology and consciousness.

Some quotes...


To start, let’s look at how the blockchain has attributes similar to consciousness. The main attribute of the blockchain in my mind is that it is distributed. Consciousness whether we are talking about human consciousness, animal consciousness, extra-terrestrial consciousness or Universal Consciousness is distributed as well. Each human within the human consciousness “network” is a distinct node in that overall network and can act individually, in concert with other human groups and has autonomous functions (e.g. each consciousness node is in the ON position as long as that collective consciousness continues to exist) that it shares in common with all of humanity.



The blockchain reflects this metaphysical reality and reinforces it here in our 3 dimensional world. If a node in the blockchain is running malware (false narrative) from a centralized organization attempting to profit (scam) in some way from the blockchain community, then individual nodes will fail to validate the transaction(s) and eventually the node will be excluded from the blockchain. Only those nodes that are in harmony, with the blockchain paradigm, will thrive in this environment. In the same way, individual human consciousness will only advance spiritually and develop additional spiritual attributes (e.g. permeability or clairvoyance) if it aligns with the precepts of spiritual science, focuses its energy in that direction and cooperates with other spiritual beings / consciousness nodes. The blockchain therefore acts not only as a guide for individual human interaction but as a way to weaken the consciousness dampening mechanisms (e.g. false history / narratives, corporate work structures, monopolistic information control, etc.) that centralized organizations have put in place to make it easier for them to harvest our energy.


Here are some comments on the article. 


Yes very good article post, clear and concise ... The Blockchain is the perfect example of how the masters from ancient lost civilizations correlate to Individual Independent Nodes on the BC...checking, recheck and back checking information verifiable as truthful objective empirical facts for all to see and be part of. How logical that this new verification system has come about now at the dawn of the "Information Age". Advancing our knowledge and preserving our seed for the next wave of evolving human beings to form the next civilization on the pillars of TRuTH. If we can do this to become free from false centralized TOP DOWN manipulated data...we can then take the fist step toward the liberation of all mankind. As we will have to ability to known (Gnosis) from Good and Bad, Truth from Falsehood with surety; where we have come from, in the past and where we are going to, in the future using decentralize division of energy, force and labor for actual value creation of products/services for the general benefit of Mankind. Blockchain is the next rung on the ladder of knowledge that makes honesty the valor of Truth. The Akashic records are now materializing their wisdom of the ages for our practical use. What a blessing indeed to share and behold.



Thanks acthzhen. I like your statement that "Blockchain is the next rung on the ladder of knowledge that makes honesty the valor of Truth." I made a conscious decision a number of years back to live my life (in all aspects) from a center of honor and integrity. This action eventually caused a multi-national corporation to get indigestion and vomit me out (I was fired LOL). Now I am helping to bring about the distributed future that the blockchain is hastening.


Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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