
fat loss..?

14 posts in this topic


I am currently working on loosing weight.
Since I am not sure, I would like to ask the following:
Would it be okay for me to drink one cup of coffee per day?
Can I cook my chicken or filet mignon with olive oil?
Can I drink Club Soda?
What would you eat with chicken or filet mignon while on a fat loos program?

Please help. 

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. 

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3 hours ago, johntimber said:

Would it be okay for me to drink one cup of coffee per day?

sure, there are some downsides to coffee but as long as you are overall healthy , should be fine. 

3 hours ago, johntimber said:

Can I cook my chicken or filet mignon with olive oil?

Any fat heated on a high heat turns into a cocktail of free radicals and carcinogens. If you boil the chicken it will be much better for your weight loss attempt although chicken is hardly a healthy food. 

3 hours ago, johntimber said:

Can I drink Club Soda?

why not just stick to basics , to water? : ) 


Generally, you should stay away from sources of refined sugar, sweet drinks, foods processed on very high heat with a lot of salt and preservatives / sweeteners.  Gettin as close to whole food plant based diet as possible will be your one way ticket to ideal weight and health. Maximise your consumption of fruits and vegetables in their raw form. 

Just a word of advice, might not be the best forum to search for good nutritional advice as they will mostly promote high protein, high animal consumption which taxes every organ in your body and ruins your health in long term. 


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I would recommend drinking no coffe.

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Imo, from experience and unreasonable amounts of research, the most effortless way to lose body fat is to go on a "ketogenic diet". Eat high fat, moderate protein, and very low carb. This mimics a lot of the effects of fasting... forcing your body to dip into its fat stores and use them for energy. Kills tf out of your appetite and also cleans tf out of your body. Plus you get to enjoy some euphoria and boundless energy.

Combine this with a sensibly healthy overall lifestyle (stay active, relax and manage stress, get nature, get good sleep) and fat loss becomes reasonably effortless.

Check out for more info.

For optimal body composition, include some "carb up" days, where you deplete your glycogen stores through exercise then eat high carb, moderate/high protein, and low fat. Will get your muscles popping ;).... Totally optional and not necessary for fat loss.

Good luck with whatever approach you take.

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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Some good information posted here



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Go Testosterone diet: 

Natural Butter

Macadamia Nuts

Brazilian Nuts

Pinecone Nuts

Bee Polen

Chlorella & Spirulina

Raw Eggs


...and many many more options.


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On 6/6/2018 at 3:34 PM, InfinitePotential said:

Imo, from experience and unreasonable amounts of research, the most effortless way to lose body fat is to go on a "ketogenic diet". Eat high fat, moderate protein, and very low carb. This mimics a lot of the effects of fasting... forcing your body to dip into its fat stores and use them for energy. Kills tf out of your appetite and also cleans tf out of your body. Plus you get to enjoy some euphoria and boundless energy.

Combine this with a sensibly healthy overall lifestyle (stay active, relax and manage stress, get nature, get good sleep) and fat loss becomes reasonably effortless.

Check out for more info.

For optimal body composition, include some "carb up" days, where you deplete your glycogen stores through exercise then eat high carb, moderate/high protein, and low fat. Will get your muscles popping ;).... Totally optional and not necessary for fat loss.

Good luck with whatever approach you take.

I've been on keto for 4 months now. Went from pressing the snooze button for an hour and dragging myself out of bed every morning at 830. To waking up without an alarm clock at 6 am every day. Feel great. Lose weight reasonably fast. And has completely changed my mindset on food and health. Stay under 20 net carbs a day (carbs - fiber). Also helps a lot with hunger. Starting out it's easiest to just worry about carbs. Once in ketosis concentrate on your protein and fat intake. (Also Google fat bombs). And other macros like calories etc. 

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Coconut oil is better for frying right? 

Cold showers is the shit for losing weight,  preferably in the morning.  Club soda is fine isn’t if just water and salts or whatever? Avoiding all sugars that’s the basics of losing weight. 

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eat more vegetables, 2-3 times gym a week, less sugar

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Focus on long term strategies instead of short term solutions. They mostly backfire and are very difficult to stick with.

A keto diet can work for some people and the idea behind is great (ketogenic state makes you more calm and less impulsive).

The problem is you have to limit yourself like crazy which is mostly not a good advice. There are also a lot of healthy foods that contains carbohydrates. If you do intermittent fasting you will enter the keto state after a while everyday which is great. 

If there is one thing you should start with then it is dropping soda. Any kind of soda is not really nutrition for a human being. They contain crazy amounts of sugar (makes your cells  imune to renewal, spikes your insuline to get more impulsive and you get very soon hungry again) or other chemical sweeteners which are horrible for our digestion and kidney.

By far the best thing is to drink non-carbonated water. If you eat more and more vegetables and fruits you anyway will not need much to drink.

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On 6/6/2018 at 1:54 AM, johntimber said:

Would it be okay for me to drink one cup of coffee per day? Yeah. Unless you need it, which points to probably needing more sleep, or a more aligned sleep schedule, or too much sluggish weight on the body. Avoid future ups & downs by getting to the root. 
Can I cook my chicken or filet mignon with olive oil? Yeah. Try coconut oil. 
Can I drink Club Soda? Boo. Carbonation has ill effects on the body. 
What would you eat with chicken or filet mignon while on a fat loos program? Vegetables.   Stay away from bread, sugar and fat loss programs. Change your lifestyle, not your diet. It takes the yo yo-ing out. Put ‘how I feel’ above ‘how this tastes’. Think about nutritional value vs. weight loss. (Also, there’s plenty of great tasting foods which are aligned with the body’s physiology.)  Also, fruit is the a super food for the brain. 





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Go full fat, quality fat foods. Organic butter, macadamia & brazilian nuts, raw eggs, fruits & vegetables, algae. (all this is to raise testosterone which will burn fat faster than exercise).

Now the important part is to redirect the energy from the sacral into root. (this will burn the most of fat, one can eat whatever, without the preoccupation of fat increase in the body)

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Here are some tips which can help to reduce fat easily.

  • Eat Plenty of Soluble Fiber. 
  • Avoid Foods That Contain Trans Fats.
  • Don't Drink Too Much Alcohol. 
  • Eat a High-Protein Diet.
  • Reduce Your Stress Levels.
  • Don't Eat a Lot of Sugary Foods. 
  • Do Aerobic Exercise (Cardio).
  • Cut Back on Carbs, Especially Refined Carbs.

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This helped me to loose 25lbs and keep it off, for the last 2 years. Maybe it will help you as well:

Don't eat at night. Eat dinner early, and don't eat anything after dinner until breakfast the next day. Get used to this daily fast. It's really good to give your digestive system a break, you don't need calories at night.

If you feel a bit hungry at night, just remember that's how it should feel, you're giving your gut a break. Don't need to get too complex about your diet, just eat healthy whole foods.


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