Sahil Pandit

I found my LP at 14.

4 posts in this topic

I am 20 now, but here's what happened:

5 years ago, I was thinking about why i exist and what the heck is going on here on this planet...

I was sitting in my room and my mind chatter was going wild. It wasn't negative, but it was in a rush for some reason. I questioned to myself, "What is it? What should i do?" I demanded an answer.

Back then, i relied almost completely on intuition, i heavily identified with it and i trusted my gut a lot more back then than logic or any type of reasoning for that matter, and it brought me a good amount of success surprisingly.

As i was sitting there with what i thought was monkey mind, i was struck with a clear definite answer that threw me onto the floor in tears.

I was shocked, the answer screamed at me.

My Life Purpose was to make my passion a full time business that could support my dream. Since then, i have been working on it and making small pivots to make it a reality.

BUT, now i am at a crucial part, where i must commit my full being to what matters most to me. My LP and consciousness work.

Any input would be appreciated (I think that ill post in a Self Actualized Journal from here...) 

Thanks you guys!



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That's fantastic! You've got the whole life to pursue your life purpose at such a young age. Most people aren't realizing theirs at all!

I am 21 and still struggling to find mine.

Mind sharing what is your passion and dream you want to support? :)

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@Vadim26 @K VIL Yesterday was Global Running Day so i took the initiative to start a podcast called the Mental Mileage Podcast.

I have all the equipment i need to start it, i just needed a reason, a why. I couldn't have thought of a better reason to start!

Also, i put a deadline on myself to get it up and running so i stay committed to it. I have until Mid July to set up everything!

Thanks guys :) 

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