Eckhart Tolle

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Can you sum up Eckhart Tolle's teachings? (I don't exactly know whether teaching is a right word or not)

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He sums it all up in this interview (if you have time and interest to listen :)



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Well, Tolle speaks from a state of wisdom, that is paradoxical an ever-changing. So, it would be difficult to pin down, because he speaks from experience. But if I were to try, he talks about being in the present moment and that the only moment is now. I would say that this is the core of his personal philosophy regarding his enlightenment. He mentioned in an interview that he'd been struggling with depression and that he reached enlightenment by thinking the thought "I can't live with myself any longer." Then he thought 'Who is the I and who is the myself?' When he woke up, he had reached enlightenment.  

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@Murtaza I've read The Power Of Now and have watched about a hundred of his videos. And as of 2016, Leo seems to have covered pretty much the essential of Tolle's teachings. 

They both describe what the false and true self look like, in similar but nuanced ways.

They both prescribe a similar method of investigation to find the true self. And they both encourage meditation.

They both present the consequences of low consciousness on society and human happiness.

Why do I talk about Leo ? It's because every speaker looks chaotic and unclear compared to Leo. So I suggest you watch some of Leo's videos. And then you won't get too confused by Tolle's enigmatic vocabulary. 

First of all, watch Leo's videos on enlightenment. Then watch the one on mindfulness meditation. Then the one about the enlightened self.

After all the concepts are in order inside your head, then go ahead and listen to Tolle's teaching for hours. You'll see. Even if you're not too focused on what he says, he'll be able to bring you closer to the present moment. I think it has to do with his voice or something. He's just awesome :D

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just look one of his videos and you will understand that if you sum up, you lose a lot, more important as what he says, is how he says it.

His whole body seems to be in perfect harmony with his soul and his mind and it calms, inspires and teaches at the same time 9_9

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@Philip Eckhart Tolle's teachings were probably among the sources Leo drew from for his enlightenment videos.

And I agree that just listening to him can help bring you into the present moment.

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On 13.3.2016 at 6:43 AM, Murtaza said:

Can you sum up Eckhart Tolle's teachings? (I don't exactly know whether teaching is a right word or not)

Some people are already doing this on YouTube .... ;)



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@7:36 he summarises precisely entire essence of it

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On March 13, 2016 at 0:09 AM, Natasha said:

He sums it all up in this interview (if you have time and interest to listen :)



@Natasha great video ! thanks for sharing ..

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