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my nutrition track

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Hello everyone,

I am 35 and my BMI is 26.5, due to this I am overweight. It should be 24 something. It means I need to lose approximately 20 pounds. I work in an office (sedentary lifestyle), but I go to the gym 2-3 times a week. 

I have tracked my nutrition for 21 days. According to that, the main problem is size of my portions and carbohydrates consumption (bread, pizza etc) . I don't eat junk foods. I used to eat much meat, but reduced it and increased vegetables, My fruit consumption is okay. I don't crave for sweets, never. I also record my stress level, and there is some correlation between eating and stress. 

My meals are based on bread and I eat too much.  I am looking for a sustainable solution. I need a good nutrition habit (as Leo adviced). But I feel hungry, I need calories :) 

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I would recommend the above diet. Replace pizza and bread (these are junk foods) with potatoes and rice. 

Get calories by eating as much fat as you'd like. Cooking fats, butter, fatty cuts of meat, nuts and chocolate, etc.

Try to be more active. Exercise 2-3x per week unfortunately doesn't make up for an overall sedentary lifestyle. Something like below is ideal (I would replace "sprint" with with any sort of maximum effort physical activity... including sprints)



PHD_Apple_plate-cropped-845x1024 (1).png

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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(bread, pizza etc) This is junk food in a healthy lifestyle :P but in all honesty if you want to lose 20lbs, ditch gluten, pasta, breads, pizzas or at least use gluten-free flours like buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth, corn, tapioca ect.. Focus more on fruits, vegetables and protein as your primary source of calories and focus around 1500 - 1800 calories per day of nutrient rich food. The healthiest people in the world consume roughly this much no more.

Less meals a day the better as the longer you fast the faster you burn and more efficient your body becomes but snacking on Fruit is fine as its the only known food to stimulate lymphatic system which detoxes the body. Some Nuts & Seeds can help you feel full longer which i usually have after my main meals ect. Bread, Dairy and processed foods i believe especially if the dairy is not Raw or Fermented are worse than meat In my opinion when it comes to losing weight.

Especially white bread/white flour are the worst food for the human body, if you don't think you have a gluten problem you can try 100% wholegrain spelt bread in the future but if you want to lose weight fast, fruits & vegetables are your best bet which have lots of water and abundance of vitamins/minerals to detox and kick the body into a fat burning machine.

Because think about it, how is bread made, its a sticky glue-like substance and after you eat it, it becomes similar in the body. Fruit and vegetables are in and out of the body very quickly, giving you the nutrition but eliminating the mass where other heavier foods take a lot of time to digest/absorb and use as the body struggles with them and less nutrition is absorbed and more mass is maintained within the body.

Weight problems are usually 80% diet 20% lack of exercise. Hope this helps


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Many thanks for the replies, I learned a lot from your messages. I hope I will be able to stick to them and break those bad habits. I would like to train myself to eat healthier.

Edited by alea

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